Update, september 28, 2023

the FSB network from Moldova and Romania invents all kinds of lies about me: that I am gay, that I am a terrorist, that I am a spy, that I have children from Polish women, from Moldovan women, that I want to marry a Moldovan woman, that the Moldovan woman is pregnant and then when everyone finds out the truth they invent another lie that the Moldovan woman had an abortion, etc.
why are they making up all these lies?
The answer is very simple: the purpose of the FSB network is to distract attention from the fact that they are Russian spies! that they are paid by the Russians through all kinds of intermediaries!
why do those who claim to be pro-European criticize me in a way that pro-Russian politicians are not attacked in the same way? because those who declare themselves pro-European were members of the communist party, they worked for the GRU and the KGB/FSB and they practically control the financial banking system, politics, the media, the judicial system and obviously the branch of the FSB in Moldova which is also called and the Intelligence and Security Service!
what bothers the most about the fsb network in Moldova is that they cannot control me and that thanks to the books published by me and the posts on my blog and social networks, the whole FSB network in Moldova and Romania and also the Poles and the Americans who took bribes from the Russians and which were promoted with the help of Russian disinformation on Americans and Poles!
The Americans are afraid that I will pass the polygraph test, just like the Poles, the Germans and the Romanians, but they continue to do everything possible to destroy me morally and financially!
do you know why the Russians and the entire FSB network in Moldova and Romania are afraid of me?
They fears prison!
they have nothing to blackmail me with, they have no evidence to put me in prison and that’s why they’re afraid!
they are afraid because I am a very good analyst!
the FSB network in Moldova and Romania and Poland, and the US will continue to follow me in Bulgaria too! especially the Moldovans and Romanians because otherwise everyone will see how stupid they are!
for Americans: I am ready to pass the polygraph test in front of all ambassadors and military attachés! either make me pass the polygraph test or go for a walk with your entire fsb network in Moldova! I reserve the right to self-defense and I will defend myself if attacked by one of you! what bas….ds you are! you took a bribe from fsb and want to escape from prison!
Update 27 september 2023
nothing has changed in the last 24 or 48 hours! what I have written in the last 35 days is valid and will be valid forever!
the people who recruited most of my friends and some of my family and colleagues from the university, including schoolmates who I finished 12 classes – recruited them with only one purpose – to destroy me morally, physically! I have no friends in the Republic of Moldova and Romania and I have not called anyone in Bulgaria! all the people from Moldova or Romania who will follow me in Bulgaria (all without exception, no matter if it is a sister, relative or friend, colleague), must be arrested for espionage in favor of the Russians! their goal is – m destroy me and therefore not graduate from the master’s program through the challenges they organize! why would they pursue a student?
1 – because they are paid by the Russians to destroy me(in addition to Moldovans and Romanians, Poles, Americans and Canadians also took bribes!
2- without me they will not be able to earn money and be promoted in their career!
no matter what pretext they will invent, everyone who will follow me or record me or film me or speak on my behalf – must be arrested for spying for the Russians!
Plop Andrei
the last day for the FSB network from Moldova and Romania to arrest me!
update, September 27, 2023
when I write that no one (everyone without any exception) and never had the right to film or record me, or speak on my behalf or sign on my behalf – that means I have never been paid for such activities and when I say never that means I have never received money from anyone, neither through my mother nor through other people or through bank accounts! I repeat once more – I was never paid by the people who filmed or recorded me, and also I did not volunteer and all those people who filmed and recorded me – are people who work for the intelligence services from the moment they agreed to record and film me and also follow me when I am abroad or especially when I was an asylum seeker in Poland or Bulgaria!
I don’t know what the situation is now, but in Poland in the first 6 months after submitting the asylum application you have no right to work and receive social assistance – it was forbidden according to the law! therefore those who (all without exception) filmed and recorded me in Poland and earned money from this activity should be Arrested for espionage and acts of corruption!
I also declared then that no one has the right to film and record me, but the FSB network from Moldova and Romania (all the Romanians and Moldovans who followed me in Poland are part of the FSB network, and those Poles who collaborated with these Moldovans and Romanians are part of the FSB network in Poland) they recorded and filmed me because the FSB network in Poland allowed them!
In Canada I was arrested because of the criminal file opened by the communists for 10 days and then I was under judicial control also because of the same file opened by the communists because I participated in the anti-communist protest in April 2009 and for three years I have not worked in Canada and was receiving Welfare! also all the activity of the FSB network in Moldova and Romania who followed me and filmed and recorded me without my consent were paid and allowed to record and film me by the Canadian authorities who were bribed by the FSB network from Moldova and Romania even though I warned the Canadian authorities and the Canadian prosecutor’s office that no one has the right to film or record me and that I did not call anyone to Canada!
the FSB network from Moldova and Romania achieved these successes because they were allowed to and because of the FSB network from Poland, Romania and the USA!
from the moment you ask for political asylum, any collaboration with the state where you come from is prohibited! why did the Poles and Canadians allow me to be filmed and recorded by the FSB network in Moldova and Romania?
I have been wearing clothing with inscriptions on my sites since 2017 and since then I have been writing and speaking that no one (everyone without exception) had the right to film or record me or follow me or speak on my behalf or to sign on my behalf. I did not call anyone in Georgia, Poland and Canada, and all without exception who followed me in these countries are part of the FSB network! I didn’t call anyone to Bulgaria (all of them without any exception, even if it’s my mother, or sister or friend – they should be arrested for espionage in favor of the Russians) those who will follow me in Bulgaria (even if some will arrive before mea) should be arrested for spying for the Russians!
I have not worked nor do I work for any intelligence service and I am ready to take the polygraph test in front of all NATO ambassadors and military attachés! also on September 28th I’m going to Paris and I’m ready to pass the polygraph test and on September 29th I’m going to Bulgaria and I’m also ready to pass the polygraph test!
I am ready to pass the polygraph test: that I have never worked and am not working for any intelligence service! that no one has the right or had the right to record me or film me or sign on my behalf and I have never ever earned money from such activities! I am also ready to pass the polygraph test because I am not a volunteer! that I’m not gay! that I am not a terrorist! that I didn’t have and I don’t have an apartment or a car! that I have never had sexual relations with a Polish woman! that I don’t have children! that I am not a member of Freemasonry! that I am not a volunteer! also I have not invited anyone to Bulgaria and any person who will follow me in Bulgaria from Moldova or Romania or who also have the citizenship of other countries means that they are part of the FSB network!
Only one day left to arrest me!
September 26, 2023!
even if my plane ticket is September 28, which I bought about three months ago, the chances that they will arrest me on the last day, which will be Wednesday, are 50%, because if they arrest me tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, it will be clear to everyone international communities that the FSB network in Moldova is doing everything possible for me not to go to study in Bulgaria at a French-speaking university where I will study the second master’s degree in management!
from 2021 until now I have not been arrested, and also this year I was away in France, UK, Greece and Israel therefore I was not put under general investigation or that I would have committed any crime!
if they arrest me in these last two days, it would mean only one thing: that the FSB network is doing everything possible for me to be destroyed morally, financially and physically!
if you had a criminal record, you should have opened it a long time ago and two years were enough!
I understand that for 11 years I was not in the Republic of Moldova and I requested political asylum in 5 countries and because of this it is more difficult to fabricate a criminal case against me! I don’t smoke, I don’t drink alcohol, I don’t smoke weed and I haven’t been to clubs/discos since I’m in Moldova! to fabricate a criminal case you need evidence and if you don’t have evidence you have to falsify it and you have to falsify it in such a way that the world believes you!
I haven’t met any Moldovans in these two years!
a fabricated criminal case can only come from abroad and only from those countries where I have been!
as I wrote before: if the FSB network in Moldova and Romania will not be able to arrest me, then they will do everything possible to follow me in Bulgaria! I repeat again and I will repeat every time as needed! I didn’t invite anyone to Bulgaria, no one has the right or had the right to follow me, record me, or film me!
no one has the right or had the right to speak on my behalf or sign on my behalf! when I say no one, that means no one (everyone without any exception – even if it is a relative or sister or mother or friends or colleagues or any other person – everyone who will follow me must be arrested for spying for the Russians – all without any an exception!
as there are only two days left, the main mission of the FSB network in Moldova is to prove that I am a Russian or Turkish spy and at the same time do everything possible so that I do not pass the polygraph test in front of all NATO ambassadors and military attachés! they fear prison ( fsb networks in Poland and USA) and obviously those who took bribes!
Plop Andrei
only 2 days left for the FSB network from Moldova and Romania to arrest me!
September 25, 2023,
as long as I am not a member of any NGO or Freemasonry, as long as I have not worked and do not work for any intelligence service, also that no one has or had the right to film me, record, or speak or sign on my behalf (all without exception) this means that no one had the right to order me to do or not do things that I don’t like or don’t want to do! if you are a member of any NGO from another country or even from Moldova and Romania and some activists or former friends or even relatives, family members told you that they have my agreement or that I will fulfill exactly the agreements you had you without me being present at the meeting and you didn’t even call me or ask me to know that you too are or are part of the FSB network! as long as I write daily that no one had or has the right to speak on my behalf or sign on my behalf and that no one has or had the right to record or film me and you did not as much as possible to talk to me directly via video conference or face to face, that means you too are part of the network of FSB or GRU or the foreign intelligence service of the Russian Federation! I explain once more: if you agree with those whom I accuse of spying for Russia, and even if you know that these activities are illegal because I write almost daily and have written in my two books, it means that you you are part of the FSB network! for example: if the Ukrainian authorities agree with those whom I accuse of espionage in favor of Russia (even if they are members of the Romanian or Moldovan authorities) that I will go to war in Ukraine to fight the Russians, without ask me, and although I wrote daily that no one had and does not have the right to speak on my behalf or sign on my behalf or record me or film me this means that you are also part of the FSB network and that together with the Poles and Americans you want to do Nazi experiments that began in the refugee camp in Poland in 2017! any person who says that I would have signed a contract i was drunk- know that this person is lying and that this person is part of the FSB network! also, I have never had sexual relations with a Polish woman, nor have I had sexual relations in a drunken state, and I repeat once more: the last time I met a Moldovan woman was in 2013, since then I have not met no Moldovan woman! I don’t have kids, I’m not divorced, I’m not married, I’m not gay, I’m not engaged and currently I’m not dating any girl! the last time i consumed alcohol and drank more than usual was at ULIM prom in 2010! in the last 13 years, I have never been drunk! even when i’m drunk i remember all the moments! for the French and Bulgarian authorities: I am ready to take the polygraph test on September 28th when I will be in Paris or from September 29th when I will be in Sofia! I am ready to pass the polygraph test: that I have never worked and am not working for any intelligence service! that no one has the right or had the right to record me or film me or sign on my behalf and I have never ever earned money from such activities! I am also ready to pass the polygraph test because I am not a volunteer! that I’m not gay! that I am not a terrorist! that I didn’t have and I don’t have an apartment or a car! that I have never had sexual relations with a Polish woman! that I don’t have children! that I am not a member of Freemasonry! that I am not a volunteer! also I have not invited anyone to Bulgaria and any person who will follow me in Bulgaria from Moldova or Romania or who also have the citizenship of other countries means that they are part of the FSB network!
update September 24
only 3 days left!
what I wrote in the last 32 days, I wrote in the last 4 years and also in the last 4 years I wore clothes that were written the links to my official sites!
those who wanted to know the truth, entered my website and due to the fact that my links to my official websites were written on the clothes, many people found out the truth!
Neither the USA, nor Poland, nor Canada, nor Romania can say that we did not know that the recording or filming of Andrei Plop is illegal and all those who do these illegal activities are part of the FSB network in Romania and Moldova and Poland and the USA! moreover, the FSB network in these countries make it possible for the information on my sites or my social networks not to be seen because they are afraid of the truth! the Americans were bribed by the FSB network in Moldova through several ways and now they are caught in a trap!
The FSB network in America knows that their career depends on the FSB network in Moldova and Romania, the Americans are being blackmailed by Romanians and Moldovans because they thought they were tricksters and smarter than the FSB network in Moldova and Romania!
with Poland the situation is a little different because the Russians have been present since the time of the KGB, just like Romania or Moldova!
why are the Americans afraid that I will pass the polygraph test in front of all NATO ambassadors and military attachés? because they are afraid of prison!!!! as well as Poles and Romanians/Moldavians!!!
but why is the FSB network in Moldova and Romania and Poland and the USA still looking to follow me? because they hope they will find some way to put me in Jail, and preferably I should be put in prison for being a Russian or Turkish spy!
they still hope to imprison me for tax evasion, or fraud or the last ace up the sleeve because I participated in the anti-communist revolution and to be imprisoned for the criminal case that opened the communists on me!
I don’t have friends in the Republic of Moldova and Romania, and I also didn’t call anyone (no one, that means no one, everyone without any exception)! all who will follow me to Bulgaria and introduce themselves as my friends, know that they must be imprisoned for espionage in favor of the Russians!
I am sure that the Bulgarian authorities are aware of what I wrote, just as I sent to over 2000 diplomats about the Polish Nazi experiments, so did the Bulgarian authorities through the Bulgarian embassy in Canada, the Bulgarian embassy in Poland and the from Switzerland!
the same situation applies to the French authorities who also received documents about the Polish Nazi experiments through the French embassy in Canada, the French embassy in Poland and Switzerland!
the canadian authorities took bribes and when i warned them it was already too late for them they had already taken bribes and had some vested interests too! (Anglophones)
I understood that I have to give a preventive warning so that they do not collaborate with the FSB network from Moldova and Romania, which includes family members and former colleagues and friends recruited by the FSB network from Moldova and Romania and now they are still part of the FSB network!
that’s why I declare that I have no friends in the Republic of Moldova or in Romania! all those who will say that Andrei Plop did not refer to us but to other people! (I mean all of them, without exception)! we came to see who is following Andrei Plop? (those who follow me and those who say we came to see who will follow Andrei Plop – who are actually still following me – all the people who will follow me are part of the FSB network, the exception is (they can follow me) only the Bulgarians (who are not activists of some organizations) and the French (who are not activists of some organizations) because I will be in Bulgaria and the university is French-speaking!
Plop Andrei
only 4 days left for the FSB network from Moldova and Romania to arrest me!
update September 23, 2023
nothing has changed in the last 24 hours and nothing will change in the next 48 hours or 4 days or the next months! what I said in the last 30 days will be valid until the FSB network in Moldova and Romania and Poland and the USA are closed for espionage in favor of the Russians! I repeat once again no one had and does not have the right to record me or film me or speak on my behalf or sign on my behalf (all of them without any exception)! I have not worked nor do I work for any intelligence service nor am I a member of freemasonry or any NGO or party! I’m not a terrorist and I don’t volunteer and to prove that what I say is true, I’m ready to pass the polygraph test in front of all NATO ambassadors and military attachés! also I didn’t call anyone in Bulgaria and all those who will follow with the purpose of recording or filming me or recruiting colleagues means they are part of the FSB network!
everyone who followed me in Georgia Poland and Canada is part of the FSB network! also, neither the Americans nor the Poles, Romanians or Moldovans had and do not have any pretext to follow me, but all the accusations that were brought to me were false and with the help of these false accusations the FSB network from Moldova Romania Poland and USA they was promoted! there are also Canadians and Germans!
I have already written what questions to ask the Bulgarians and the French to those who will follow me in Bulgaria when I will be studying or who will try to get in touch with the Bulgarian or French authorities!
are you either activists or do you work for the intelligence services?
another question from the Bulgarians for those who will follow me: why are you following the student Plop Andrei? all your activity is illegal and if you say it is legal let’s meet face to face? (for the Bulgarians – set the meeting yourself because the Romanians will find any excuse not to set the meeting or in general so that I don’t know about this meeting! everyone will come except me and I won’t come because the Romanians and Moldovans they don’t even notify me, even if they will say that they notified me) refuse Any discussion by phone (audio only – because it is possible that according to new technologies you are talking to another person)!
I don’t have friends in Moldova or in Romania, and any person who says that he is coming to help me (even if he is a relative or friend, or sister or mother) means that he is part of the FSB network and must be arrested! I mean any person, without any exception regardless of the pretext they have!
I am sure that the network that followed me in Georgia, Poland and Canada, will also follow me in Bulgaria! they cannot last a single day without criticizing me and their purpose for which they were recruited by the Russians is to destroy me financially, morally and without future prospects!
even if there will be Americans, or Germans or Poles, or Romanians or Moldovans who will intervene so that the activists continue to follow me, please also arrest the Americans and the Poles and the Romanians and Moldovans for espionage in favor of the Russians! no matter their status! if they want to follow students: follow their students from their own countries!
you will find official information about me only on my official sites!
I didn’t buy or receive a donation of an apartment or a car, I didn’t have and I don’t have a car or an apartment! I’m also not married or engaged or divorced! I don’t have children and anyone who says they have children from me means that they are part of the FSB network! very quickly you can find out the truth: you have to face the girl who comes with such accusations or via video conference and you will see how in 5 minutes the truth is found! it’s the same with the car: has anyone seen me behind the wheel in the last 2 years since I’ve been in Moldova? have you seen any document indicating that the car belongs to me?
why are such accusations made?
1 – to distract attention from the accusations I bring, namely that they are part of the FSB network
2- if the girl got pregnant by someone, most likely she got pregnant by an engaged, divorced, married man and because of this he does not want to marry her, or in many cases with activists who provide services sex has had so many sexual relations that she doesn’t even know who the father of the child is!
those who bring accusations that I have or that I bought a car or an apartment: most likely this car was bought by him and how the FSB network likes to lie: they say that I bought my car with the money that I got them from game (no one has the right to record me or film me or speak on my behalf or sign on my behalf, any person who speaks on my behalf or signs on my behalf, or records or films me means that he is part of the FSB network.
Only 6 days left!
Update, September 21, 2023
all the people who followed me in Georgia Poland and Canada are part of the FSB network from Moldova and Romania! why did they follow me in these countries? The FSB network after they blocked my Facebook accounts that brought me profit in 2017, they wanted me to go to the Russians or the Turks and then say that I was a Turkish or Russian spy! I wrote that the Russians started recording and filming me since I was a student at ULIM, but since 2014, after I made the analysis that the Russians will take Crimea, they started recruiting my colleagues from the law school, and that’s when I was a master’s student at the department of international relations and European integration in Bucharest! even if I repeat myself, I have to repeat myself because some people don’t understand when I say no one has the right to record or film me or when I say that everyone without exception has no right to record or film me or speak on behalf of mine or to sign on my behalf! all those people who registered me made huge money, were promoted in their careers and with waiter job became overnight experts in conflict analysis and resolution! people who were nothings were promoted very quickly in their careers and other than to denigrate or humiliate me they don’t know what to do! when I say that I am 100% convinced that I will be followed by the FSB network in Bulgaria, I say this because the FSB network in Moldova and Romania will lose their jobs, they will no longer be able to be promoted in their career and if they stay in Moldova and I will be in Bulgaria, I am sure that they will not be able to endure more than a week without following me and they will come to Bulgaria! I wrote and I will write: any person who follows me in Bulgaria, that person is part of the FSB network from Moldova and Romania (all without exception, even if they are my relative or friend or sister or mother – they must be arrested for espionage in favor of Russia! I have no friends in the Republic of Moldova or in Romania, and I also wrote that the FSB network in Moldova and Romania recruited my colleagues from the university, from school, friends and even relatives! regardless of what says the FSB network, all those who will follow me or who say they want to help me, or who say we want to find out who is following him – they are all part of the FSB network in Moldova and Romania! all those who followed me in Georgia Poland and Canada are part of the FSB network, all the Poles or Canadians who collaborated with Moldovans and Romanians during the time when I was a political asylum seeker in Poland and Canada are part of the FSB network! why do the Americans allow it even now to be followed further by the FSB from Moldova and Romania (Moldovans and Romanians with whom the Americans, Germans, Poles collaborate: namely, they also follow and record me)! neither the Americans nor the FSB network from Moldova and Romania want me to pass the polygraph test in front of all NATO ambassadors and military attachés, but they still want to follow me in Bulgaria! they are still waiting for the FSB network from Moldova and Romania to arrest me until September 28! I, Plop Andrei, wrote and am writing again: that on September 28 I bought a ticket from Chisinau to Paris and for one day I will be in Paris and I am ready to pass the polygraph test in front of the French authorities: that never I have not worked, nor do I work for any intelligence service! that no one had the right and does not have the right to record me or film me or sign on my behalf or speak on my behalf and also for such activities I never received money! that I am not a member of freemasonry or any NGO, that I do not volunteer! I am also ready to take the polygraph test for the same questions before the Bulgarian authorities! I declare that I have not called anyone in Bulgaria and any person who will come to Bulgaria with the purpose of watching, recording, filming me is part of the FSB network! The Bulgarian authorities have no right to say that I did not know that such activities are illegal since I write about these things daily on my social networks and I am ready to pass the polygraph test!
Update september 22, 2023
Only 5 days left!
The day will come when Americans and Poles will have to answer for acts of corruption and other crimes committed, and then they will not be able to answer that we did not know! that’s why I write daily so that the day that comes will not say that I didn’t know and the most important thing is that they didn’t do anything to find out the truth even if I wrote daily! I write once again that no one had the right to record me or film me or speak on my behalf or sign on my behalf and I have never been remunerated for such activities! all the people who read my criminal complaint filed to the Canadian prosecutor’s office realized all the illegal activity of the FSB network on Canadian territory! I also wrote in the second book of this year that I submitted the tax declaration for three years and from that declaration it can be seen that for three years on Canadian territory I only received welfare and I had no economic activity and I was not a volunteer at any organization! It is explained in detail what the Canadian prosecutor’s office must do to catch the FSB network from Moldova and Romania that collaborated with the Canadian authorities! also in the criminal complaint addressed to the prosecutor’s office about the illegal activities of the Canadian intelligence services! More than 2000 diplomats, politicians, ambassadors received this criminal complaint!
I am sure that the Americans know everything about my financial resources and know exactly when the FSB network in Moldova and Romania lie that I bought a car or an apartment or how the FSB network lies that I made donations! Just look at my bank accounts and your phone’s GPS to find out all about bank charges! Do the Americans know that the FSB network in Moldova and Romania is lying? obviously they knows! why are they still defending the FSB network in Moldova and Romania? because they took bribes from the FSB network in Moldova and Romania and were promoted in their careers with the help of information provided by the Russians, which was rather some well-made disinformation by the Russians! The Americans are extremely afraid of me! because if the polygraph test will reveal that I have never worked for any intelligence service and am not working, that I am not a member of freemasonry or any NGO and that I do not volunteer! that no one ever had the right to record me or film me or speak on my behalf! obviously Americans and Poles will have to be arrested for spying for the Russians! that’s why the FSB network in America and Poland is waiting for the FSB network in Moldova and Romania to arrest me or continue looking for solutions to follow me in Bulgaria! anyone who followed me in georgia poland and canada is part of the FSB network! anyone who will follow me in bulgaria is part of the FSB network! I have not called anyone in Bulgaria and all those who will follow me in Bulgaria are part of the FSB network! Everyone without exception – even if it is a relative, or a friend or an acquaintance or my sister or my mother – everyone must be arrested for espionage in favor of the Russians!
when I left Poland for Iceland, the FSB network with which the Poles collaborated told them that I would return to Poland! when the Canadians gave me a negative answer, the FSB network with which they collaborated, told the Canadians that I would return to Canada! The same things happened when I was working in Greece, the FSB network in Moldova and Romania told them that I was going back to Greece to work! once the Poles collaborated with the FSB network (all the Moldovans and Romanians who followed me in Poland), they became my enemies and I will never return to Poland! once the Canadians collaborated with the FSB network (all the Moldovans and Romanians who followed me in Poland), from Moldova and Romania I will never return to Canada! the same goes for the Greeks! if the Bulgarians will collaborate with the FSB network from Moldova and Romania (all those who will follow me in Bulgaria, all without exception) first of all they will do everything possible for me to be expelled from the university and since I will be expelled from the university, I will have to leave Bulgaria! no matter what you discuss with the FSB network, as I will return, know that from the moment you started collaborating with the FSB network in Moldova and Romania until the moment I will be expelled from the university, know that I I will not return to Bulgaria, no matter what promises you will have from Romanians or Moldovans! no one has the right to speak for me what I will do!
Plop Andrei
only 7 days left for the FSB network from Moldova and Romania to arrest me!
update, September 20, 2023!
I wrote and will continue to write that I have no friends in the Republic of Moldova or in Romania, and I explained in previous posts how I got to this situation! the people who will come to Bulgaria and declare that we are very good friends and that they came to help me know that they are lying! anyone who follows me in Bulgaria please be arrested by the Bulgarian authorities for spying for Russia! these people who declare themselves as friends have only one goal and that is: to destroy me financially, morally and make money, and get promoted in career! know that the people who followed me in Poland and Canada when I was an asylum seeker, for the mistakes they make, they look for scapegoats and usually they only make a mess and when I say a mess i mean: raping girls, mutilating these girls or boys who find out the truth, pulling teeth, beating people to the point of broken ribs and broken noses! even if you find them very nice and nice at first, know that once you take money from them, you will become their hostage forever! they will use you temporarily and if you become dangerous to them, they will destroy you!
Why don’t the Russians talk about the Nazi crimes committed by the Poles in the refugee camps in Poland? I would write and will continue to write: because the Poles are destroying those refugees who are against the Russians and because of this the Russians are silent! even though the Russians know about the Nazi experiments that the Poles continue to do, the Russians are still silent? why? because those Poles who do Nazi experiments on refugees are part of the Russian agency in Poland, and the Poles collaborate with the Russian agency in Moldova and Romania! those who followed me in Georgia, Poland and Canada are part of the Russian agency in Moldova and Romania! and all those who will follow me in Bulgaria (all without exception, even if he is a relative, sister or mother, or says he is a friend) all must be arrested for espionage in favor of Russia! I didn’t call anyone in Bulgaria and that’s why I say that anyone who follows me should be arrested! the FSB network from Moldova and Romania could say that it is not about us but about other people, they will also look for some scapegoats! everything can be found out very quickly via video conference or face to face! it is necessary to ask me directly: Andrei Plop, does this person have the right to sign on your behalf? does he have the right to speak for you? does this person have the right to film or record you? when you insist on talking via video conference or face to face you will see that these people will do their best not to talk via video conference or face to face! or they will say that we have to set a time and then they will look for all kinds of excuses! will they say that’s the plan, that we’re fighting the Russians and we want to see who’s following him? (even though they are the Russian network following me) ! never agree to participate in accidental or random encounters! they will find out from the start where I want to go, for example to a mall and they will say: let’s go to the mall because Andrei Plop will come to the mall, let’s meet, but we can’t say hello because that’s the plan, but you can do from glances or to nod!
or let him tell you: go to Andrei Plop and give him handshake, but he: Andrei Plop will pretend he doesn’t know you because that’s the plan, but he knows about you! They will do the same with the people who will recruit them to be members of some international organizations, and then they will send you and say that Andrei Plop is up to date, you will come but he will pretend that he does not know you and you have to tell him these questions and discuss it! that’s how they did it in Poland and Canada too! the questions will be challenging with the goal of having as many enemies as possible and those enemies of mine becoming their friend! to be clear, no one has the right to speak for me, no one has the right to follow, record or film me! if you talk to a person who says he has the right to speak on my behalf or sign on my behalf or register me: know that that person works for the Russians, for the FSB!
after I write every day that no one had and has no right to record me or film me or speak on my behalf or sign on my behalf, (and when I say no one, that means everyone, without any exception – how stupid you must be when I say that no one, all without exception, and you believe the FSB network from Moldova and Romania when they say that it is about other people and not about us)
that I did not work and do not work for any intelligence service and that I was not and am not a member of Freemasonry or any NGO! that I have never worked for the government of Romania or Moldova and that everyone who speaks on my behalf or signs on my behalf is part of the FSB network in Moldova and Romania!
when the truth can be found out very quickly only through video conference or face to face: ask me: Andrei, does this person have the right to film you? does this person have the right to speak for you? and everything is resolved very quickly, but instead of asking me, they ask those whom I accuse of spying for the Russians!
Anyone who followed me in Georgia, Poland and Canada must be arrested for spying for the Russians, anyone who will follow me in Bulgaria (all without exception) must be arrested for spying for the Russians (even if it’s my sister, or mother, or relative or friend! all without exception must be arrested! those Moldovans or Romanians who will try to recruit my university colleagues must also be arrested for espionage in favor of the Russians, and it doesn’t even matter what international organizations they are in!
I am also ready to take the polygraph test in front of all NATO ambassadors and military attachés as I have not worked and am not working for any intelligence service!
update September 19, 2023,
only 8 days left!
why am I warning the Bulgarians and the French?
it’s very simple: because once they take bribes and collaborate with the FSB network in Moldova and Romania, then they will become my enemies even if I haven’t done them any harm!
the same is true for my colleagues, that since they will take money from Moldovans or Romanians to follow me then they will become my enemies and worst of all they will become part of the FSB network from Moldova and Romania!
please tell me: what is the interest of Romanian services or non-governmental organizations to follow a student and record his every step!
that every recorded word be posted on the communication networks, and most importantly who pays for all this?
it is obvious that I am not and have not been a terrorist, that I have not worked and do not work for any intelligence service, that I have not been and am not a member of Freemasonry or any NGO, that I do not volunteer, that no one (all without any exception, even if it’s my sister or mother or some friend or relative, when I say no one it means that no one had or has the right to record me or film me or sign on my behalf or speak on my behalf !
and that to find out the truth it is enough to talk via video conference with those people or face to face and everything will become clear because now it is possible to mimic the voice, I insist that only video conference online or face to face be done! I am also ready to take the polygraph test in front of all NATO ambassadors and military attachés to prove that no one had the right and does not have the right to record or film me, that I am not a member of Freemasonry, that I am not a terrorist, that I am not I volunteer and that I have never worked for any intelligence service!
the FSB network from Moldova Romania Poland Germany and the USA (all those who followed me in Georgia, Poland and Canada are part of the FSB network – all without exception, all those who will follow me in Bulgaria – will also be part of the FSB network ) do not want me to pass the polygraph test but still want to film and record me and follow me in Bulgaria! why? because they took bribes from the Russians, because they were promoted with the help of the Russians and because they still want to take bribes and be promoted with the help of the Russians and prove that I am a Russian or Turkish spy but they don’t want me to pass the polygraph test and they don’t want to pass the polygraph test either because we will find out that they took bribes, that they did Nazi experiments on refugees!
I didn’t call anyone in Bulgaria and all those who will follow me, I ask the Bulgarian authorities to arrest them for espionage in favor of the Russians, even if they are American, Polish, Romanian, German or Moldovan! I am ready to help the Bulgarian authorities in front of the courts to arrest these Russian spies! also, the FSB Network from Moldova and Romania use some international organizations to recruit people who are otherwise espionage actions in favor of the Russians and therefore any person from Moldova or Romania who will try to recruit my colleagues from the university with the aim of register please to be arrested for spying for the Russians! the person who decides to record me and pass that information on should also be arrested for spying for the Russians!
Plop Andrei
update, September 18, 2023!
only 9 days left for the FSB network from Moldova and Romania to arrest me!
I am sure of only one thing: that the FSB network from Moldova, Romania, Poland and the USA will do everything possible to arrest me until September 28, or will do everything possible to follow me in Bulgaria when I will be studying!
The FSB network has always intervened to save the FSB network in Moldova and Romania and I am almost certain that the FSB network will intervene again! because when the FSB network from Moldova and Romania were in danger, the FSB network from America, Poland and Romania intervened to save! if they don’t put me in jail and if they don’t follow me in Bulgaria, the entire career of the entire FSB network is lost and everyone will understand that the very FSB network in America can’t do anything without me!
about the FSB network from Moldova and Romania, it is already clear that they are incompetent and that they have no chance without me, but they did not fulfill their mission, namely to destroy me completely! that’s why they are panicking and looking for all kinds of methods and pretexts to follow me to Bulgaria!
the FSB network from Romania, Poland and the USA, in addition to the fact that they received bribes and were promoted in their careers with the help of the Russians, this network of spies also received sexual services from the FSB network from Moldova!
that’s why they still want to follow me in Bulgaria because they know that there will be activist girls from Moldova and Romania who will provide sexual services to the FSB network in Poland, Germany, USA, and the activist girls will do their best to make these sex scenes filmed and later blackmail the Americans, Germans, Poles!!!! if they do not meet the requirements, they will come with the documents that the FSB network from Moldova has in their drawer!
it has already become clear to everyone that I did not and do not work for the intelligence service, and that no one had the right to record or film me or speak on my behalf or sign on my behalf! to find out the truth very quickly who is lying and who is not? it is enough to talk via video conference or face to face what the FSB network in Moldova and Romania is afraid of or those people who followed me in Georgia, Poland and Canada (all of them without any exception) and also I am ready to pass the polygraph test in front of all NATO ambassadors and military attachés, but the Americans do not want the truth to be known because they know that they took bribes from the FSB network in Moldova and Romania and Poland, because they know that all their activity in Georgia, Poland and Canada was illegal and for that they need to be locked up for the rest of their lives! because of this, the FSB network in America is still waiting for the FSB network from Moldova and Romania to arrest me, but in order to arrest me, evidence is also needed, and I have not been to the Republic of Moldova for 11 years, I requested political asylum in 5 countries and the help to arrest me must come from outside but who are those people from outside who will intervene to help the FSB network in Moldova and Romania and also the FSB network in Poland and the USA?
there are only 9 days left and even if everything is very clear, it is very strange why the US counterintelligence services are not investigating the case? why aren’t the americans arrested? or the Poles? is it obvious the acts of corruption committed by the Poles and Canadians? the FSB network from Moldova and Romania, Poland and the USA will do everything possible to prevent me from passing the polygraph test, but they are looking for ways to lock me up in prison! they are also looking for ways to keep follow me in Bulgaria! they’re afraid they’ll lose control of me! they fear that I will become even more dangerous to them!
why don’t americans want to know the truth from me? is it also possible via video conference and only 20 minutes is enough? are they afraid of losing the entire network of agents? are they afraid that everyone will find out the truth that they took a bribe? are they afraid that the world will know that they are the
part of the FSB network in America? are they afraid they will be demoted in their careers because they were promoted with the help of the Russians?!?!
they fear that if the FSB network from Moldova and Romania will not be promoted, then they will not be promoted either! are they afraid that the whole international community will find out about the Nazi experiments done by the Poles in the refugee camps in Poland, in Debak?!?! I don’t even write about the Germans anymore, because the Germans are considered the engine of Europe, but they run on Russian gasoline!!!! I wrote enough in the first book about how the Germans finance projects of the FSB network in Moldova! I have to write every day, because the FSB network from Moldova and Romania lie about me every day and the entire FSB network from Moldova, Romania, Poland and the USA are looking for pretexts to lock me up and if they don’t succeed they will look for all kinds of pretexts like to follow me! I have no friends in Moldova and Romania, and no one has the right to record or film me (everyone without exception, even if it’s a relative, even if it’s my sister or my mother, that means everyone without exception) .
update September 17, 2023
only 10 days left!
when I write that no one has ever had the right and does not have it, to record or film me or to speak in my name, it means that no one (everyone without exception, even if it’s my sister or even if it’s my mother or even if it says it’s a relative or it says it’s my friend)!
they might tell you that it is about other people and that we want to help Andrei Plop, even if they seem nice and smile in your face, know that I have no friends in Moldova and Romania and that most of my friends they were recruited by the FSB branch in Moldova and Romania, an enormous amount of work was done by the FSB network, and then the FSB network in Poland was also activated! any person who will follow me in Bulgaria (all without exception) means that they are part of the FSB network in Moldova and Romania, and I am 99% sure that they will follow me, because without me they will not be able to be promoted in their career because if they stay in Moldova, everyone will see how incompetent they are, that they can’t do any analysis without me and all the analyzes they say they would have done, which are actually mine due to the 3 higher studies, with participation in conferences, seminars, Internship! the problem is that they won’t be able to do the same things in another country either: because first of all you have to find an intelligent person, then you have to find relatives or very close people like your sister or mother to betray him, and then control all the social networks and make all kinds of contests where you give money to his friends to betray him!
if they all went to Germany to do the same things: the Germans simply wouldn’t allow someone to humiliate their citizens like the Romanians and Moldovans do! but the Germans are not against Romanians and Moldovans humiliating a Moldovan, especially at a French-speaking university! I wrote that now everything depends on the Bulgarians and the French if they will allow it or not! I write daily and will write almost daily! I wrote that I was ready to take the polygraph test: that no one and never had the right to record me or film me or speak on my behalf or sign on my behalf and that I had never worked for any intelligence service and I don’t even work! I do not have. I called no one in Bulgaria, and everyone who speaks on my behalf is part of the FSB network and must be arrested for spying for the Russians! all those who will intervene to defend these Moldovans or Romanians to follow me and film and record me means that they are also part of the FSB network, even if he is American, Polish, and his status does not matter. but the way it has been acted so far, I think they will most likely come with generous offers to the Bulgarians that they will not be able to refuse! most likely such generous offers could come from Romania, Germany or the USA! why will they make these generous offers? because if the FSB network in Moldova and Romania will not be promoted and they will not earn money, then the FSB network in America and Germany will no longer be able to be promoted in their career!
after I write every day that no one had and has no right to record me or film me or speak on my behalf or sign on my behalf, (and when I say no one, that means everyone, without any exception – how stupid you must be when I say that no one, all without exception, and you believe the FSB network from Moldova and Romania when they say that it is about other people and not about us)
that I did not work and do not work for any intelligence service and that I was not and am not a member of Freemasonry or any NGO! that I have never worked for the government of Romania or Moldova and that everyone who speaks on my behalf or signs on my behalf is part of the FSB network in Moldova and Romania!
when the truth can be found out very quickly only through video conference or face to face: ask me: Andrei, does this person have the right to film you? does this person have the right to speak for you? and everything is resolved very quickly, but instead of asking me, they ask those whom I accuse of spying for the Russians!
Anyone who followed me in Georgia, Poland and Canada must be arrested for spying for the Russians, anyone who will follow me in Bulgaria (all without exception) must be arrested for spying for the Russians (even if it’s my sister, or mother, or relative or friend! all without exception must be arrested! those Moldovans or Romanians who will try to recruit my university colleagues must also be arrested for espionage in favor of the Russians, and it doesn’t even matter what international organizations they are in!
I am also ready to take the polygraph test in front of all NATO ambassadors and military attachés as I have not worked and am not working for any intelligence service!
Plop Andrei
there are only 11 days left for the FSB network from Moldova and Romania to arrest me!
update, September 16, 2023!
there are things that cannot be changed, namely: if as a result of a sexual relationship between a girl with blue eyes and a boy with black or brown eyes, their child will have brown or black eye color because this color is dominant! if both parents have blue eye color, then children will also have blue eye color and if both parents have blue eye color and their child is born with brown or black eye color, then it means that the wife cheated on her husband and had relations and with other men!
I am neither married nor divorced nor engaged! i like women and sooner or later i will marry a girl too!
I don’t have children and I have never met a Romanian or Polish woman and the last time I met a Moldovan woman was in 2013! any Moldovan who says we met in three years means she is lying and is part of the FSB network in Moldova, any Polish woman who says she would have children with me means she is lying and most likely part of the FSB network from Poland!
whoever the truth is, it’s enough to put me face to face with that girl and the truth will come out!
to marry a Moldovan woman: this means that my whole life will be controlled by the FSB network in Moldova because this girl will either work for SIS, the FSB branch in Moldova or she will work and be recruited by the FSB branch in Moldova! Besides, the girl who works for the SIS, her career is more important than her family and I am sure that those from the FSB Network in Moldova will organize such actions as to make her choose between two evils and if she does not comply, then this girl will be raped because the goal of the FSB is to destroy me financially, morally and not have any opportunity to progress or grow in my career!
obviously I will never date girls in countries that were members of the Warsaw Pact! I wrote and will continue to write!
I am sure that the FSB network from Moldova and Romania and Poland and the USA will also follow me in Bulgaria! because they did not fulfill their main mission: to prove that I am a Russian or Turkish spy, and they still haven’t destroyed me, moreover, the FSB network in Moldova, Romania, Poland, Germany and the USA have been discovered, but I just have to wait to governments change! because the FSB network they will no longer be able to be promoted in their career and they will no longer be able to earn money like in Georgia Poland and Canada! the FSB network in Moldova and Romania will only be able to do these things if the Bulgarians and French allow them to do these things! if the Bulgarians and the French will not allow to do these things, and the FSB network from Moldova and Romania will follow me and record or film me, then this means a diplomatic conflict! but what will happen if the Bulgarians and the French allow the FSB network in Moldova and Romania to follow me, record or film me? That means they will become my enemies just like the Poles are! this means that in the future I will do my best to avoid France and Bulgaria too because they won’t be able to say that we didn’t know! I write about these things every day and I am ready to pass the polygraph test that no one and never had and does not have the right to record me or film me or speak on my behalf or sign on my behalf! I was not a member of Freemasonry or any NGO and I never worked for any intelligence service! also I did not invite anyone to Bulgaria and all those who will follow me in Bulgaria (all without exception) means that they are part of the FSB network from Moldova and Romania! I will never return to Poland, I will not even pass through Poland with a layover, and I will go to Romania when I have diplomatic immunity! for me the Poles are my mortal enemies because: in 2017 they did Nazi experiments on refugees, and in 2021 I told them to stop the Nazi experiments and they continued to do Nazi experiments, after I published the first and second books they still continue to do Nazi experiments, the Poles support the Moldovan rapists and the ones I blame for spying for the Russians! the Poles want the FSB network from Moldova and Romania to destroy me! that’s why the entire FSB network from Moldova Romania Poland and the USA is afraid that I will pass the polygraph test in front of all NATO ambassadors and military attachés! because after I pass the polygraph test, they’re going to jail!



Plop Andrei
there are only 12 days left for the FSB network from Moldova and Romania to arrest me!
update September 15, 2023!
as I wrote yesterday, I decided to publish the day before so that those in North America and Europe can read it too! because there is a 7 hour time zone difference! I wrote that you can find the official information about me only on my official websites and I have published several times what my official networks are and you can also find them on the cover photo on Facebook! it happened several times that the FSB network from Moldova and Romania invented things about me with the aim of making as many enemies as possible: for example, I write on communication channels or talk that I would have said this, and this and this and my goal is to destroy it, for example, I will go to Bulgaria to study and the FSB network from Moldova and Romania will invent all kinds of lies about me such as that I said some bad things about Bulgarians, these people can be politicians, activists, business people or even about teachers where I will study! they took the same actions in Poland and Canada! And then these people, even if I don’t know them and I have no intention of getting involved in Bulgarian politics or other activities, the people with whom the FSB network from Moldova and Romania will discuss will become my enemies without me saying anything or to undertake something! their purpose is that I should have as many enemies as possible, and be destroyed by the hands of others! I also wrote about these things in the first book of this year and I also gave the example of Armenia and Azerbaijan! please check the information of the FSB network from Moldova and Romania in the future (everyone who will follow me in Bulgaria will be part of the FSB network, all without exception)! please check the information whether it is published on my sites or not, and please do not believe the information that is only audio recordings, because there is technology that can imitate any voice! all information that appears about me and does not appear on my social networks that means that information belongs to the FSB network! ask: where can I check this information? which website or social network of Andrei Plop can I find? why did you register Andrei Plop? why are you following Andrei Plop? who pays you to follow Andrei Plop? Andrei Plop writes on all social networks that no one has the right to sign or speak on his behalf! who are you to speak for him? who are you to decide what Plop Andrei should do? if you want to know the truth, organize a video conference and ask me: Andrei Plop, do you know this individual? does he have the right to film or record you or speak on your behalf? the moment you propose to talk via video conference or face to face, you will see that they will do their best not to talk face to face or via video conference! also don’t agree to go on random dates because they’re watching my every move! I am sure that the FSB network from Moldova and Romania, Poland, USA and Germany will do everything possible to follow me in Bulgaria! I am 99% convinced, even if their actions are illegal and they will try through the Romanian authorities (the FSB network in Romania) to allow the undercover activists to follow me, record me! if they don’t follow me: they will lose their jobs and everyone will see that without me they have no future, that without me they are worthless and that they will no longer be able to earn money and be promoted in their career with the help of the Russians! how many people will lose their jobs if they don’t follow me in bulgaria? hundreds of people and here we mean the FSB network from Moldova, Romania, Poland, USA, Germany! if Moldovans and Romanians will not be able to be promoted, this means that neither Americans nor Poles will be able to be promoted in their career with the help of the Russians!! the FSB network from Moldova, Romania, Poland and the USA is afraid that I will pass the polygraph test, that I have not worked and do not work for any intelligence service, that I am not a terrorist, that I am not a member of Freemasonry, that I am not a volunteer and that I have never received money from those people who register me! also, on the 28th of September I will be in Paris for a day and I am ready to pass the polygraph test, I am also ready to pass the polygraph test in front of the Bulgarian authorities, ideally the Bulgarian authorities together with the French authorities will organize the test polygraph: that I have never worked and do not work for any intelligence service, that I am not a member and have never been a member of freemasonry, that no one had and does not have the right to record or film me or sign in my name or to speak in my name! also I have not called anyone in Bulgaria, and that I have no friends in the Republic of Moldova and any person who will follow me in Bulgaria, (all of them, without any exception) they a part of FSB network!
because of the time zone I decided to publish the day before!
update, February 14, 2023
only 13 days left! I am not the president of a country, I am not a prime minister, I do not hold and have not held any public position in any institution, and I am also not a businessman, I am not a member of an NGO or a party member, and then the question arises why Is the FSB branch in Moldova and Romania interested in destroying me? because of fear! and here I explain why? a man with three higher educations will never follow a waiter, on the contrary, waiters will follow the person with three higher educations, a person who is stupid is not even of interest, only those people who are dangerous for Putin’s regime are of interest! I was not wrong when I said that the Russians will take Crimea or that the Russians will start a war in Ukraine, and the master’s thesis represents how to make a revolution in the Russian Federation (the master’s thesis and my analyzes are 100% done by me and only by me)! the FSB network from Moldova and Romania recruited my friends and my colleagues with only one goal,, to be destroyed ” any pretext that the FSB network from Moldova and Romania invokes and all the people who followed me in Georgia Poland and Canada are part of the FSB network and their goal is and will be to destroy me! The Republic of Moldova is the poorest country in Europe and no person can afford to create a team to follow me permanently only if he/she does not have the support of the intelligence services from both Moldova and Romania, but what is the role of the Poles and the Americans! I want Moldova to become a member of NATO and the EU, and then why are the Poles doing everything possible to destroy me? there is only one explanation: because they were ordered to do them! if all the Polish people who collaborated with the Moldovans and Romanians during the time when I was an asylum seeker, most of them will be imprisoned for corruption and espionage in favor of the Russians! I am ready to pass the polygraph test in front of all NATO ambassadors and military attachés, but the Americans do not want this, but the entire FSB network from Moldova, Romania, Poland and the USA are doing everything possible to prove that I am a Russian or Turkish spy! even if I repeat this every day, the day will come when the Americans will also have to answer and then they will not be able to say that we did not know that all the activity of the Romanians and Moldovans is in fact a Russian espionage program with the help of which we the Americans, or the Poles, we were promoted in our careers and we also earned money, and we still help the Russians to destroy their enemies and promote their Russian network in Moldova and Romania! the Poles even if they know who gave the order to rape a person very close to me from Moldova, they collaborate and continue to support these rapists who are also waiters! the FSB network from Moldova and Romania, Poland and the USA are doing everything possible for me to be destroyed! to leave me without any perspective! I will write and repeat daily about these things because when the Poles and Americans are investigated they will no longer be able to say that I did not know! just as neither the French nor the Bulgarians will be able to say that we did not know! I will not go to any collaboration with the FSB network from Moldova, Romania, Poland and the USA, because they were recruited and paid for only one purpose: for me and my family to be destroyed! I will never receive money from private individuals for moral compensations! it will happen only in one way: the entire FSB network from Moldova Romania Poland and the USA will go to prison for espionage in favor of the Russians and I will receive moral compensations from the Polish government only after a judgment from the international court of justice for crimes against humanity committed by the Polish authorities and the FSB network in Poland!after the FSB network in Moldova Romania Poland and the USA will be arrested for espionage in favor of the Russians the time will come when an author like Tim Weiner will be found in which he will write a book: the dumbest FBI and CIA agents of all time who they were prevented by a Moldovan (Andrei Plop) every day for a period of 7 years and they, the Americans, continued to defend and promote the FSB network from Moldova, Romania and Poland!no one has the right or has the right to record me or film me or speak on my behalf or sign on my behalf, I am not a member of Freemasonry, any NGO, or party member, and when I say no one, that means no one, (all without exception)! I didn’t call anyone in Bulgaria and all those who will follow me in Bulgaria will be part of the FSB network from Moldova and Romania (all without exception)! I am also ready to pass the polygraph test in any EU or NATO member country because I have not worked and am not working for any intelligence service! I have no friends in Moldova or in Romania and no one has the right to speak on my behalf! absolutely no one! also I’m not a volunteer and I don’t volunteer either! any information that appears about me and does not appear on my social networks means that that information belongs to the FSB network in Moldova Romania Poland and the USA! and one more very important thing: I wore and will wear clothes in which the links to my website or my social networks are written and I will always wear them until the FSB network in Moldova and Romania go to prison and the Poles are imprisoned by to the international court of justice for crimes against humanity!
Update September 13, 2023,
Only 14 days left! although this text was supposed to appear tomorrow morning, I decided to publish it now so that there are no more question marks and I am sure that the FSB network in Moldova and Romania and Poland and the USA will do everything possible to get out of the water dry! let’s start with the fact that I have no friends in Moldova or in Romania because most of them were recruited by the FSB network from Moldova and Romania and they also recruited part of my family! any person from Moldova and Romania (all without exception) who followed me in Georgia, Poland and Canada are part of the FSB network from Moldova and Romania, all those people who collaborated with Moldovans and Romanians during the period when I was a political asylum seeker in Poland or Canada are part of the FSB network in Poland and Canada (all without exception). all those people who will follow me in Bulgaria during my studies will be part of the FSB network from Moldova and Romania (all without exception, regardless of whether they work in the government, or intelligence services or are local or international activists, etc) means they will be part of the FSB network! I have not called anyone in Bulgaria and no one has the right to record me or film me or speak on my behalf or sign on my behalf and when I say no one, that means no one even if they are related to me or even if they are sister or mother! that means no one (everyone without exception)! I am not a member of freemasonry or any NGO or a member of any political party and I have never worked for the government of Romania or Moldova! the FSB network from Moldova and Romania who recruited all my friends, they recruited them with one goal and that is to destroy me! for at least 6 years Poles, Romanians, Americans and even Moldovans have not made any attempt to find out the truth from me and ask me via video conference or face to face! Andrei: is it true that this person has the right to film you, or record or speak and sign on your behalf? The Poles still and now continue to do Nazi experiments started in the refugee camps in Poland, in Debak! The Poles still support the rapists who raped a person very close to me and knocked out almost all of her teeth! it is enough to take an x-ray on this woman and ask for the results from the German clinic where she was treated and everything comes out! the Germans know exactly that this person close to me was raped, but they are silent because the FSB network in Germany is defending their colleagues from the FSB network in Moldova! the fact that the Nazi experiments are still going on at the moment means only one thing: that the FSB network in Poland and the USA is waiting for the FSB network in Moldova and Romania to arrest me or lock me up in a psychiatric hospital or kill me under unknown circumstances! I am also sure that the FSB network from Moldova, Romania, Poland and the USA will do their best to follow me in Bulgaria too, but they will only be able to follow me if they have the consent of the Bulgarians and the French! Neither the French nor the Bulgarians have the right to say we didn’t know! also the last time I spoke with my sister Olesea Plop or Olesea Chercheja was in June 2017, with Igor Mocanu I spoke for the last time in 2016, and with Vasile Onica I spoke by chance because of his sister, who called on WhatsApp from her phone and that was in 2021! any person in Bulgaria who will contact these three individuals or any other person who will present themselves as friends or family members for the purpose of recruiting you and that in the future you will film or record me knowing that you will be providing services for the FSB branch in Moldova! I have no friends in Moldova and Romania, and all the people recruited by the FSB from Moldova and Romania are my mortal enemies! I’m ready to take the polygraph test every time and everywhere!


Update, september 11, 2023

there are only 16 days left for the FSB network from Moldova and Romania to arrest me!

when I write daily that no one (everyone without exception, no matter if it’s my sister or mother, that means no one) nou one has the right to film me or record me or sign on my behalf or speak on my behalf, and I write about this daily and a very important fact that even in the future no one will have the right to record me, or film me or speak on my behalf! if there’s going to be a day where I don’t write about it, that doesn’t mean someone has gotten the legal right or signature to film me or record me or speak on my behalf! how were they done in the past? usually the FSB network in Moldova and Romania would send their activist undercover and ask me all kinds of provocative questions and record me on the phone! in Canada, for example where I rented the room, the FSB network from Moldova and Romania with the consent of the Canadian authorities bought the owners of the houses or apartments where I lived and sent their activists undercover to ask me all kinds of provocative questions or even challenge me to the fight! the FSB network from Moldova and Romania want to prove that I am a Russian or Turkish spy! the same actions or done in Poland in 2017. I repeat and will continue to repeat: I am ready to pass the polygraph test in any EU or NATO member country, at any time! but even the Americans don’t want me to pass the polygraph test because they fear prison, just like the Poles and Romanians fear prison with the whole network of undercover activists! any person who will follow me in Bulgaria means that he is a member of the FSB network! (all without exception) the FSB network from Moldova and Romania, besides the fact that they are part of the FSB network, they are also fools and if they will not follow me on me, they will be out of a job! they won’t make any more money and I write about these things daily on my social networks! The Bulgarians and the French have no right to say that I didn’t know it was illegal, because I wrote about these things daily and you could always find out the truth from me by asking me directly via video conference or face to face! even if there will be people who will declare that Andrei Plop did not refer to us but to others, know that I refer to everyone without any exception, even if the FSB network from Moldova and Romania who are officials of some intelligence services or are activists will declare that we want to see who is following Andrei Plop, know that I am also referring to these people! I mean everyone without exception! regardless of his status or reputation! if it’s an American official or a philanthropist, I mean all without exception! you have no interest to follow a student and if you want to do some actions go to other universities in your countries and especially for Germany because my biggest enemies including my sister and schoolmates are established there go to the universities from Germany! i know, everyone will see how stupid you are and you will have no career prospects! and for Americans the message is the same, take the Moldovan pedophiles and rapists and go to American universities and do the same! you have students from any country!

Plop Andrei
Update, september 10, 2023
only 17 days left for the FSB network from Moldova, Romania, Poland and the USA to arrest me! They won’t have another chance!
why do you think colleagues from the university in Moldova and colleagues from the universities in Romania where I studied were recruited?
the intelligence and security service (MD) started to recruit my friends and colleagues from Moldova since the time when I started doing politics because at that time the communists were in power and I was an anti-communist and so the intelligence and security service have recruited colleagues, including very close relatives such as my sister or friends with whom I practiced taekwondo!
my departure from Moldova was a surprise for many people, including my family, and I did the right thing when I didn’t tell them the real reason I was leaving Moldova, because otherwise I wouldn’t have left Moldova!
from 2012 to 2016 I was a law student in Romania and also from 2013 to 2015 I was a master’s student at a university in Bucharest, Romania!
starting from 2010, Plahotniuc totally controls the Intelligence and Security Service and in Romania, a ,,major” controlled the main intelligence service in Romania and this ,,major” also went through the hotels in Moldova where Plahotniuc made available girls who provided sexual services! I also wrote about how Plahotniuc worked in the first book written this year, and it was known to everyone that he videotaped all the sex parties with Romanian politicians and officials who came to Moldova! I wrote in detail how the FSB network in Moldova worked! thanks to this ,,major” and other civil servants from the Foreign Intelligence Service in Romania, they fulfilled the function of recruiting most of my colleagues and friends in Romania and in Moldova they started recruiting my friends and family members since 2007! until now the actions that the activists are doing undercover are actions taken from Plahotniuc and that is why they, the FSB network from Moldova and Romania want to control my every step, including which girl I want to meet! the way of humiliation that the activists do undercover are methods taken from Plahotniuc! Question: Why did the Moldovan and Romanian authorities recruit most of my friends and family members? obviously with only one purpose! and that I may be destroyed! initially, the FSB network from Moldova and Romania did all the dirty work against me so that I would fall into the hands of the Russians, and the FSB network from Moldova and Romania had to be promoted because they would have found a Russian or Turkish spy! but this scenario did not work for them! I would say that it partly worked for them because the Polish counterintelligence service did not do their job and that they took bribes from the FSB network in Moldova and Romania or they themselves were already part of the FSB network in Poland! All the Romanian government had to do was to hire only me in the Romanian government, but they recruited hundreds of people who were my colleagues from both Moldova and Romania! When you recruit all his friends and family members and do everything you can to destroy him financially and morally? who is this good for? obviously the Russians! is there a Russian spy network infiltrating America? obviously there is! and because of this they are afraid that I will pass the polygraph test in front of all NATO ambassadors and military attachés! The FSB network from Moldova and Romania will have to intervene to save the FSB network from America and Poland! they have to intervene, because otherwise they face life in prison! that’s why I repeat that no one had and does not have the right to film or record me or speak on my behalf or sign on my behalf and also I am not a member of Freemasonry or any NGO and I have never worked for Plahotniuc or for any institution from Moldova or Romania! I am ready at any moment to pass the polygraph test because I have never worked and I am not working for any intelligence service!
I think it is now clear why I write that I have no friends in Moldova or in Romania from the simple fact that most of my friends and part of my family were recruited by the FSB branch in Moldova and Romania! that’s why I write that any person who followed me in Georgia, Poland and Canada (all without exception) are part of the FSB network from Moldova and Romania, and also those people who will follow me in Bulgaria (all without exception) are part also from the FSB network from Moldova and Romania!

Only 18 days left!
why do I insist every time that the FSB network from Moldova and Romania will also follow me in Bulgaria? because they can’t do anything else, what they can do is to be very good waiters or cooks or by profession they were worthless and if for example I went to Bulgaria and the rest of the FSB network, especially the activists under coverage would go to Germany, these activists will simply laugh at them Germans and everyone will see how stupid they are! most of them didn’t even participate in the anti-communist revolution of April 7, 2009, but they consider themselves great revolutionaries, they don’t have higher education in political science or international relations, but they consider themselves great analysts, I got to the moment when I was studying at the 3rd university in Romania and some of them were working as waiters or cooks and these waiters could brag about my analysis! if the FSB network will not follow me in Bulgaria, everyone will see that they are worthless, that without me they have no career prospects and all they can do is just make up lies about me! I repeat, all those who will follow me in Bulgaria, (all without exception) or those who will record my discussions, this means that they are part of the FSB network from Moldova and Romania! I have to repeat it daily because some people’s memory is like chickens and they don’t understand when I say that never, no one had the right to record me or film me or speak on my behalf or sign on my behalf, any person who speaks on my behalf or declares that he has the right to sign contracts on my behalf, this means that they are the spies of Russia, even if they are citizens of Moldova or Romania! I’m also not a member of Freemasonry or any NGO, nor do I volunteer! I believe that the FSB network in Moldova and Romania will do what they did in Canada, the undercover activists will contact the local activists in Bulgaria and the intelligence services from Moldova and Romania will contact the intelligence service from Bulgaria! The FSB network from Moldova and Romania will offer them money and they will also invent all kinds of lies: that I am on a mission, that they are my bosses and I carry out all the orders, but if you ask them, they prove that you are his boss or that he is on a mission or that you have the right to film or record by simply asking: let’s do a video conference with Andrei Plop and see if it’s true? I insist that you do a video conference or be face to face and do not accept discussions only by phone, because you will be talking to another person and not to me! because since you will take money from Romanians or Moldovans, you will become their hostage forever and the purpose of this post is to warn you! then don’t say you didn’t know! it could be very simple to solve the problem: talk via video conference or face to face and you will see how the FSB network will do everything possible so that you don’t talk to me via video conference or face to face! the FSB network will also try to make accidental meetings, namely: they will find out from the start where I want to go and they will also take you to that destination: and if you are a fool, they will say hello to Andrei Plop, because we I told him about you! insist to do organized video conference or face to face meeting! and you will see the truth with your own eyes! you will see how they lie! I also give you some questions to help you: Andrei, do you know this man? does he have the right to record or film you? does he have the right to speak for you? does he have the right to sign on your behalf? if the Canadians and the Poles did these actions: then the entire FSB network in Moldova and Romania was to be arrested, but the Poles and the Canadians took bribes from the FSB network in Moldova and Romania and now they are the hostages of the FSB and carry out any action and order that they getting! any person who followed me in Georgia, Poland or Canada that means he is Russian spy, any person from Georgia, Poland and Canada who works with this s Romanian or Moldovians, that means they also are Russian spy! All without exception!

only 19 days left!
In these 19 days the FSB network from Moldova and Romania will try to convince the French and Bulgarian authorities that I am a spy: Russian, Turkish, or that I am a Romanian spy and I am on a mission, or that I was a Moldovan or Romanian spy and -I betrayed or that I work for the FBI and I’m on a mission again, that I’m a volunteer, that I’m a terrorist that they came to help me, as you understand they’re going to do everything they can to track me down and they’re going to do everything they can to not to graduate from this French-speaking university in Bulgaria!
what does it mean if they won’t follow me to bulgaria? that means they will lose their job and other activity than lie about me they have not! they have not accomplished their mission, which is to destroy me, to be imprisoned or killed! after it became clear that I did not work and do not work for any intelligence service, that I am not a terrorist, that no one had and does not have the right to record me or film me or speak on my behalf and all those who they followed me in Georgia, Poland and Canada (all without exception) they are part of the FSB network and everyone from Georgia, Poland and Canada (all without exception)who works with romanian and moldavians are part of FSB network! That means that for everything they were promoted in their career, they will have to be demoted militarily or hierarchically because they were promoted with the help of the Russians! they will have to explain where the money came from, how much money they made, how much they spent and who they bribed to allow them to film and record me! they need pretexts to follow me and now they are looking for all kinds of pretexts and they will also make challenges!
when all my analyzes were confirmed about the Russian Federation, the Romanian authorities had to hire me and do further analyzes about the Russian Federation instead, what did the Romanian authorities do? they recruited all my friends and colleagues and also the intelligence service sent their children to be promoted with the help of my analysis and do everything possible to destroy me financially, morally so that I go to the Russians or to the Turks and then declare that I left because I was a Russian or Turkish spy! everything became very clear! everyone knows the truth, but what the FSB network from Moldova, Romania, Poland and the USA is doing is to save their career, to save their curriculum, and to prove that I am a Russian or Turkish spy or that I am a terrorist! I repeat: they do not want me to pass the polygraph test in front of all NATO ambassadors and military attachés, but they want to do everything possible to prove that I am a Turkish, Russian or terrorist spy and now, as long as I stay at home, what can they do to me They!? to challenge me with all kinds of Muslims writing to me on social media! it’s so obvious that even fake social media can’t create! the question arises for the Romanian authorities: why did you take Andrei Plop but recruited all his friends, some of them being waiters and cooks? did you want him to go to the Russians? why did you want one of the best analysts to go to the russians? I have already answered these questions and that is why the FSB network from Moldova and Romania will do everything possible to follow me in Bulgaria as well! because the Russians can’t go directly to the Bulgarians and the French and that’s why they turn to the FSB network in Moldova, Romania, Poland, Germany and the USA


Only 20 days left!
if they wanted the truth to be known it was quite simple to put me face to face with the Moldovans who were following me in Georgia and Poland and Canada and within 24 hours everything was out and obviously the Moldovans who were following me were to be arrested for espionage in favor of the Russians, but neither the Poles nor the Canadians wanted to do this because it was more convenient for them to receive bribes from the FSB branch in Moldova and Romania, even now when I write daily that no one has the right or had the right to film me or record me or sign on my behalf or speak on my behalf even now they don’t want to ask me if it’s true or not! because the FSB branch in Moldova Romania Poland and the USA lie about me every day, because of this I have to write the truth every day! could be asked face to face or via video conference: Andrei, it is true that these people have the right, your consent to film or record you or to speak on your behalf, but for 6 years they have not found 30 minutes to ask me whether it’s true or not! but they still continue to arrange random meetings with people who were once my friends and record the conversation as if everything is according to plan or like they did in Canada, they send people to challenge me with all kinds of questions or say that I I would have said some things or about some facts inventing lies about myself! I repeat every time: if that information does not appear on my social networks and appears on other social networks as if I had said one or the other, it means that that information is false and that information channel belongs to the FSB network from Moldova Romania Poland and the USA! even now when I’m ready to take the polygraph test in front of all NATO ambassadors and military attachés, the Americans don’t want me to take the polygraph test and neither do the Romanians and Moldovans or the Poles because they fear the truth and they know that if I pass the polygraph test, all those people who followed me in Georgia, Poland and Canada (all without exception) and all those Georgians, Poles, and Canadians (all without exception) who collaborated with the Moldovans and Romanians and took bribes they will be imprisoned for corruption and espionage in favor of the Russians!
they don’t want me to pass the polygraph test but they still want to prove that I would be a Russian or Turkish spy or that I would be a terrorist or that I would be a volunteer! I’m not a spy, I’m not a terrorist, I’m not gay, and I’m not a volunteer or a member of an NGO or any Masonic organization! The Poles continue to do Nazi experiments even after I published the second book, which means that their goal from the beginning was to put me in prison, psychiatry or liquidate me! because the Poles are still being defended by the Moldavians and Romanians with whom they started doing Nazi experiments! everything is very simple, Poles and Romanians and Moldavians are part of the same network of Russian spies, because of this the Russians do not talk about the Nazi experiments on refugees from Poland! because these refugees are against the Russians and the Poles together with the FSB network from Moldova and Romania are doing everything possible to get rid of the enemies of the Russians!
if I ate an Italian pizza in a restaurant in Moldova, someone could accuse me of being an Italian spy! obviously not, because it’s absurd! if today I drank a coffee and ate a French Croissant at a terrace in Chisinau called Bonjour Cafe, could anyone accuse me of being a French spy? obviously that’s absurd! if i ate from mcdonald’s could someone accuse me of being an american spy? obviously it sounds absurd! but what would be your reaction if the FSB branch in Moldova writes in their reports that I ate a Kebab in a Turkish restaurant and that I am a Turkish spy! this is how the FSB branch in Moldova works! they are looking for pretexts to accuse me of being a Turkish spy, but they are doing their best not to pass the polygraph test to confirm that I have never worked for any intelligence service! let’s develop the idea! according to their thinking, all those who go to rest in Turkey are Turkish spies and in Moldova there are many who rest in Turkey! I was in France, UK and Greece this year and ate Greek and French food and according to the thinking of the FSB networks in Moldova, I would be a French, English and Greek spy! again it sounds absurd, but this is how the FSB network from Moldova works! they know that if they don’t follow me in Bulgaria they will lose their jobs and everyone will see that without me, they can’t do anything! that all the analyzes were done by me and not by them! because I have three higher educations and they worked as waiters until the FSB network from Moldova and Romania recruited them!
if I still wrote about food, what is my favorite food:
1 – pizza;
2- kebab, shawarma
3 – Moldavian pies ( plăcinte cu brânză);
4 – Pelemeni, colțunași, Khinkali
5 – mămăliga with friptură, cheese and cream
6- mici ( Romanian grill) , 🥩
from drinks – I started consuming only natural juices and mineral water! (I gave up cola, fanta, sprite) I drink coffee only when I work or study.
I don’t drink alcoholic beverages, only beer on special occasions!



Plop Andrei
Update september 6, 2023
Only 21 days left for the FSB network from Moldova, Romania, Poland and the USA to arrest me! They won’t have another chance!
my message is to the french and bulgarian authorities!
on September 28, I bought a ticket from Chisinau to France and I will be in Paris for one day, after which I will leave for Sofia, Bulgaria! My offer remains valid! I’m not afraid of the truth and I’m ready to take the polygraph test in Paris on September 28 or when I’m in Bulgaria! I am ready to pass the polygraph test that I have never worked for any intelligence/information service that no one has had or has the right to film me or record or sign on my behalf, that I am not a member of Freemasonry and that I don’t volunteer, I am not a terorist! do you know who is afraid of me passing the polygraph test? the FSB network from Moldova Romania Poland and the USA! that’s why they will do everything possible to arrest me until September 28, 2023 and also follow me in Bulgaria when I’m studying! they will do everything they can to make me fail the polygraph test but they will open a criminal case for fraud or something!
if the Americans stole my money from the sale of the book I wrote, if the Americans blocked my Facebook account that brought me profit, if the Americans blocked my YouTube accounts and at the moment the Americans are using algorithms so that I don’t be seen on Facebook or Youtube even if I have many followers! why are the Americans interested in me not winning, not being promoted in my career even though I was pro-American and I wanted Moldova to be a member of the EU and NATO! I attended conferences and seminars about NATO and the EU, and from here the question arises: why do the Americans support the former communists and do everything possible to destroy those who are pro-American and pro-EU? I wrote in detail about these in the first book of this year! how miserable do you have to be to steal money from book sales? there is only one explanation for all of this: there is a network of Russian agents/spies infiltrated in American intelligence structures such as the CIA or the FBI who are doing everything possible for the FSB network in Moldova and Romania to be promoted in their career and earn money (and the Americans they make a lot of money from bribes) instead they pledge to destroy anyone who is pro-American? I am ready to prove it through polygraph tests, all the FBI has, but they are afraid that no one will pass the polygraph test! because prison awaits Americans, Canadians, Poles, Moldovans, Romanians, Germans! all those who followed me (all without exception) in Georgia, Poland and Canada must be arrested for espionage in favor of Russia!
I have to write about these things every day, because the FSB network from Moldova, Romania, Poland and the USA lie about me every day and they have not fulfilled their main goal: that I be locked up in prison, psychiatric or liquidated ! don’t believe those people who say they are my friends! I have no friends in the Republic of Moldova and in Romania, and even if tell you how good friends we are, even if they are relatives or even my sister, know that they are my enemies and to know that is enough simply tell them: if you are close relatives, call via video conference and let your face be seen, and you will see how these people will look for all kinds of excuses not to talk to me! they will say that this is the plan, or that this is how we understood each other, they will look for all kinds of pretexts but not to discuss via video conference! Any person (all without exception who followed me in Georgia, Poland and Canada are part of the FSB network from Moldova and Romania! I did not call anyone in Georgia and Poland and Canada and I also did not call anyone in Bulgaria ! all those who will follow me in Bulgaria or those who will record my private talks are part of the FSB spy network! any information that does not appear on my social networks and appears on other social networks and is not indicated the links to my social networks, that means that social media belongs to the FSB spy network! I am not a member of freemasonry, or any NGO or Party, no one has and never had the right to record me or film me or sign on my behalf or speak in my name! when i say no one i mean no one!


Plop Andrei
Update september 5, 2023
only 22 days left for the FSB network from Moldova, Romania, Poland and the USA to arrest me! They won’t have another chance!
I did not call anyone from Moldovans and Romanians in Georgia, Poland or Canada and those Moldovans who followed me in these countries are part of the FSB network from Moldova and Romania! when I say no one, that means no one, and when I say everyone, that means everyone without exception, regardless of whether he is a relative, or that he was my friend or colleague from the university! I have no friends in the Republic of Moldova and Romania, because most of them were recruited by the FSB and even when these people praised me, they actually did it in such a way that they humiliated me! I did not call anyone in Bulgaria and I repeat, any person with the citizenship of the Republic of Moldova or Romania who follows me in Bulgaria must be arrested for espionage in favor of Russia! everyone without exception! I repeat, I did not call and will not call anyone to come to Bulgaria and even if it is my sister, or it is said that I was a friend or relative, all the people who will follow me must be arrested for espionage in favor of Russia! they have only one goal and that is to destroy me! they are not coming to help me, they are only coming to destroy me and report my every move to the Russians! everyone who followed me in georgia poland and canada must be arrested for spying for russia! all without exception!

Update september 4, 2023
only 23 days left!
it is obvious that if the FSB branch in Moldova and Romania will arrest me now and I will be imprisoned, then the entire FSB network in Moldova and Romania will no longer be able to be promoted in their careers and will no longer be able to earn money, but they miss me the most important factor to lock me up: they have no evidence and nothing to go to court with and they could only win in this the case just with some corrupt judges and prosecutors but their image and reputation will decrease because you can lie to the people of Moldova but you can’t lie to all the intelligence services who are aware of all the actions of the Moldavians and Romanians and they also know about the Nazi experiments made by the Poles in the refugee camps in Poland! I wrote and I write every time that no one (all without exception) had and does not have the right to film or record me and all those who declare that they have the right to film and record me belong to the FSB network from Moldova Romania Poland and the USA. because the FSB network acts according to the situation, sometimes they state that everything is a game and that is the plan and that they have my signature, and that I am paid for it, which is false, sometimes they state that I would work for the Romanian or Moldovan intelligence services and that they are on a mission, (which is false) or that I am volunteering which is false! Everything they say, the FSB network in Moldova and Romania have only one goal and that is to follow me and control my every step! There is another problem, the FSB network from Moldova, Romania, Poland and the USA will not be able to follow me in Bulgaria unless they have the consent of the Bulgarians and the French! if they will follow me (all of them without any exception) without the consent of the Bulgarians and the French, this means a diplomatic conflict and the FSB network in Germany will have to explain to the French why they are recruiting students studying in a French-speaking university? why are you involved in France’s area of ​​interest? and considering that the university is in Bulgaria, the same questions will have to be answered to the Bulgarians! if they don’t follow me in Bulgaria, the whole FSB network in Moldova, Romania, Poland, Germany and the USA will be out of a job and it will become clear that other than to follow me and follow me, they don’t know what to do, and obviously they won’t get promoted in their career and they won’t be able to earn money anymore! I write once and for all, no one had the right and will not have the right to record me, or film or declare that they have my signature! or to declare that I was paid, I was never paid for such a thing because no one had the right to record or film me or say that I signed a contract for such a thing! everything is fake! the same thing I wrote in the criminal complaint addressed to the Canadian prosecutor’s office on February 25, 2020 and because of the corruption in the Canadian prosecutor’s office, I sent this criminal complaint in PDF format to more than 600 accredited ambassadors in Canada, Poland, Switzerland, and I ask the French authorities and Bulgarians to double-check the mail from the French or Bulgarian embassy in Canada, Poland and Switzerland! Also, all this criminal complaint addressed to the Canadian prosecutor’s office in PDF format with the confirmation from the fax and the stamp of the Canadian authorities were also received by members of the EU Parliament and also members of the national Parliaments of Denmark, Norway, France, Sweden and the Netherlands! The situation in Bulgaria will be different than the one in Canada, because all will find out the truth in the meantime! if the FSB network in Moldova and Romania will no longer be able to earn money and be promoted in their career, this means that the FSB network in Poland and the USA will no longer be able to earn money and be promoted in their career! will the Americans intervene to defend those from the FSB network in Moldova and Romania? will the FSB branch in Moldova and Romania intervene to defend the FSB network in America and Poland?

24 days left!
what was the purpose of the Russians: the Russians wanted me to go to Russia and thus they won one of the best analysts in the ex-Soviet space and the FSB network from Moldova Romania Poland and the USA was to declare in their reports that I had gone to Turkey or Russia because I was a Russian or Turkish spy and because of that they had to be promoted as if I were a Turkish or Russian spy! most of those people who followed me in Georgia Poland and Canada were promoted that I was a Turkish or Russian spy and they really wanted me to leave and stay in Russia or Turkey but their plan didn’t work , and if the Polish counter-intelligence service was doing its job in 2017, today those people who followed me in Georgia should have been arrested for espionage in favor of Russia or Turkey, but the Polish counter-intelligence service took bribes from Romanians, I remain of the opinion that the FSB network from Moldova and Romania contacted the FSB network from Poland, because the Poles violated all my rights! I wrote about this in detail in the first book, so please read both of my books! also I wrote in the first book Towards the end of the book how not to become a Russian spy or a useful idiot and I recommend the Bulgarian and French authorities to read very carefully what I wrote in the book and ask the necessary questions! the FSB network will do everything possible to film and record me in Bulgaria because they did not fulfill the order given by the Russians, when the Russians understood that they fell into their own trap, it only took a few honest Americans who had no connection with Romania and Moldova should come and investigate and the entire FSB network in Moldova Romania and Poland was to be closed! everything is more complex because the Americans are also involved in corruption schemes or Nazi experiments and many Americans were promoted in their careers with the help of the Russians! it is most likely that the FSB network in Moldova and Romania will do what they did in Canada, or Poland, namely the undercover activists will contact the local activists in Bulgaria and the intelligence services in Moldova and Romania or the USA, Germany will also contact their contacts local to make my life more difficult! I wrote in detail in the book about how the FSB network operates in Moldova and Romania, all you have to do is read my books! and I will repeat as many times as necessary: ​​I have not worked and do not work for any intelligence service, I am not a member of freemasonry or any NGO and I do not volunteer and no one has and does not has the right to record me or film me or sign on my behalf and I am ready at any time to pass the polygraph test, all the polygraphs you have! do you know what will be the biggest stupidity of Bulgarians? that after I warned them, Bulgarians will still want or take bribes from Romanians or Moldovans!

how to react when you meet a person you suspect to be part of the FSB network especially if you are a politician? in no way! if you fight, you will end up in jail, but if you avoid getting lucky ( handshake 🤝)with politicians who are pro-Russian, you act like the American presidents when they meet Putin! with one hand you give luck ( handshake 🤝) but with the other hand you try to give a punch in the ribs! let me explain the last sentence or is it clear to everyone!
the FSB network in Poland (all the Poles who collaborated with the Moldovans and Romanians (all without exception) in 2017 when I was an asylum seeker in Poland, and the FSB network in America is still waiting for the FSB network in Moldova and Romania to put me in prison, psychiatry, or liquidate me, or prove that this is the plan, or that I would somehow work for the intelligence services of Moldova or Romania, or do everything possible to lie that I would be a Turkish or Russian spy! FSB network from Moldova and Romania are doing everything possible to escape from prison, to save his FSB network from America and Poland! because of this they are afraid that I will pass the polygraph test and because of this they will do everything possible to destroy me! i will share these articles everyday on my social media and all you have to do is block me on social media or use algorithms on social media!! i will write daily and I will also share every day! any information about me that does not appear on my social networks or my websites means that this information belongs to the FSB network in Moldova Romania Poland and the USA!

Plop Andrei
Update september 2, 2023
only 25 days left for the FSB network from Moldova, Romania, Poland and the USA to arrest me! They won’t have another chance!
follow the money and you will find the entire FSB network from #Moldova #Romania #Poland and the #USA!
let’s start with the fact that I never had and don’t have a car, that I didn’t buy and don’t have a house or apartment or any place to live in and the only transportation I’ve had in my life is bicycle! those people who declare that I bought a car, apartment or other luxury items or that I have bank accounts from tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands to millions, know that they are lying about me and I am always ready to prove these facts! as I have stated several times that no one had and does not have the right to record me or film or sign on my behalf and those people who declare that they have the right to sign, film, or record me know that they are part of the FSB network from Moldova Romania Poland and the USA. they buy these items and declare that they are mine, and then they look for all kinds of pretexts that I have sold these items or that I have lost in playing cards or in the casino! I don’t play card games, and I’ve never been to a casino to tell the truth, it’s enough to ask me, but they don’t! Americans know in detail who and how much money they won but it’s a problem because they have to investigate themselves! all those who recorded my conversations starting with my university colleagues in Romania when I was a student up to those people who followed me in Georgia, Poland and Canada earned a lot of money and were promoted in their career with the help of Russians! I repeat once again: all the people (everyone, without exception) who filmed and registered me in Georgia, Poland, and Canada are part of the FSB network! why do they want to film me, record me, keep following me? besides the fact that they have the mission from the Russians to destroy me financially, morally and physically, they also want to earn money and be further promoted with the help of the Russians! they, the FSB network blocked me on the social networks that brought me profit, it destroys all my career prospects even though I studied at 3 universities and they will also follow me to Bulgaria because without me, their life has no meaning and many of them who worked as waiters do not want to return to their profession! they will do everything they can to bribe the Bulgarians, and the French, and they will look for all kinds of pretexts to follow me! I also wrote in the last book: useful questions for Bulgarians and French to discover the FSB network in Moldova and Romania! I repeat, any person (all without exception) who will follow me in Bulgaria, are part of the FSB network from Moldova and Romania, even if they arrive before or after me in Bulgaria! I am writing about all this with only one purpose: that the Bulgarians and the French should not take bribes from Romanians and Moldovans, because once they take bribes, they will become my enemies and they will do absolutely everything that the Romanians and Moldovans will say just to escape prison! once they take bribes, I won’t graduate with my master’s and they will be promoted because they ruined any prospect of having a career! everything can be found out very quickly: ask me if it is true or not and ask me by video conference or face to face! also I am willing at any time to pass the polygraph test in any EU member country: that no one has had or has the right to record or film me or sign on my behalf, that I have not worked for any intelligence service and that I am not a member of a party or NGO or of Freemasonry and also I do not volunteer for anyone!

Update september 1, 2023
only 26 days left!
all those who followed me in Georgia, Poland and Canada (all without exception, and also I did not invite anyone to Georgia, Poland and Canada) and in the meantime they would have been promoted in their career (received awards and degrees or were promoted to military ranks) such as that I would be a Russian or Turkish spy or that I work for another intelligence service or that I would be a terrorist and that everything they were promoted for – is false! what would this mean? that means they must be demoted, stripped of their military ranks or any career advancement beyond the level they started at!
Now that it is clear to everyone that I did not and do not work for any intelligence service and that no one had the right to record or film me or sign on my behalf and I am also not a terrorist – what will everyone do that who were promoted with the help of the Russians??? I mean Americans, Romanians, Poles, Moldovans, Germans, Canadians? but those who have also earned money from this activity? what will they do exact! they will want to earn more money and be promoted in their career and because of this they will invented all kinds of pretext just to follow me!!! regardless of the pretexts they will invent, all those who follow me in Bulgaria will be part of the FSB network (all without exception)!
because of this everyone is afraid of me passing the polygraph test! they fear the truth! that I did not work and do not work for any intelligence service, that no one had and does not have the right to record or film me or sign on my behalf and also that I am not a terrorist or a volunteer! They will still want to earn money 💸💰💸 and the excuses they will invent don’t even matter anymore! Americans are afraid of prison, Americans are afraid of being imprisoned for spying for the Russians, as well as Poles, Romanians and obviously Moldovans! they will do absolutely everything to follow me to Bulgaria, because without me, their whole career goes down the drain! they have no chance to be promoted in their career and earn money! I repeat for the thousandth time: I did not work and do not work for any intelligence service, no one has the right to record or film me or sign on my behalf! any information that appears on other sites that are not mine and the links to my official site are not indicated, means that this information, those communication channels belong to the FSB network from Moldova, Romania, Poland, Germany, or the USA! they don’t want me to pass the polygraph test but they want to prove that I’m a spy! they don’t want me to pass the polygraph test but they want to prove that I’m a terrorist!

Update August 31, 2023
27 days left for the FSB network from Moldova, Romania, Poland and the USA to arrest me! They won’t have another chance!
even if the Americans knew that their people (Moldovans and Romanians) were raping and torturing Moldovans women and they knew at whose command they were torturing, do you think that the Americans intervened to stop these tortures or rapes? Obviously not, because they were their people! but did the Poles intervene in any way to stop these tortures or rapes? they didn’t stop either even if I was an asylum seeker in Poland! what are americans and polishes doing? they protect these Moldovan and Romanian rapists because these rapists are the only chance to escape prison for corruption, espionage in favor of Russia and Nazi experiments in the refugee camps in Poland! The only chance for the Poles to escape prison is for the FSB network from Moldova and Romania to lock me up in prison, psychiatry or physically liquidate me! this is the only chance to escape from prison because next year there will be elections in Poland, Romania, USA, Moldova and those who are now in power will most likely lose the elections! In Romania and Poland the mandates of the two presidents are expiring, in the USA there are slim chances that the current president will win and in Moldova the chances of Maia Sandu winning are very slim! In 2021, I was deported from Canada with an escort, and even if the Canadians wanted to arrest me in Moldova, the FSB branch immediately realized that as soon as they arrested me, I would become a political prisoner because for 11 years I I have not been to Moldova and I have requested political asylum in 5 countries! The FSB branch in Moldova is smarter than the corrupt and stupid Canadians! Not even in an EU member country will not arrested if you participated in the anti-communist revolution! Canadians will do anything for money! Why will the FSB branch in Moldova try to arrest me now? because they won’t get another chance! and if they don’t arrest me now, then the FSB branch in Poland, Romania and the USA will end up in prison! Everyone knows the truth! All that remains is to find Americans and Poles who will begin to investigate the crimes of the current administration in Poland and the previous administration in the USA!


Update August 30, 2023

28 days left!

why I warned the French and Bulgarian authorities not to take bribes from the Romanians and I also wrote the questions that the Bulgarians and the French should ask the Romanians and Moldovans who follow me in Bulgaria! it’s very simple: because once they take bribes from the Romanians and Moldovans, the Bulgarians and the French will have no other solution but to fulfill everything the FSB network from Moldova and Romania says! I do not exclude that the FSB network from the USA or Germany will also try to intervene! I have written several times that I have never worked for any intelligence service, that I have never worked and do not work for the Romanian or Moldovan state, that no one has the right to record, record or sign on my behalf! that I am not a member of Freemasonry, or any NGO and that I do not volunteer!!! the FSB network has no choice but to arrest me now, they still have 28 days and I’m sure they will try to follow me to Bulgaria as well to earn money and be further promoted with the help of the Russians! any person who will follow me to study in Bulgaria with the aim of recording or filming me, or that they will declare that they are coming to help me or will find another pretext (all of them without any exception) means that they are part of the FSB network in Moldova and Romania!


Update August 29, 2023

29 days left!

only 29 days left for the FSB network to arrest me! another chance to arrest me, the FSB Branch will not have it and therefore they will have to intervene to arrest me! The FSB network is already discovered in Moldova, Romania, Poland and the USA, and it is also known about Canadian corruption! I will share every day posts in which I will write about the FSB network from Moldova, Romania, Poland and the USA, and I am also convinced of one thing: that the FSB network from Moldova, Romania, Poland and the USA will no longer be able to be promoted and they will not could act in Bulgaria without the consent of the Bulgarian or French authorities! the FSB network from Moldova Romania Poland and the USA will have to explain to the Bulgarian and French authorities why they are still following me considering that I am not and have never worked for any intelligence service and I am ready to pass the polygraph test in front of to all NATO ambassadors and military attachés and also that no one has the right or had the right to record me, film me or sign on my behalf! the FSB network doesn’t want me to pass the polygraph test but they want to put me in prison for other invented crimes like being a fraudster etc.! they will do everything they can to get out of jail!


Update August 28, 2023

30 days left!

30 days left! I will share this article every day and post on all my social networks! the FSB network from Moldova has just one chance to arrest me until September 28! they won’t have another chance to arrest me! also if they can’t arrest me until September 28, they, the FSB network from Moldova, Romania, Poland and the USA will do everything possible to continue following me in Bulgaria when I’m studying, even if it became clear to everyone that I don’t I have worked and do not work for any intelligence service, that no one (all of them, without any exception) had and does not have the right to tape me, record or speak on my behalf or say they have the right to sign on my behalf ! all those who will follow me in Bulgaria, (all without exception) will be part of the FSB network from Moldova, Romania, Poland and the USA! also, I am ready to pass the polygraph test in any EU or NATO member country that I do not work and have never worked for any intelligence service, that I am not a member of freemasonry or any NGO, that I do not volunteer, and that no one didn’t have the right to film or record me, that I’m not married, engaged and that I don’t have children and that I’m also not gay or a terrorist! obviously the FSB network will do their best to escape from prison and they will do their best to destroy me financially, morally and physically!!!


Update August 27, 2023
only 31 days left!
one thing is obvious! that everything they said about me so far is false! but if they don’t follow me they will lose their job that’s why they need pretext and it doesn’t even matter if it’s true!
they won money and want to win more! they were promoted with the help of the Russians and they want to be further promoted! they were recruited with only one purpose and that is to destroy me financially morally and physically! they will do their best to arrest me until September 28th and if they fail, they will also follow me to the master’s program!
the question for them is still current and will continue to be: how much money have you made and how much do you want to make?
Update August 26, 2023
only 31 days left!
one thing is obvious! that everything they said about me so far is false! but if they don’t follow me they will lose their job that’s why they need pretext and it doesn’t even matter if it’s true!
they won money and want to win more! they were promoted with the help of the Russians and they want to be further promoted! they were recruited with only one purpose and that is to destroy me financially morally and physically! they will do their best to arrest me until September 28th and if they fail, they will also follow me to the master’s program!
the question for them is still current and will continue to be: how much money have you made and how much do you want to make?
Update August 25, 2023
Only 32 days left!
it is obvious that the FSB network no longer has any pretext to follow me in Bulgaria but they will look for solutions to escape from prison and prove that everything is according to plan and they will continue to follow me and earn money and be promoted further !
All those who followed me in Georgia Poland and Canada (all without exception) earned a lot of money even though all their activity was illegal, and were promoted in their careers! I suppose some of them were promoted as if they had found a Turkish or Russian spy, and I suppose so, they also wrote in the reports and I do not exclude that they were also advanced and received military degrees! But it became clear that I have never worked for any intelligence service, that I am not and have never been a member of any NGO or Masonic organization, and that no one had and does not have the right to record or film me or speak on my behalf and the information that appears about me on other sites about me and that sites not belong me, that means that’s site belong to the FSB network from Moldova Romania Poland and the USA!
They were promoted and earned huge money from this activity to follow and destroy me morally, physically by the FSB network from Moldova Romania Poland and the USA! just like the Canadians were also promoted!!!
what will happen to those people who were promoted in their career as if I were a Russian or Turkish spy but I am not a spy of any country and I am ready to prove and pass the polygraph test in any EU or NATO member country!
then the question arises as to why they followed me and why they want to continue following me! the explanation is very simple: all those who followed me in Georgia, Poland and Canada are part of the FSB network from Moldova, Romania, Poland, Germany and the USA! and it is obvious that they will do absolutely everything possible to escape from prison and that is why the FSB network in Moldova and Romania will try to save the Americans and Poles and the FSB network in America will try to save the people from whom they received money and with the help of which they were promoted in their career!
that means they will try to put me in prison or do everything possible to prevent me from studying in Bulgaria!
why are they now going out of their way to put me in jail? because they have no explanation and it became clear to everyone that all their activity was illegal and that they earned a lot of money and were promoted in their career with the help of the Russians! the problem is that they want to make more money and that’s why they will follow me in Bulgaria too! if they don’t follow me, it will become clear to everyone that without me they are worthless, incompetent, stupid and will no longer be able to be promoted in their career!
the creation of a parliamentary/congress commission in Poland and the USA would prove that the Poles and Americans took bribes from the FSB network in Moldova and Romania and that they were promoted with the help of the Russians because of the disinformation they received!
sooner or later, the Americans will have to arrest all those who followed me in Georgia and especially in Poland and Canada (everyone without exception) because I asked for political asylum in these countries!
I’m interested in what the Americans who will be arrested for spying for the Russians will say: that I did not know that this activity was illegal? even if I share these posts daily on my social networks!
the simplest question will be: how many times have you tried to find out the truth from Andrei Plop in these 7 years? and the answer is: never!
that they never tried to find out the truth if anyone has the right to record me or film me, or sign on my behalf! They’ve never tried but they’ll go out of their way to follow me around and film and record me in Bulgaria!
Update August 24, 2023
only 33 days left!
they are still looking for a pretext to arrest me until September 28th and they are still looking for a pretext to continue following me in Bulgaria to do the same thing like in Canada: to destroy me financially, morally, to earn money, to be promoting with the help of the Russians!
Update August 23, 2023
34 days left!
after I published the book I wrote that the FSB network in Moldova Romania Poland and the USA will not admit that they worked or that they work for the FSB and that they will continue to lie about me in the future and will also do everything possible to escape from prison!
when I say that I have not worked for any intelligence service, that means that I have not worked and that I am not working and that I am ready at any time, in any EU and NATO member country except Poland, Romania and Turkey to pass the test polygraph! it is also important that when I pass the polygraph test there are also some foreign ambassadors as witnesses! those who say that I would work for some intelligence service, that means they are lying and that 99% are part of the FSB network! they will also say that this is the plan, that we want to follow someone, that we are looking for moles and so on – it’s all a lie because those who follow me, that is, they are also the people who work for the FSB, who write information about me and he doesn’t appear on my official sites, it means he works for the FSB!
the question: why do Americans do nothing to find out about the FSB network in Moldova Romania Poland and the USA? why are they afraid of me passing the polygraph test in front of all NATO ambassadors and military attaches?
Update August 22, 2023
only 35 days left for the FSB network from Moldova, Romania, Poland and the USA to arrest me! They won’t have another chance!
after the publication of the second book it became clear that the USA is afraid that I will pass the polygraph test in front of all NATO ambassadors and military attachés, but continues to do everything possible to prove that I am a Turkish or Russian spy or that I am a terrorist, voluntary, etc.
it also became clear that I was not and am not a member of Freemasonry, or any NGO, or party member, and no one had and does not have the right to film me, record me or sign on my behalf, or to say that I signed a contract! those who say that I signed a contract to film me, record it can be found out very quickly that the signature is fake by asking me via video conference!
it is obvious that if the FSB network from Moldova, Romania, Poland and the USA will not succeed in arresting me until September 28, then they will also try to follow me in Bulgaria where I will study at a French-speaking university for a master’s degree in management! I was away from Moldova for 11 years, and I requested political asylum in 5 countries, and it will still be difficult to fabricate a criminal record for me, but as the Canadians demonstrated after I was arrested for 10 days and was under judicial control for 3 years because of the criminal case opened by the communists because I participated in the anti-communist revolution of April 7, 2009, I want to tell you that nothing surprises me anymore!
Canadians are corrupt and for money they are ready to do anything!
also, I didn’t invite anyone to Bulgaria and everyone from Moldova or Romania who will follow me, (starting from undercover activists, from those from the intelligence service, politicians, or that they are members of some international organizationm or that they claim to be detectives or paparazzi – all without no exception) know that they are part of the FSB network and they will follow me with only one goal – to destroy me financially, morally and physically and also they will do everything possible so that I do not graduate my master’s degree through all kinds of challenges! no matter what they say, that they are friends, that they want to help me – know that they come with only one purpose – to destroy me!
you will never find detectives or paparazzi following refugees or students in other countries, it is clear that it is a form of cover for those in the intelligence services to follow him!
the FSB network will try to bribe, lie about me every day, humiliate me, and even when they praise me, they still humiliate and discredit me!
without me, they will be out of a job and the following will become clear: that they are stupid and life without me has no meaning because they will not receive huge money further and will not be promoted by the FSB network!
Americans, Romanians, Moldovans and Poles have no reason to follow me, but they will do everything possible to control my every step!
I’m not a member of any organization and I am not volunteer and haven’t volunteered in the last 7 years! I only volunteered in one organization for 3 months in Denmark in 2016!
and even when I was a volunteer and before 2016 no one had the right to film me, record me or speak or sign on my behalf!
I am neither married nor engaged nor divorced and I have no children!
the last time I met a Moldovan girls was in 2013, and I’ve never met a Polish, Romanian or Canadian girl!
all those women who declare that they have children from me, know that they are lying because they are part of the FSB network from Moldova, Romania, Poland and the USA and their aim is to discredit me! the truth can be found out very quickly: through video conference and face to face with that girl!
the truth to any question can only be found out by video conference and not by audio call! because you might be talking to someone else and not me!
the information that I have published in this article is current!
I am already 34 years old and I was not married, obviously not divorced! I have no children! In this article I will write about women and about the strategies of Russians to recruit girls that I want to meet or discredit me in front of these girls!
If there is a #Polish girl, a #Romanian girl or a #Moldovan girl who will tell you that I have children or that we are engaged, you should know that they are lying! I will never marry a Moldovan, Romanian or Polish woman and if SHE tell these lies it means that she was paid to say something like that or she works for intelligence!
I’m not engaged and now I don’t have a girlfriend!
even if these girls from these countries are beautiful: I will never marry a girl whose country was part of the USSR or the organization of the Warsaw Treaty!
even if some of these countries are NATO members, the Russians almost completely control the intelligence services such as the Polish or Romanian ones!
I am not a member of any organization, that no one has the right to record, film, speak on my behalf or my signature and any person (and when I say any person I mean everyone without exception) who says otherwise or who will follow me, must be arrested immediately for espionage in favor of Russia!
– If someone tells you that we are relatives, that we are friends or that we know each other and that he has the right to register me, to speak on my behalf, to sign, that I said so, that this is the plan, Please remember that person is a Russian spy, it doesn’t matter if he is a relative or a friend or if he will show you pictures together or if he will tell you that it is about another person and not about him and also his nationality does not matter, You should know that he is a Russian spy! because no one has my consent to register, film or sign on my behalf!
I, Plop Andrei, am not a rapist, I am not gay, I am not a terrorist, I’m not a pedophile I am not a spy, and I have never worked for any institution in Romania or Moldova. I’m not paranoid, drug addict, communist, I don’t even smoke cigarettes and those who will blame me or arrest me for some previously mentioned actions, you know that they are Russian spies! The Russians are corrupting most of my friends, family members, they have discredited me and will continue to discredit me and now they just have to arrest or kill me.