The whole article will be sent to about 600 embassies abroad in order to show them how the Russians are currently working and to avoid becoming Russian bitches like the Poles. this article will be sent in pdf format from
My name is Andrei Plop and I am from Moldova . I graduated from the Faculty of International Relations (ULIM) , I studied at the Romanian – American University, the Faculty of Law. Also, I graduated from the Faculty of International Relations a master student of the SNSPA,. I was nominated to take part in the parliament elections in 2009( RM). If i had to describe myself in three words, they would be passionate about learning, hard working and ambitious.
Training of elites at the most prestigious schools of the world together with the democratization and economic reforms in a state may lead to the creation of the basis for a viable state. Current realities require improvement of the methods, instruments, and strategies available for my country. They are necessary for facing challenges and risks and for establishing clear and precise lines of action in the following spheres: political-administrative, social, educational, research, culture, national security and public order in the foreign policy. In this situation, people need a support and this can only come from leaders of society, particularly political leaders. They need to exhale the force that protects the vulnerable people and enables people with initiative to press the accelerator for maximizing profits. Reforms are needed to completely change the social order and institutions. It is known that as the people get older, they become more conservative. In contrast a youth easily adapts to new trends or political projects.
I am fully supporting and sharing ideas of democracy, freedom of thought and expression willing to devote my life and carrier to promote them around the world and particularly in my country. Gaining multicultural experience from my previous projects was incredible. Immersion in foreign environments provided me an important source of inspiration, enthusiasm and new friends. My dream is to live in a world with a multitude of cultures and languages; where people can live in freedom of thought and freedom of expression. I am really willing to make the sacrifices needed to make this change. Sincerely, Andrei Plop
07/04/2014–04/07/2014 International Parliamentary Internship Program, Warsaw (Poland)
07/2016–10/2016 One World Center (Denmark)
09/2007–08/2010 Faculty of History and International Relations Free International University of Moldova, Chisinau (ULIM)
10/2013–08/2015 Department of International Relations and European Integration, Conflict Analysis and Resolution National School of Political Science and Public Administration, Bucharest (Romania)
10/2012–08/2016 Faculty of Law Romanian-American University, Bucharest (Romania) WSCFE: Encountering the Other – Community building and ecumenical leadership training in Central and Eastern Europe ( July 2013)
JCI – Succes in Romania ( 2012-2013);A mentorship programme designed for students of Romanian origin, born abroad, who come to Romania to pursue their academic studies.
Letter of Confirmation by Wolfgang Behrendt, Head of Delegation of the European Union to Moldova
European Leadership Academy, AEGIS Consulting (Chisinau, Moldova, 2009- 2010); Foundation for reforms in justice, security and defense (Chisinau, Moldova, 2009-2010).
Inter-university Student Conference at CID NATO, “Strategic Concept of NATO and its role in providing security in the Euro-Atlantic” ( Chisinau, Moldova – 2010) ;
International Taekwon-do Championship ALTAIR (Chisinau, Moldova) – 2nd place;
National Taekwon-do Championship (Chisinau, Moldova) – 2nd place;
National Taekwon-do Championship (Chisinau, Moldova) – 3rd place.
update July 11, 2022
I think it is too early to talk about the year 2024 but in 2024 the mandates of the presidents of the Republic of #Moldova, Romania, Poland, #Ukraine, #USA expire! I only wrote about these countries because the elections in these countries will lead to internal changes and changes in the directors of intelligence services in these countries!
I think this term of the US President (Joe Biden) is the first and last term and he has no chance of becoming president for the second time!
the presidents of Poland and Romania are in their second term and will not be able to run for a third time!
Both the president of #Poland and the president of #Romania are suspected of abuse of office and will most likely appear before the judges! they only enjoy the immunity they have as president, but when their mandates expire, they will most likely be prosecuted in court!
in 2023 they will begin to feel the contempt of people who are now still loyal!
The chances for Maia Sandu to become president a second time are very low! #Corruption, incompetence are the key words of Maia Sandu’s leadership, she will remain in history only as the first woman to win the electoral elections in Moldova!
the question I am asking myself now: if #Moldova will exist as a country in 2024 and will not be occupied by the Russians!
Volodymyr Zelenskyy has stated that he will not run for a second term, but the #war in #Ukraine with #Russia changes everything and Volodymyr Zelenskyy has an authoritarian attitude. It is difficult to say what Ukraine will look like in 2024, but during the war it is impossible to hold elections! Will peace negotiations be reached by 2024?One thing is clear! That the Russians will do their best to avoid defeat And the Ukrainians will do everything possible to regain their territory! Even if we will have it for short periods! Russians and Ukrainians will return to the battlefield until the Ukrainians surrender! Only the betrayal of Europeans and Americans could lead to such situations!
about the kidnapping of nicolae ceaus read in this article!!!
About the fact that Poles and Romanians were bribed by the #FSB branch in Moldova, I wrote in this article! and that is why the year 2024 will be crucial for me! Moldovans do their best to put me in prison but I have not been in Moldova for 11 years (from 2010 to 2021) and all this time I have not committed any crime!
The FSB branch in Moldova will only be able to lock me up if their “partners” who bribe them want to lock me up in Moldova so that they can escape from prison because they have been bribed by Russian spies!
At the moment, the most could come from #Poles, #Romanians, #Georgians and #Canadians!!!! When it comes to money everywhere they react the same way and the Poles proved to be more corrupt than the Germans at gazprom! Most states in Europe and America know about the corruption of Poles and Canadians! Germans, French, Italians and most European countries also know the names and surnames of Poles who took bribes from the FSB branch in Moldova
When you have no evidence to imprison a person who tells the truth in Moldova and in ex-Soviet states, a customary criminal case is usually fabricated, liquidated or locked up in a psychiatric ward!
In Moldova, #Russian methods of liquidating a person, such as chemicals, are usually used, and documents state that he had health problems!
Suicide methods were used in Moldova and the gun as in the case of Ion Butmalai! Ion Butmalai was killed because he was probably one of the politicians talking about the theft of the billion dollars from banks in the Republic of Moldova!
If investigated by the right people, the current president of Moldova (Maia Sandu) would also end up in prison because of the billion dollars that were stolen from banks in the Republic of #Moldova.
It is no secret to anyone in the #EuropeanUnion that Poles do not respect international law and European Union law!
Due to the corruption and cowardice of the #Poles, this state has disappeared from the map of Europe 3 times! The guide from the royal castle in Warsaw will take you directly to the painting about the corruption of the Poles! I recommend reading the history of the Poles as well!
To understand the imperial attitude of today’s Poles you must study history! Bohdan Khmelnytsky is a #Ukrainian hero who saved Ukrainians from Polish slavery! Bohdan Khmelnytsky (1595–1657), who, beginning in 1648, led the rebellion against the Polish magnates, claiming freedom and territory for the Cossacks, has been memorialized in Ukraine as a great general and God-given nation builder, cut in the model of George Washington!!!
If the Poles have the opportunity, they will use it for the time being and take territories that belong to the Ukrainians today!
even if there is a war and many cities in Ukraine are being bombed, some of the Ukrainian refugees in Poland will return to Ukraine, some Ukrainians will return to the Russian-occupied areas!
Poles no longer provide social assistance to Ukrainian refugees because they are pushing Ukrainians to find work!
the Poles need the Ukrainians only as slaves to work with miserable wages and to do all their hard work! Because of the attitudes of the Poles, the Ukrainians will unite with the Russians! Obviously, this will not be done immediately, but because of the Ukrainian Poles, they will choose the least evil! because it is impossible for the few million Ukrainian refugees to find all their jobs!
some Ukrainians will have the choice to be homeless in Poland or to be under #Russian occupation!
All Poles (all without exception – politicians, people from the #Polish government, intelligence, activists, etc.) who have collaborated with Romanians / Moldovans (all without exception – politicians, people from the Romanian / Moldovan government, intelligence, activists, etc.) in my file will ( in the summer and autumn of 2017 and which continues to collaborate until now) be arrested for espionage in favor of #Russia and for corruption!
all Poles who took bribes and collaborated with #Moldovans and #Romanians from 2017 will arrive at the International Court of Justice in The Hague for crimes against humanity! already the whole international community found out that you took bribes and that you fulfilled Russian orders!!!!
you will not escape from prison!!!!
update July 12, 2022
I have already written in this article that I speak Romanian, Russian, English, Polish, French and that now I am learning Italian and German because my goal is to go to work in Switzerland and French (which I already speak) Italian and German are national languages in this country!
I am already 34 years old and I was not married, obviously not divorced! I have no children! In this article I will write about women and about the strategies of Russians to recruit girls that I want to meet or discredit me in front of these girls!
When I write about the Russians’ strategies, I mean the people from Moldova and Romania who were recruited by FSB / GRU / SVR even if these Moldovans / Romanians work in politics, intelligence or are undercover activists!
I would not have written this article if the FSB / GRU / SVR network from Moldova / Romania had not been discredited all the time and some of them even enjoy the support of the Americans! It happened something like this: Moldovans corrupt Romanians and all these Romanians were filmed with a hidden camera having sex with Moldovan girls so that they would later be blackmailed! Romanians bribe Americans and the purpose of the Russians is to promote Moldovans, Romanians, Americans in their careers! Americans receive misinformation made by Russians from Moldovans and Romanians and these Americans are promoted and then due to the fact that they were promoted, Americans help Romanians and Moldovans get rid of their enemies!
two of my facebook pages: one with 95,000 likes and the second with 15,000 likes were deleted in 2017!
the 95,000 likes page still exists on facebook and currently has only 80,000 likes but no admin! it has not been active since 2017 and I have tried countless times to recover this facebook page without success!
the same happened now with linkedin, my linkedin profile was blocked and I had over 7000 connections!
now my profile and facebook page have been blocked for a month and I can’t post anything! my profile and facebook page were blocked and my linkedin account was suspended because I was sharing the same article almost every day! It is the article you are reading now and it is about how the #Russians corrupt the #Poles and #Canadians !!!
facebook and linkedin are American social networks and every #NATO member country has access to the facebook network and can read messages from messenger!!! I think I will go to an area too far away but Victoria Nuland acknowledged that in Ukraine there were biological laboratories just as in #Romania there were once #CIA prisons.
What Americans can’t afford in the US they can afford in countries like Eastern Europe! #Corruption is also in America, only there it is called a lobby and the Americans take bribes abroad because none of them will dare to go against the #Americans even if some of them are corrupt, stupid and blackmailed by the Russians!
The problem is that many people have access to the messenger, including Romanians and Moldovans, and they will also have access to the people I talk to!
And that’s why I decided to write about the strategies of Moldovans and Romanians so that those who will read the article will immediately realize that they are Russian spies even if some of these spies have the citizenship of other states.
I think I am writing this article rather for the Swiss: if there are individuals who will try to intervene such as #Americans, #Germans, #Poles, #French to help #Moldovans or #Romanians who will follow me to immediately arrest Moldovans and Romanians! everyone ! without exception to arrest them!
I know that Romanians and Moldovans will use their relations to destroy me and will say again about me: that I am a spy, or that I am a Romanian spy and betrayed, that I am gay, that this is their plan, that I am undercover, that they will declare that I am a terrorist just to get rid of the criminal files for the bribe they took from the Russians!
so that I don’t analyze Russia and ruin the Russians’ plans And for that, Romanians / Moldovans will continue to receive money from the Russians ( from intermediaries such as Indians (from Asia), Germans (gasprom affiliates).
that some of them will say that it is not about us and others to arrest everyone without exception, including Americans, Poles, Germans, etc. catch these #Moldovans and #Romanians and then put me face to face with these Moldovans / Romanians and I assure you that they will all end up in prison for espionage in favor of Russia!
Swiss, don’t be as corrupt, cowardly and stupid as the #Poles!
I have never met a #Polish girl, #Romanian girl, or #Canadian girl and the last time I met a #Moldovan girl was in 2014.
if someone tries to convince you that I have children and that I let them know that they are lying! Especially Moldovans, Romanians and Poles! I have never met a Polish girl: in 2010/2011 I met a Ukrainian girl and then a Georgian girl, and in the spring / summer of 2014 I met an Armenian girl! I later met this Armenian girl in Hungary because of some Romanian idiots. I recommend you read Red Horizons, Ion Mihai Pacepa! How the Romanians were communists and remained so today!
If there is a #Polish girl, a #Romanian girl or a #Moldovan girl who will tell you that I have children or that we are engaged, you should know that they are lying! I will never marry a Moldovan, Romanian or Polish woman and if I tell these lies it means that she was paid to say something like that or she works for intelligence!
as soon as I start flirting with a girl, say from #Switzerland!
suddenly many will start flirting with her and this girl will feel changes and the #Russian network of spies through activists, intelligence, volunteers will even start making gifts and be very romantic with her! my denigration will begin! The Russian spy network has Moldovans and Romanians ready for such scenarios and they are very romantic and can conquer any girl! Obviously they also have expensive cars but they have phrases and actions that work for any girl! this girl will feel very special and I will immediately realize if this girl is flirting with someone else or just me! It is enough for me to be interested in another girl and everyone who tried to flirt will leave her and will try to be heavenly for the girl I am interested in!
If someone says that he has children from me, he can find out the truth very quickly or that he says that we are meeting and that we want to get married! To find out the truth, it is enough to put me face to face! You will immediately see how they will do everything possible to avoid a face-to-face discussion! And you can’t even find out the truth on the phone because now there are so many applications that can mimic my voice! It is important to discuss the video and if someone says I am a spy, that I am under cover just as put face to face and the truth will be found out very soon!
I think that there will be no stupid Swiss people to whom the Romanians will tell them that we understood that I will be from the bank, the post office, etc. (that is the plan).
Just put it face to face and tell me face to face: Andrei, this individual declares that you are an undercover spy; that you are gay that you are; that you came to follow someone; (they will find a victim, I don’t even doubt it). Swiss do not be as stupid and corrupt as the Poles! Arrest him immediately and put him face to face with me!
I assure you that anyone from Romania or Moldova will be arrested, because they are lying!
talk to me, ask me!
if I were to ask all Romanians and Moldovans who collaborated with Poles in 2017, I want to make sure I find the entire network of Russian spies in #Poland, #Romania, #Moldova and the #USA.
these documents have already been published on my telegram ( ( @plopandreicom) , instagram ( ) and twitter ( )
Update -March 31, 2022
Why Moldova has a general mobilization and a professional army
Article published on February 14, 2022
Let’s start with the fact that the pig doesn’t get fat on Christmas Eve and that all the action that needs to be taken now had to be done much earlier, but even now it is not too late to take any action. When you look at the veterans of the Dniester war and how they humiliate them, all the governments from 1992 to the present are simply ashamed! The war veteran who fought for territorial integrity in 1992 and was forced to sleep at the station describes our attitude toward veterans! We are a miserable nation if we cannot ensure a decent living for veterans who have fought for territorial integrity! Through such an attitude, the Moldovan authorities are also giving a lesson to the younger generation !!! Regarding the situation in Ukraine, I wrote a message today on Facebook: After the UK, Germany, the USA, Russia withdraw their citizens from Ukraine, after the Ukrainian oligarchs left Ukraine by charter planes, there is a need for a general mobilization of the citizens of Moldova! I would volunteer for the Moldovan army, only if Popescu, Serebrian and Ștefan Ţîbuleac are dismissed (Ţîbuleac won without participating in the contest organized by the presidency, in the position of head of the Service of the Supreme Security Council) and to be replaced by Moldovan soldiers who participated in NATO military operations in Iraq. I am a citizen of Moldova and I love my country but I do not want people who came to office as a result of political intrigues to tell me what to do! I am curious if those who shout from morning till night that they are Romanians would join as volunteers in the fight against Russia who will want to attack the territorial integrity of Ukraine or Moldova! The situation in the army of the Republic of Moldova is simply disastrous, when you don’t have a decent salary, a decent pension, you understand that everything on which the Moldovan Army is based is the patriotism of the Moldovan military for this country! Working conditions for a military man and a Member of Parliament playing tetris in Parliament are different! If the Russians invade Ukraine and get close to the Dniester, who do you think will be the first to flee the country? Obviously, those who stole Moldova and have bank accounts abroad, the same thing is happening in Ukraine. I am ready to take risks for this country but I want to be led by Moldovan soldiers who participated in NATO military operations! I do not want the Minister of Foreign Affairs, who jumps like a goat in front of Lavrov, to lead one of the most important ministries in the government of the Republic of Moldova during the war with the Russians! (Nicu Popescu holds a degree in Political Science, International Relations, Moscow State University of International Relations, Russia, 1998 – 2002.) Or this individual like Ţîbuleac and I don’t even have to say anything about Serebrian because everything is known about him! Usually when it comes to taking money from one side and putting it in another, the salaries of teachers, doctors and other socially vulnerable groups are ,,cut,, . We are in a war situation and Moldova has only two solutions: to borrow from the outside or to amnestied the people who stole from Moldova’s budget only on condition that they make voluntary donations so that the Moldovan government can buy weapons and so that the Moldovan military together with their partners from NATO member countries can train an army in record time! Let’s say for a moment that the Russians will not invade Ukraine, is there a need for such a professional army? YES! Regardless of any scenario, the Republic of Moldova needs a professional army! In February 2014, in a hall of a Romanian university, I said that the Russians would take Crimea and that they would try to do the same as in the Republic of Moldova with the uncontrolled region of Transnistria by the Moldovan authorities. I was about to be expelled from the hall! There were others who thought they were smart just because they had a position in the presidential administration and how good he was as a historian he was just as stupid in his ability to make a pertinent analysis! In December 2015, I wrote a letter to the President of Romania and the Ministry of National Defense of Romania (see below) requesting that the Romanian army be mobilized to defend the territorial integrity of the Republic of Moldova. The first thing that alarmed me was: Nastase, Usatâi and Dodon are protesting, but does Sturza want to be Prime Minister? I mean, these people are sitting and freezing outside, but does Sturza want to be prime minister? What if Sturza were to be elected prime minister, which was to be the reaction of Dodon and Usatâi? I can tell you what the reaction of the Kremlin and the pro-Russians in Moldova would be! Sturza is considered a successful person in Romania! And the message they were to send to Moldovans / Russians through Russian propaganda: Sturza is a Romanian nationalist !!! Let’s not forget that the main propaganda message used by the Russians for the occupation of Crimea and the separatist regions of Ukraine was Ukrainian nationalism! Diplomacy is a useless thing in front of the Russians! If you want the Russians to give up the attack then they need to know that instead of winning they could lose everything and most importantly get beaten up! When the Russians attack Ukraine, the Romanian army must be prepared to cross the Prut to defend the territorial integrity of the Republic of Moldova! Obviously they will have to stop on the Dniester! Romania is a NATO member and Romania has US protection! The Russians will not dare to attack an army that is a member of NATO! I supported the ACUM bloc (Action and Solidarity Party and Platform “Dignity and Truth”) until June 2019, I also wrote an article (9 reasons not to support the ACUM bloc) even now I am not enthusiastic about the current leadership of the Republic of Moldova but at key moments for the Republic of Moldova we need to unite around a leader and at the moment it is only Maia Sandu! And men who want to attack at this essential moment the supreme commander of the Moldovan army or hide behind his wife’s skirt is your right! Men who do not want to defend their mothers, wives, sisters, and daughters have no moral right to call themselves men! With best regards Plop Andrei
Update February 19, 2022
If the Ukrainians will try at least some resistance against the Russians, the Moldovans are still making no preparations to resist! How stupid you must be that the Russians will leave Moldova alone! Moldova has a government full of fools and cowards who can’t even read from the paper and even if they read, they don’t understand what they are reading! These idiots are doing nothing to protect Moldova!
Update February 25, 2022
It’s no secret that electricity comes from Transnistrians, as long as Ukrainians fight heroically with the Russians and as long as the Russians have not reached them, Transnistrians will be very nice, once the Russians reach them with military troops, Transnistrians will demand either union with Russia or recognition of independence! We must be careful in the Gagauzia area too! For Moldovans, it is enough to turn off their electricity and turn off the gas, and the Russians have won the war with Moldova! Ukrainians fight heroically but I recommend you buy a power bank or power bank with solar batteries! For those in the city, I recommend that you find relatives in the country in advance where you can stay! ,,I caught,, the times in the 90’s when Moldova had no light! Do you think such a scenario is impossible? Tell that to the Ukrainians fleeing their country! Better to be prepared than to be taken by surprise! Are the Moldovan authorities ready to receive electricity from Romanians? Is Moldova ready to receive gas through the famous Iasi-Ungheni pipeline? I have such a device and I believe that all Moldovan soldiers should have such a device! (I think that such a device would be useful for the Romanian military) It is charged from USB and from the sun! It’s good for any traveler anyway!
Update February 26, 2022
Putin needs to win this war against Ukraine, otherwise he will be a political corpse both figuratively and literally torn apart by his own system and by the Russians! The biggest fear for him is being considered a loser! He will have the contempt of the police, the army and the intelligence services! That’s why he will use all the resources to win, including weapons of mass destruction! Without allies, Ukraine will fight heroically, but it is not enough! They have the advantage of defending their country and know their territory, in a country where almost every Ukrainian will have a weapon, the fight of the Russians will be difficult, with sophisticated weapons from the west it will be even more difficult for the Russians! Let’s say that all of Ukraine’s leadership is annihilated! Will they continue the fight? Most likely yes! Every day of occupation will be a nightmare for the Russians! I think the idea of distributing weapons to all Ukrainians is brilliant! In the case of a mobilization of Moldovans, it would have been great to share all the weapons! I believe that the Moldovan authorities should also prepare to receive Romanian-speaking refugees from Transnistria, This is only in case the Russians will stop on the Dniester, but considering that the southern part of Moldova are Ukrainian territories with access to the Black Sea, I think they will take these territories with Gagauzia and stop on the Prut! That’s why Transnistrians are nice, so as not to be caught between the Moldovan and Ukrainian armies! destroy the Ukrainian army and the Moldovan army doesn’t even put up any more resistance !!!
Update February 28, 2022
The Russian army can mobilize up to a million soldiers, but to do so now is difficult and you need time to make this mobilization, Russians hope that if they occupy Kiev together with the country’s president, the fighting will stop and go to negotiations! Will Ukrainians give up if the President of Ukraine is captured and Kiev conquered? It’s a very difficult question to answer! I am sure of one thing: that the Russians will not have another chance to conquer Ukraine and that they will not leave Ukraine as a loser !!! They want to conquer Kiev as soon as possible, and the president must retreat to another city in western Kiev to continue the fighting! The Russians also need time to mobilize new resources! They have a problem: Western technology is far superior to Russian technology but even with the military technology that the Russians have, they can destroy entire cities in Ukraine! Are Ukrainians ready to pay such a price !? Ukrainian soldiers are prepared for such a price, but not Ukrainian politicians! The Russians want to reach the Dniester and for that it is necessary to capture the President of Ukraine and conquer Kiev! They will try to bring their people to the helm of Ukraine They will try to bring their peop le to the helm of Ukraine and Ukrainian nationalists will be destroyed / arrested by the FSBSome nationalists will flee to EU countries! NATO cannot get involved in this conflict, but they will most likely send volunteers to the Ukrainian Legion! Guerrilla warfare will be more possible in cities but due to new technologies it will be harder to fight on the plains even in the mountains! The Russians have the experience of fighting in the mountains with partisan Chechens! Eventually everyone will be found, they will take over the families of the partisans and they will simply destroy them! The Russians will forgive Putin if he brings them victory! If he loses he will simply be destroyed! Putin is now playing his career and life! If he wins – he survives, if he loses- he is arrested or killed, so he will use any method to win! It is possible that Kiev will liberate the separatist regions! They could do that too! The Russians will not have another chance to win Ukraine! Unlike Georgia, which also fought the Russians heroically, Ukraine’s advantage is that they are neighbors of NATO and EU member states, and the chances of becoming members of these structures are very high! If Ukraine wins the war with Russia, no NATO or EU member state will oppose Ukraine becoming a member of these structures! Ukrainians are sympathetic to everyone because of their fighting spirit against the Russians! The morale of the Ukrainian soldiers is much higher than that of the Russians! When the Russians defend their country, they also have a high fighting morale, but now they are invaders! I want to continue to insist on creating a professional army of the Republic of Moldova as soon as possible! We need at least 50,000 professional soldiers from the Republic of Moldova! We are a neutral country like Switzerland, but Switzerland has a professional army and is considered one of the most powerful armies in the world! The fact that we are a neutral country does not mean that we cannot have a professional army !!! Every Moldovan has seen what is happening in Ukraine and the fact that the Russians have not yet reached the Dniester is due to the Ukrainian military !!!! there is no Moldovan citizen who will oppose the salary increase of 5 or 10 times for the Moldovan military! If we do not feed our army then we will feed an occupation army !! I believe that all private security companies in the Republic of Moldova should be transferred to the administration of the Ministry of Defense of Moldova and also Moldovan police officers should be given instructions / training with military technology! I also ask that the state institutions of the Republic of Moldova ask the development partners of the Republic of Moldova to receive donations in the form of money / technology as soon as possible! It’s just a matter of time before the Russians attack Moldova! Neither the Republic of Moldova, nor Ukraine, nor Georgia can become a member of NATO or the EU and those who signed such petitions are demagogues! You can’t become a NATO or EU member when you have occupation troops and separatist zones! You have to be a fool or a Russian diversionist to come up with such statements! In the case of Ukraine, it is clear that they are at war with the Russians !! In the case of Georgia and Moldova, you must do the following to become a NATO or EU member: to renounce the separatist territories and recognize their independence !!!!! Ms. Maia Sandu, I want Moldova to be a member of the EU and NATO, but in addition to political PR with such statements, you put gas on the fire !!!! We are waiting for the moment! I’m trying to explain Putin’s next steps, and that doesn’t mean I’m on the side of the Russians: From my point of view, the Russians only simulate these peace treaties that take place in Belarus, they usually demand a ceasefire in order to rearm and remobilize and never keep their promises! Putin will have no other chance to stop Ukraine, and in my view it was Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy’s mistake to sign the application for Ukraine to become an EU member. You can’t become an EU member when you have occupation troops in your territory! I (Plop Andrei) want Ukraine to be a member of NATO and the EU and I wrote about it but now Putin will justify his gesture in front of his generals: – You see, the Ukrainians want to join the EU and I was right, we will not have another chance to conquer Ukraine! you see that all NATO members are arming the Ukrainians and if we leave Ukraine now, it will become a NATO member! From my point of view, if the Russians withdraw now, they will lose Ukraine forever, and the Russians will mobilize all the resources they have to conquer Ukraine and also fix the mistakes of the analysis of the state of the Ukrainian army!
Update March 1, 2022
You can’t be an expert on the ex-Soviet space without being able to speak Russian, you can’t be an expert on Arabic if you don’t speak Arabic, the same is the case with China, the fact that some people across the Prut know history very well, That doesn’t mean you can consider yourself an analyst! In Romania there is only one person who understands the position of Russia and that is Armand Gosu, the rest of the people are good historians or kitchen analysts! I beg to be spared the banal comments from the brethren across the Prut! We all have the right to an opinion, but spare me to have an even greater contempt for analysts in Romania on the ex-Soviet space! Congratulations to the Americans for helping Moldovans (some pro-Russians) win the Moldovan leadership to get rid of other Moldovans (also pro-Russians)! They intentionally do nothing to defend Moldova and to surrender Moldova to the Russians without any fighting! they intentionally do nothing to defend Moldova and to surrender Moldova to the Russians without any fighting! Those from the Moldovan government, don’t even try to say that: we didn’t know! Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy does not leave Kyiv because the Ukrainian soldiers are fighting heroically with the Russians, while the Moldovan leadership will not leave Chisinau because they have an agreement with Kozak !!!
Update March 2, 2022
I want to remind you that on February 14 I wrote an article in which I wrote that we need a general mobilization and a professional army! Even after the President of the Republic of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, yesterday demonstrated to the Security Council a strategic map with the territories of Belarus, Ukraine, Russia and the Republic of Moldova on which red arrows are outlined, one of them pointing to the Transnistrian region, I receive comments so as not to incite Moldovan citizens to war! To be clear, I do not incite Moldovan citizens to war, I want the Republic of Moldova to have a chance to survive! But even after everyone saw the strategic map of the President of Belarus, the Moldovan leadership still does nothing! How much could be done from February 14th until now !? And please, before you come with criticism, please ask yourself if you are competent in conflict analysis and resolution because I do not support multifunctional analysts!
Update March 4, 2022
I want to remind you of the post I wrote on March 1, 2022 (probably you read above) now Tiraspol is asking the international community to recognize its independence, after Maia Sandu signed the application for EU membership! We have a team of Russian diversionists at the helm of Moldova, because only some Russian diversionists could act like that! Do nothing to defend Moldova and come up with actions that only benefit the Kremlin! All hope for the territorial integrity of Moldova will be owed to the Ukrainian military and not to the Moldovan military or the Moldovan leadership !!! If the Ukrainians do not face the attacks of the Russians, all our hope of having an integrity state with the borders of Moldova that we know today may be the last time we see them. Because Kozak’s whores from the Moldovan leadership will either do nothing to defend Moldova or will mobilize only when it is too late! And even if they mobilize, they will make it so that the men cannot leave the country so that the Russians can come to the gate and take us exactly as in July 1940 !!! Either we will be killed or arrested or they will force us to side with them and work for the Russians! The Moldovan leadership is not stupid, they are simply diversionists! Everyone kn
ows what to do !!!!
Update March 8, 2022
Georgians who arrested Mikheil Saakashvili are demanding that Georgia become a member of the European Union, even though all EU and US officials consider him a reformer of Georgia and the politician who most wanted Georgia to become a member of NATO and the EU. Due to the activity of this reformer, the generation of Misha appeared who wants an integration in the Euro-Atlantic structures and almost all Georgians do not want to speak Russian! Georgians also have their own oligarch, a kind of Plahotniuc but unlike Plahotniuc, the Georgian oligarch did not have a pimp career, the Georgian oligarch has a higher education and Plahotniuc has a purchased diploma. The Georgian oligarch had shares in Gazprom and was supported by the Russian Federation to bring Mikheil Saakashvili’s team out of power! The position of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine that the applications for accession of Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia to the EU to be analyzed separately has a logic in addition to those stated by Kuleba! If Russia attacked Moldova or Georgia, none of them would resist the Russian army because of the governments of these countries! (even if the people of these countries are ready to fight) Regardless of who comes to lead Georgia, the de facto leader remains the Georgian oligarch, but in Moldova the situation has changed but we see that Igor Dodon, Zinaida Greceanii are still free! Let’s not forget that Maia Sandu worked in the Ministry of Economy and her bosses were even Igor Dodon and Zinaida Greceanii ( former communists) and before some followers of Maia Sandu came with criticism, please analyze the lady’s CV and if you want a confirmation I have to publish it immediately, but I want you to at least make an effort and look in the CV of Mrs. Maia Sandu! What is the Republic of Moldova doing to defend itself? Nothing! That’s the answer, and if someone instigates the war, they might even end up with a criminal case! To be clear, I do not instigate war but I want my country to have at least one defense plan! The US Secretary of State’s statements that he supports the sovereignty and integrity of the Republic of Moldova cost no more than A4 paper. It is also our fault, of the citizens of the Republic of Moldova, because we chose leaders who wanted to sit with their asses on two seats at once and with the Russians and the Americans and to receive benefits from both sides for their own benefit and not the population! What will the Moldovan authorities do next if Mariupol and Nikolaev are occupied in the next one or two weeks? Will they take action or will they wait for Odessa to be surrounded as well? I wrote earlier that the Moldovan authorities will either not do anything or will mobilize too late !!! Ukrainians are fighting heroically, but what will Moldovans do? Don’t blame Moldovan men, because Moldovans know how to fight! The “three women” from the Moldovan leadership will be to blame: Maia Sandu, Natalia Gavrilita and Igor Grosu !! To which are added to the list Popescu, Recean, Tibuleac and other useful idiots who must be included in a list of either traitors or incompetents!
Update March 9, 2022
Russia has received EU and US sanctions since the occupation of Crimea and the separatist regions of Ukraine since 2014 and the reaction of the Russians was not long in coming, and they also imposed EU / US sanctions. With these sanctions, the Russians began to create their own products such as food, but of very poor quality, but they are their own. If we had the sanctions against the Russians that the states imposed today against Russia in 2014, the Russians probably would not have attacked Ukraine in 2022 but the business with the Russians was above all than the territorial integrity of Ukraine. I am very happy that Angela Merkel is no longer in power in Germany today, because Nord Stream 2 has already been put into operation and has declared that it is a purely commercial project and not a political project !!! Many western investors have withdrawn from Russia but the question is for how long and what will the Russians do?!?! Regarding the withdrawal of social networks from Russia! The Russians have their own social networks and the most famous are VKontakte and Odnoklassniki and this fact is known to every Moldovan and everyone in the ex-Soviet space as a copy of the idea of Facebook with Russian additions! Blocking Youtube: Russians also have a copy of YouTube called Rutube! Google search engine: Russians also have a copy of Google which is used by most Russians on Yandex or Payment systems that are blocked for international transfers: the Russians have created their own PayPal and there are so many but the most famous are webmoney, Qiwi wallet that can be deposited in the account from terminals, including in some European countries, and you can also make payments on AliExpress And the Russians will replace the products from the West with the Chinese ones! If you still want to isolate the Russians, my recommendation to the EU and Ukraine would be to block Russian social networks and Russian payment methods throughout the EU, the US, etc.… The real economic winner in isolating Russia remains China, Chinese products were widely used in Russia but after this isolation, all quality western products will be replaced with Chinese products! The Chinese make copies of European / American products and in some cases even better than the originals! What will companies withdraw from Russia now when they realize that their market is / will be occupied by Chinese products? Will they be back? Will the Russians forgive them? Will they take into account the Russian invasion of Ukraine? The question now is how long will this war last? Plop Andrei: I was born in Chisinau on September 28, 1988, I am a citizen of the Republic of Moldova and since 2013 I have also obtained Romanian citizenship. I have a moral debt to the Republic of Moldova because the Moldovan state paid for my education (kindergarten, school)! The rest of the expenses for sports, university, were spent from the family / own money. The Romanian state did not spend a penny for my education even if I deserved a scholarship to SNSPA or in competitions I have participated in in Romania so that most of them are rigged or other people receive scholarships at SNSPA, idiots I haven’t seen them at lectures / seminars for 2 years but they passed the exams! I have never worked with a Romanian passport in the EU, but every Moldovan knows the advantages. With the Russian invasion of Ukraine, I am not only 50% Ukrainian but I am 100% Ukrainian. ( below I will publish the certificate of marriage of my grandparents stating that they are ethnic Ukrainians) I wrote about what is happening in Ukraine right now in the master’s thesis at SNSPA in 2015! The high level of corruption and incompetence of those in the West and the knowledge of the Russian Federation are very likely that I could write in detail in a doctoral dissertation what steps Russia will take, how the US / EU will react and how the Russians will react to their actions! If I had known from the beginning that Americans or Europeans would have a choice between a person with 3 higher education and a pimp, pedophiles, rapists, waiters and all sorts of filth I probably would never have studied International Relations and I would have studied at a computer science faculty. I wish the Americans success in integrating Moldova into the Euro-Atlantic structures with their pedophile pimps, rapists, waiters and all sorts of misery !!! With the invasion of the Russians, they managed something that no Ukrainian could do, to forget all the misunderstandings they had and to unite against the common enemy! Ukrainian traitors have been removed from the equation, starting with the first Ukrainian oligarchs to leave the country and ending with Kremlin-funded politicians! I like kvartal 95 and Liga Smeha, and as an actor and comedian Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelensky is phenomenal with the whole team !!! Once Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelensky became President of Ukraine, we can say that he is also a good politician, but there are also some moments that need to be discussed! When the US warned the Ukrainians that the Russians were preparing an invasion of Ukraine, the Ukrainian president told everyone not to panic and that he needed more details / evidence of a possible invasion and on the day the Russians canceled the invasion, the US seemed in a ridiculous situation and even amused themselves at the expense of the Americans until the Russians even attacked Ukraine. I think it was a leak from the Kremlin and not because of American analytical capabilities! When Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelensky was asked at the Munich security conference what Putin wants? The answer was that of a student at school: I don’t know what Putin wants !!! What Putin wants is very simple: – That Ukraine does not become a NATO / EU member – That the NATO border be as far away from Russia as possible – Restoration of the USSR (either through customs unions or forced occupation of territories) – Putin fears Ukraine’s success in becoming a rich country and that this virus of democracy does not spread to the territory of Russia! The fatal mistake made by Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelensky is to give up Ukraine to become a NATO member and to go to negotiations with the Russians! The sympathy of NATO member states for Ukraine has dropped considerably! The United States needs Ukraine to destroy Russia, but it is not ready to take responsibility and enter into a direct conflict with the Russians! Americans want Ukraine to become new Afghanistan for Russians and lead to collapse of Russian Federation! That is why they want this war to last and be a failure for the Russians! Obviously, behind these goals it is stated that the USA supports the territorial integrity of Ukraine with money and weapons! But they want to destroy Russia with the hands of others! The position of the Ukrainians was very clear: we want NATO and the EU and for that the Ukrainians pay the price of their lives! Here is the mistake of the Americans: they did not even give them the feeling that Ukraine could become a NATO member! If Ukrainians are not accepted into NATO, then what else are you fighting for? If there is not even a prospect of accession! The Ukrainians want real help to protect their airspace and not a ping pong with Mig planes to the NATO base in Germany and then back to Poland. Ukrainians have been open to the EU and not to NATO! Southern Ukraine will be occupied in the near future and Ukraine’s infrastructure will be almost completely destroyed in these occupied areas! The Russians need new reserves to keep the territories occupied and to occupy new territories! Mariupol has not had electricity for several days and the city of Nikolaev will fall in the next few days! The next target for the Russians will be Odessa and the Ukrainian territory south of Moldova and the annexation of Transnistria! What will Moldova do with its neutrality? Moldovans have insurance from the Americans exactly as the Ukrainians had! American pragmatism will make Moldova be used in its own interest to destroy Russia and we Moldovans will be just one piece on the American chessboard! Without protection, without real help from the Americans, Maia Sandu has already given the Russians a pretext to take this territory forever and as a bonus they will take some territories from the south of Moldova !! What is the pretext: Moldova wants in the European Union! The Russians will take everything they want from the territory of Moldova and if they have a good mood, they will leave a few km for the independence of Moldova! What will be the reaction of the Gagauzians when the Russians occupy the Ukrainian region between the Dniester and the Prut! They are probably preparing flowers by now and will call the Russian army – the liberating army! I’m not even talking about those in Transnistria! Who can we thank for this catastrophe? Obviously to Kozak’s whores in the leadership of Moldova! What will the Americans do? Only propaganda against Russia and without any real help to Moldova! The US military budget will increase, as will all NATO allies, and we will stay with Kozak’s whores in the West and be protected by the European Union’s Gazprom! General mobilization was the solution for Moldova! Removing Kozak’s whores from the leadership of Moldova and replacing them with Moldovan soldiers !!! Now it’s too late to change anything!
Update March 13, 2022
If Moldova is attacked by Russia in a week, two weeks or a month and no mobilization is done by then, all Moldovan men, especially those who are Romanian nationalists have the right to leave so as not to fall into the hands of the Russians! In the case of Ukraine, the war started in 2014, when Georgia was attacked on August 8, 2008, they knew a few months before that it would be attacked by Russia, thanks to the information provided by Frank Walter Steinmeier to Mikheil Saakashvili! (I assume from the German intelligence services) Ukraine was attacked by Russia on February 24, 2022 and the Moldovan authorities did nothing to defend this country! From February 24 until now, all Moldovans could be trained with all the Javelin, NLAW, etc. systems, but nothing has been done! If Moldova is attacked, only the Moldovan authorities will be traitors because they did nothing! (I call them Kozak’s whores). If they mobilize only when the Russians attack, then Moldovans will become cannon fodder, because it is 20 km from Vadul lui Vodă to Chisinau, and untrained Moldovans will be cannon fodder and who do you think they will mobilize! Moldovans who stole with their children or those who are against the Russians! When you have a Popescu in the government of Moldova, with soldiers who do not do their job (it should have been a mobilization for a long time) with intelligence services who smuggle with those from Tiraspol, any chance of winning against the Russians is ruined from the start! The traitors of the country are the ones who urge peace (so that Moldovans do not train and receive defensive technique) so that when the Russians attack us we will be an easy prey for them !!! I beg Kozak’s whores not to even dare to call the Romanians who will leave traitors or cowards! Because you are the real traitors! Romanians from Moldova who will leave when the Russians attack, have the right to leave Moldova for Romania to be enlisted in the Romanian army and we will see how things will turn out in Moldova along the way !!
Update March 14, 2022
For 3 years when I was in Canada in Montreal and Trois-Rivières in Quebec, I think I lived in more than 10 homes and the first thing I noticed was that they do not use gas! Just an electric hob that heats better than a gas stove! Canadians also heat with electricity! How Canadians can live without gas and Moldovans, Romanians and all Europeans cannot live without gas! Gas is the main source of funding for the Putin regime and the war against Ukraine! The Republic of Moldova must create alternative resources for obtaining electricity (wind / solar energy) at an affordable price for Moldovan citizens and completely give up Russian gas! Those who have companies that depend on Russian gas only have to reshape themselves! The fact that we have to get rid of Russian energy dependence is not even discussed! If Canadians can, why can’t we do it !!! The Germans with their financial and technological resources could very quickly get rid of the Russian gas but the question is why did they not do it ?! The question is how many schroders are there in the German government? Energy security together with the military security must be a priority for the Republic of Moldova !!!
Update March 15, 2022
When a person becomes a danger to public office mobsters, it is destroyed by the following methods I wrote in this article on July 21, 2018! ( How Gheorghe Petic will be destroyed! READ THE ARTICLE BELOW) ,, One could say that you are using drugs / you have used drugs! There are so many options and they have so many resources that they will make your life a nightmare! (Pedophile, Gay, terrorist, sectarian, rapist, narcoman, communist, corrupt, paranoid, psychically ill, spy etc…) I, Plop Andrei, am not a rapist, I am not gay, I am not a terrorist, I’m not a pedophile I am not a spy, and I have never worked for any institution in Romania or Moldova. I’m not paranoid, drug addict, communist, I don’t even smoke cigarettes and those who will blame me or arrest me for some previously mentioned actions, you know that they are Russian spies! The Russians are corrupting most of my friends, family members, they have discredited me and will continue to discredit me and now they just have to arrest or kill me. (or they’ll look like I killed myself)! if any of your Moldovan or Romanian friends tell you that they want to help me, you should know that they are also Russian spies. ( all without exception) They will smile at you and even try to praise me how eoric I am and that I risk my life for some people or that I have plans or that this is the plan to know that they are Russian spies! Gheorghe Petic made the revelations about cigarette smuggling and ruined the smugglers’ plans! It was cle ar to me that smugglers would try to silence Gheorghe Petic because we were talking about losing millions of dollars a month! Gheorghe Petic was arrested on October 12, 2018. Now that the Russians are a few hundred kilometers from the Moldovan border, people at enormous risk or inconvenience to the Russian federation, thanks to its agency, could take legal action to remove these awkward people! Their methods are so old and predictable, I would even say classic that I recommend you look twice at the signs where the feminine or masculine gender are indicated when you go to the toilet. Because you might go into a men’s toilet and when you go out of the toilet it should already be a women’s toilet! Sounds absurd! I agree! But tell that to Gheorghe Petic !!! They are so stupid that they can’t make any criminal case to order! Well, idiots, if you’re fabricating a criminal case for me, make this criminal case at least plausible! The way the Moldovan authorities treated Gheorghe Petic, that I am ashamed of this country of Moldova! Cigarette smuggling is still going on with people from the Filat / Plaha government (the de facto leader of this party) and some of them have returned to power! We are watching what is happening in Ukraine but we must not forget those individuals who destroyed lives / this country! All hope is in the Ukrainian military! The fate of the Republic of Moldova depends on these heroes! I still have a message for idiots in public office who don’t even know how to fabricate a criminal case: leave the C.R and E.T girls alone and stop giving them missions! They have no chance with me! I realized from the first meeting !!! I only talk to them out of politeness and stop organizing accidental meetings! I studied you so well that I immediately know if the person is seeing me for the first time or not! You have already been discovered and all European officials are already aware! You really think you are the smartest !!!
Article published July 21, 2018 How Gheorghe Petic will be destroyed!
Gheorghe, we support you, we are with you!
For all Bessarabian students studying in Romania, they are probably known as: if you go to any market in Bucharest you will find contraband cigarettes from Moldova! And the people who trade these cigarettes are mostly ethnic people… so that I am not accused by other people of being racist, I practiced folk dances in school and I know how to dance gypsy dances too! (Most people who practice folk also know how to dance gypsy dances) These people shout cigarettes, cigarettes, cigarettes … even if the gendarmerie is not far away! Today’s Romanian secret services are at least 6 times more numerous compared to Nicolae Ceausescu’s security. In December 1989, all the State Security Directorates, including the Internal Affairs and the Army, organized in the 6 Security Directorates, had a total of 14,500 employees. The SRI, SIE, STS and SPP intelligence services have a total of 55,000 employees. To which is added the famous Two and a Quarter in its various forms as well as the services of the army, it turns out that all the services in Romania have 85,000 employees! I have a respect for the Romanian army and I want to mention that: the Romanian army has the most professional and honest employees! Hats off in front of the Romanian Army! In fact, it is naive to believe that the Romanian state institutions did not know about the theft of one billion USD from Moldova, about the money laundering of the Russian mafia / FSB through the banks of the Republic of Moldova! You have seen that the Romanian authorities intervene in some way to stop these illegalities! At least I didn’t see it! That they benefited from these thefts / money laundering from the banks in the Republic of Moldova! I do not know! Or I don’t want to know! That’s a very good question! How naive to believe that the Romanian authorities are not involved in cigarette smuggling! These services catch terrorists like Omar Hayssam and bring him back to Romania and I don’t know what is happening in Obor Square?!?!?!?!?!? Silence before the storm? Mr. Gheorghe, you went to a very sensitive area for the mafia groups on both sides of the Prut River! (from Moldova and Romania) To the force institutions in Romania we must add those of Moldova! And their reaction will not be delayed! You took the mobsters from Moldova and Romania by surprise 1) And that’s why there will be a period of collecting information about you! Now all the people in your entourage are being analyzed! Friends, relatives, schoolmates, your students, colleagues you have worked with or people you have contacted. From all these people they will find a person with skeletons in the closet! And those in the system will not hesitate to use them! You need to know that when you are attacked! You will be attacked from all sides! – The second step is discrediting! One of your classmates or students might remember that you paid for some people! (Even if it’s not true) One could say that you are using drugs / you have used drugs! There are so many options and they have so many resources that they will make your life a nightmare! (Pedophile, Gay, terrorist, sectarian, rapist, drug addict, communist, corrupt, paranoid, mentally ill, spy, etc.) Step by step your friends will move away from you! – It will destroy you financially! They will try to limit you in your actio
ns to find a job! To own financial resources, the people who will try to hire you will also suffer! And the last step will depend on your condition! If they manage to “burn your brain” with harmful substances we will have a suspicious death! If you are still lucid we will wake up with a fabricated criminal case! One thing is clear: they will try to silence you in every way possible!
article published on January 17, 2022
Bălți Municipality Prosecutor’s Office officially apologizes to Mr. Gheorghe Petic / As regards the final and irrevocable acquittal of the sentence, pronounced by the Orhei District Court, headquarters, on November 30, 2021, following the complete waiver of the accusation made by the State Prosecutor, the prosecutor in the Orhei District Prosecutor’s Office, Vadim Machidon, for the reason, that the imputed deed does not meet the constitutive elements of the offenses provided by art.171 paragraph (1) and art.179 paragraph (2) of the Criminal Code, pursuant to the provisions of art. 12 of Law no. 1545 of 25.02.1998 on the manner of repairing the damage caused by the illicit actions of the criminal investigation bodies, of the prosecutor’s office and of the courts, I bring to Mr. Gheorghe Petic, official apologies on behalf of the state on behalf of the prosecutors and criminal prosecution officers who have investigated the criminal cases against you. Prosecutor, Deputy Chief Prosecutor of the Prosecutor’s Office of Balti Alexandru Celac January 17, 2022
Update March 18, 2022
The city of Mariupol will be occupied in the coming days, some of the Russian military will remain to do “cleaning” and the rest of the military will be redirected to other areas such as Nikolaev! Our idiots in the leadership of Moldova say that those in Transnistria would not want to get involved or are not interested in participating in the conflict, how stupid you must be to say such a thing! The people from Chisinau really think that the people from Tiraspol are honest with them, and even if the people from Tiraspol would not want to get involved, do you think that the Russians are interested in their position or that of the Transnistrian businessmen! The Russians have gone against the whole world and you really think they care what the people of Transnistria think about them! the Russians have their plan and they will try to carry it out !!! we gave them all the power to two idiots! One is diversionary (from the presidency) and the other (from the government) is really stupid And Igor Grosu is damn incompetent! These idiots who have remained in the force structures only know how to smuggle cigarettes, criminal files made to order by the bosses, cheap and directed shows and stupid projects during the war! The resignation of the government and Maia Sandu’s advisers and their replacement with professional Moldovan soldiers !!! Including the resignation of the Minister of Defense and the director of SIS! You and your idiots are destroying this country! It is a very well done show, with two special guests, a very good journalist and also a very good analyst! The interview was done a year ago but whoever wants to understand, understands a lot! About the fact that the American services are incompetent I wrote in the article on this Facebook profile from the pinned post (even in the first article on the profile)! Also, what Oleksiy Arestovych said about Mariupol coincides with the post I wrote that the battle for this city is lost! Who needs a link for that video please write to me in the comments! It is only a matter of time before this city is completely controlled by the Russians! I wrote about the fact that the Russians will take over this city on March 8 and Oleksiy Arestovych spoke about Mariupol on March 18! In the city of Mariupol, Kharkov and Kyiv are located the best Ukrainian soldiers and because of this these cities still stand! Mariupol is surrounded and has no chance of resisting the Russians, and no help will come from Kiev! Please connect to my telegram channel to be up to date with what is happening in Ukraine and about the possible conflict of Moldova with the Russian Federation! Telegram – @plopandreicom Or on this link
Update March 21, 2022 Andrei Plop: The citizens of Transnistria have received messages such as from Moldovan citizens (Romanian nationalists) that they want to escape the Russian occupation and that several schools have explosives / bombs !!! It is nothing more than a diversion of Russia to find a reason to attack Moldova and to occupy Transnistria !!! From the beginning, the Russians had a plan to occupy the territories that belong to Moldova and the rest are pretexts to attack this country! Take a good look at the map of Moldova now, because you see it for the last time !!! Moldova with its current borders you see them for the last time !!!! Moldova’s existence is in question !!! ??? Russian diversionists from the Moldovan government and presidency are doing their best to hand over the country to the Russians! Country of cowards, idiots, traitors and corrupt !!
Update March 22, 2022
Plop Andrei: How to proceed in case of war? Useful tips for Moldovans !!! First of all there are just some tips and nothing more and the purpose of this post is not to end up in the same embarrassing / ridiculous situation as these Ukrainians in this picture when the Russians attacked Ukraine !! I am not sure if the Russians will attack Moldova or not, but the actions of the Russians indicate that they are very interested in the Republic of Moldova and that we should not be taken by surprise, it is better to be prepared !!! The Moldovan authorities have no plan on how they will react if Moldova is attacked by the Russians, how the police, the army, the SIS will act! From Natalia Gavrilita only to professionalism you do not expect! The first sign of a war with the Russians will be that we will not have electricity, internet, gas, mobile phones disconnected! The first thing that will start is panic !!! The panic of the population is the nightmare of any government and the first thing the authorities will do is calm you down !!! The Republic of Moldova is a small country and we have only two neighbors: Ukraine and Romania! Ukraine is already at war and Romania is a member of NATO and the EU! The only way out of the situation to get rid of the Russians is to go to Romania! Here each person has to answer the following questions: – Will the Russians leave me alone? – Are the chances of my house being bombed high or low? – Will I be safe if I stay in Moldova under Russian occupation? – Will I continue to work or will I be fired? – will I have to resort to the humanitarian aid of the Russians or is the food / money I have enough? Never forget the history of Moldova and the year 1940, when the Soviet Union occupied Bessarabia and organized the deportations of Moldovans to Siberia and organized famine! Times have changed and the Russians probably won’t deport Moldovans anymore, but it’s enough to watch how peaceful / civilian Ukrainians are beaten and those who still don’t know please look at my posts / videos! If Alexei Navalnii was arrested and had a huge popularity in Russia and abroad, do you think the Russians can’t arrest you? As I wrote earlier, the first thing to start with is panic! You should know that you will not be the only one who will want to go to Romania and all those who have cars or minibuses will think first of all about their families and relatives and a huge traffic jam will be created! if it’s a traffic jam on holidays or in the evening, then think that tens of thousands of people will want to leave with their cars! People who do not have cars should not wait in vain on the roads through Chisinau, if there is no electricity, the trolleybuses will not run either! What are we doing? The solution is very simple! We find alternative transport to go to Romania such as bicycles (preferably electric), scooter, ATV, motorcycles! The advantage of these types of transport is that you will be able to slip through the cars or take it right through the field, or path! People who have luxury cars should not try to consider themselves smarter than people who will be on a bicycle, because those with a bicycle will be the first to get to customs !!! Imagine that from all the districts of Moldova they will try to go to Romania! If Easter is an infernal traffic jam at the Romanian customs, imagine what it will be like when Moldova is attacked! The police are also people, they also have children, relatives, mothers, sisters, brothers and of course the first thing they will think about will be their families! The police have a plan for what to do in case of war! I doubt not! Most likely it will be an improvisation of the Moldovans and I hope that the Moldovan authorities will also read this post !!! The purpose of this post is for you to be prepared for any scenario and I ask that this issue be discussed in every family! What will we do if the Russians attack us? If the police have no plans, please discuss with each other how to react in case of war! We must not rely solely on the ladies in charge of Moldova! (Sandu, Gavrilita, Revenco!) I have been writing since February 14th that a general mobilization needs to be done (please read the article in the first comment) but mobilization is not and probably will not be or will be too late! I, the undersigned, Plop Andrei, I will not leave Moldova until Moldova is attacked by the Russians, I want to believe that it will be a mobilization and I will try to get my hands on the weapons if the state demands it! I do not instigate war and the purpose of this post is to be prepared for any scenario! If the Moldovan authorities do nothing to defend Moldova, then all I have to do is leave Moldova! I bought a bicycle today with the engine and I want to believe that I will not need it but a backup plan must exist! Be prepared for any scenario! All Moldovan citizens want there to be no war but we don’t decide that! Take a good look at the image in the post and ask yourself if you want to be in the place of these people or to have alternative transport to reach the Romanian customs !!!
Update March 24, 2022
Reply for Ion Sturza !!!! On February 14, I wrote an article, “Why Moldova has a general mobilization and a professional army, and at the end of this article I wrote: And men who want to attack at this essential moment the supreme commander of the Moldovan army or to hiding behind his wife’s skirt is your right! Men who do not want to defend their mothers, wives, sisters, and daughters have no moral right to call themselves men! Yesterday Ion Sturza posted a post on Facebook and it seems that he is plagiarizing me !!! ion Sturza: “The man in us I’ve seen some polls these days. Only 20% of the young men on both sides of the Prut would be ready to defend their country. Only 20 I also talked to many young people in my entourage. NO ONE is ready. All kinds of excuses. One does not see well, another does not hear… Instead, many of my generation are ready to do it. Why? I bet defending your country is not abstract to them. It’s real – to protect your family, children, grandchildren. There is also a little dignity and humanity. I don’t want to be pathetic, but something is happening to us “men.” More and more we hide behind the woman’s skirt – mother, wife, friend… She takes our bag, puts us on the table, mourns us. Mr Sturza, I have proposed a general mobilization and I am a young person and the mobilization has not yet taken place, whose fault is it? and the fact that some young people do not want to fight is due first of all to your generation of failed politicians, thieves, corrupt, stupid, incompetent like you, Diacov, Braghis, Lucinschi, Voronin, Rosca, Dodon, Greceanii, Tarlev, Lupu, Ghimpu , Urecheanu, Filat and other idiots who used state resources to get rich! The Republic of Moldova did not have a class of politicians like those in the Baltic States, the Moldovan army is practically destroyed and that is due to you! We, this younger generation, love our country and have more character than you, smarter than you because we have studies abroad and we were not educated in communism, in vain Maia Sandu has studies at Harvard if she worked for the communist party and no matter how much she would try to study abroad, she will not change her mind because she remains a communist at heart! You can’t become a liberal from a communist! Some of you have only changed the name of the parties, but you have remained a communist in your mind! In order to fight the Russians in addition to courage, you need training and modern weapons / equipment to fight the orcs !! You don’t do any training or weapons, you didn’t ask Blinken / Biden and you want us to fight the Russians ??? with what weapons to fight the Russians? Only with Kalashnikov? We don’t even have armored vehicles! Air defense too! Drone, NLAW, Javelin, Stinger! And you want us to fight against the Russians !!! with what weapons to fight the Russians? In the Soviet Union, martial arts were banned, and if they were trained, only those in the special forces were trained or there were no coaches! Physically and morally we are better prepared than you !!! But with martial arts and only Kalashnikov, you have no chance against the Russians! We, the young people, are ready to fight only with the Moldovan leaders who participated in NATO military operations !!! update March 27, 2022 About the city of Mariupol I wrote in this article and not to come back please read this full article, this city is like lost! The same scenario will go with Kharkov! The Russians are mobilizing and regroups much of its resources even from areas near Kyiv to conquer the Ukrainian territory where the resistance is not so great! Ukrainians will have to go on the attack in areas where the Russians will go or they will have to watch other cities fall! The Russians made so many mistakes that it seemed to me that they are amateurs to make a plan of attack! Fighting on several fronts at once and getting beaten up everywhere seemed like a mistake! It seems that the Russians have only now understood what to do! Ukrainian soldiers are deployed in several cities, and they will now go on the same scenario as in Mariupol, the city will surround it, cut off any connection for Ukrainian soldiers to receive reinforcements, ammunition, equipment, etc., and then go into street fighting, control the airspace, and leave the Ukrainians without a chance! From a military point of view, it was politically and humanely correct that no reinforcements were sent to the Ukrainian military in Mariupol to be taken out of the encirclement, but it will cost them dearly from a political point of view the current elite of Kiev! The Russians are destroying everything related to Ukraine’s oil reserves! We must admit that it destroys all the infrastructure of Ukraine! The Russians are successful in the southern part of Ukraine and you will see how the Russians react after occupying all of Mariupol! I still believe that the Russians plan to occupy Odessa, but the Russians are trying to cover their backs and let’s not forget that Odessa is a few kilometers from Moldova and Romania, which is a NATO member! The Moldovan authorities are reacting in the dumbest way to the risks in the region! They are doing exactly what the Russians would do if they ruled Moldova !! I have already written about the risks for Moldova and I do not want to repeat myself! update March 28, 2022 The President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenski stated on Sunday, in an interview given to the Russian press, that he wants to sign an agreement with Romania for the protection of the Romanian language in the neighboring state, as a sign of respect for the Romanian minority. Such agreements could also be signed with other Ukrainian neighbors, including Poland and Hungary. Poplar Andrei – If Zelensky talks about such actions during the war with Russia, it means only one thing: he is afraid of not receiving knives in the back from neighboring allies! Talking at the level of the president or government of Romania during the war with Russia about the rights of the Romanian minorities in Ukraine means that you are a political amateur or an imbecile! If other Romanians who are not Romanian officials and demand the rights of Romanians are increased and some miserable people even talked about taking over the territories that once belonged to Romania, it corresponds perfectly with Putin’s plan to destroy Ukraine! Viktor Mihály Orbán will give Zelenski and the Ukrainians a knife in the back at the first opportunity! Viktor Mihály Orbán is like a hyena now, he can’t wait for the Ukrainians to be completely destroyed! Viktor Mihály Orbán has not done anything to get Hungary out of Russia’s energy independence! I know Poles well, I also speak Polish and I believe that they will never want to occupy the territories that belong to Ukraine, but Ukrainians must not forget that Poland was a member of OTV (Warsaw Pact Organization) and the remnants of this organization made it possible to take on young people with perspectives! Problems of corruption and espionage in favor of Russia exist even in the counter-intelligence service of Poland ABW, (Agencja Bezpieczeństwa Wewnętrznego), if the ABW bitches will have some claims against me, all they have to do is sue me because I can’t wait for a prosecutor to start an investigation, because life imprisonment and espionage in favor of Russia are waiting for them! That’s why they won’t do any investigation because they know that life imprisonment awaits them! All the hope of the Polish bitches who provide services for the Russians put their hope in the FSB branch in Moldova and Romania to get rid of me! All Poles (all without exception – politicians, people from the Polish government, intelligence, activists, etc.) who have collaborated with Romanians / Moldovans (all without exception – politicians, people from the Romanian / Moldovan government, intelligence, activists, etc.) in my file will ( in the summer and autumn of 2017 and which continues to collaborate until now) be arrested for espionage in favor of Russia and for corruption!
March 29, 2022
After the Russians’ negotiations with Ukraine, it seems that I (Plop Andrei) was right again! The Russians are partially withdrawing from the Kiev area, mobilizing and regrouping in areas where they are successful, especially in the southern part of Ukraine! Fighting in these parts of Ukraine will continue and Ukrainians will have to go after the Russians in these areas or watch the Russians conquer these cities! The Russian strategy is very simple !! They want to get the Ukrainian military out of “isolated places” (in the Kiev area where the losses are huge) and for the Ukrainians to be forced to go after the Russians !!! Stand still and see how the Russians conquer other cities will be unbearable for the Ukrainian army! In practically fighting in the city, you don’t need armor and you use Javelin, NLAW and if you go after the Russians you need armor and air protection, which Ukrainians don’t have much at the moment and the western ones refuse to equip the Ukrainian army with such of technique! The Russians will attack en masse in poorly protected cities and destroy any form of resistance! Ukrainian soldiers in the Kiev area will have to go to the aid of other Ukrainians near the Donbas, Kharkov, Nikolaev, and later Odessa regions! I want to believe that the Ukrainians understood the Russian plan! But in such situations Ukrainians have almost no way to react: either you watch the Russians conquer other cities or go to the aid of the other Ukrainian soldiers! I’d say that was checkmate, but There is no “checkmate” in checkers ( in war)! I repeat, if the Ukrainians leave Kiev it will be easier for them to fight them! 111111111
Update April 7, 2022
Better dead than to be communist !!!
On April 5, 2009, I, Andrei Plop, was a candidate for the position of Member of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova on the list of the European Action Movement and the party president was a historian Anatol Petrencu, who are historians, I think all Moldovans know! over 90% of Moldovan historians are anti-Russian and want EU and NATO integration! even from the name of the party, this party wanted integration into the EU and NATO
I was only in the 2nd year of university at ULIM and after the events of April 6/7, 2009, the communists opened a criminal case against me, and when I was “traveling through Moldova” because I was hiding from the security of the communist Voronin, then Dean Ludmila Coada of the Faculty of History and International Relations,
and she told me in the fall of 2009 when I was back in university: that the people from SIS looked for me at the university in April 2009 !!! These idiots were at my house too and they didn’t find me then!
Each party has made documentaries about April 7, 2009 and I appear in all these documentaries! As you can see from this video, I am the one holding the flag of the Republic of Moldova ( with short hair) !! Guess where it was taken and to whom it belonged!
How much enthusiasm and confidence there was in 2009 among the population for the new Alliance for European Integration, but these individuals took the same methods as in Voronin’s time!
they stole a billion from the budget of the Republic of Moldova, they laundered over 23 billion dollars through the banks of the Republic of Moldova the money of the Russian mafia / and FSB through the banks of the Republic of Moldova and the destruction of any dream of EU and NATO integration! The theft of billions of dollars from the banking system will not be investigated by the current government, because Maia Sandu is involved in the robbery of the century in Moldova and the wife of the justice minister’s wife is also involved in stealing the billion dollars!
We have had and still have a political elite of losers, corrupt and incompetent! Voronin, Dodon and the Greceanii, along with other communists and pimps like Plahotniuc, had to be in prison since 2009, but some of them are parliamentarians today.
Why aren’t Dodon, Voronin, and the Greceanii arrested now? Very simple: because Maia Sandu also worked for the communist regime and her bosses were even Igor Dodon and the Greceanii! I previously wrote in a post that: you can’t make a communist to liberal!
A slogan that we young people shouted against the communists at the April 7, 2009 protest was:
Better dead than to be communist !!!
Unlike Maia Sandu or Stefan Gligor (look at Maia Sandu and Gligor’s CV and you will be convinced) who served the communist regime, some young people categorically refused to serve the communists !!! The Germans through their organizations and foundations are the main financiers of the “European” communists from Moldova and their main brain was Mark Tkaciuk! they were trained until they began to think for themselves!
Russians fund Dodon through offshore systems and German foundations through grants and where there is agreement between Germans and Russians always the result of these negotiations is a Molotov-Ribbentrop pact!
This government / president has no chance of integrating us into the Euro-Atlantic structures!
For the simple reason that some are incompetent, corrupt and communists in their minds! Maia Sandu, don’t pretend to be anti-communist anymore because we know exactly who you are!
Unlike the people in the Soviet Union who could not travel abroad, Maia Sandu could have done exactly what we young people did! To go abroad and not serve the communist regime but she did not go abroad and decided to serve the communist party! she went abroad to study, being financed even by people who had connections with the communist party! Iurie Leanca, who worked at the embassy of the Soviet Union in Bucharest, was never to become Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration just as the Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration Popescu must be dismissed! These idiots from the EU and the USA wanted / want to integrate Moldova in the Euro-Atlantic structures with the students who graduated from Moscow Universities!
No chance for Moldova!
Update April 8, 2022
Training a soldier for a month in time of war is equivalent to training a soldier in the army for a year in peacetime! Even if you train the soldier in peacetime in an army where it is mandatory, he does not become a professional soldier. The logic of this idea is very simple: in peacetime, when you know that no danger awaits you, you use the weapon only a few times a year and if you are lucky enough to fire heavy artillery you have practically had an effective training!
During the war you know that you will fight the enemy and your life depends on your training!
Where the army is mandatory, the Ministry of Defense does not even put much effort into making a professional military man, because the soldier will leave after the end of the term anyway, while the training of a professional soldier will continue to serve the Army and the country !!!
In Ukraine, all citizens between the ages of 18 and 65 are obliged to defend the country against the orcs !!!
From February 24 until now, all Ukrainian citizens have been trained with military equipment and if this conflict is going to last longer, Ukrainians will have a well-trained army that will count millions of professional soldiers!
This war has shown the whole world that Ukrainians are the best soldiers on this earth! The events that took place in Bucha make the Ukrainian military even more motivated! If this conflict lasts longer and the Russians do not make a general mobilization, the Russians will never reach the LVOV!
Thanks to the military capabilities / fighting spirit of the Ukrainians and western military techniques will cause the Russians to suffer huge losses! They still have huge losses, but what follows will destroy the Russian army! Russians continue to receive money from the West because of the energy resources they export!
Corruption, incompetence, stupid analysis of the state of the Ukrainian army was the main factor in the Russian military disaster in Ukraine!
I wrote that the Russians can mobilize the Russian army up to a million soldiers, but they did not do that! With all the potential they have now, it is impossible to conquer all of Ukraine!
The events in Mariupol have shown that you need to organize a Stalingrad to conquer the city! This was the main reason why the Russians left the Kiev region and as I wrote earlier for the Russians to regroup in eastern and southern Ukraine.
Thanks to the military techniques they receive, the chances of the Ukrainians in the fight against the Russians are equal! The decisive battle will now take place in eastern Ukraine! If the Ukrainians win, the Russians will either have to mobilize or withdraw! If the Russians win this battle, they will have to attack massively, quickly without giving the Ukrainians the opportunity to regroup and receive military equipment from the West! Mariupol is already lost! Ukrainians receive military equipment to fight the Russian fleet in the Black Sea!
Before reading this article I will use the nickname of some people that all Moldovans know and will immediately understand the same as the embassies accredited in Moldova but you will find their name and surname in this post from February 14, 2022
An invasion of the Russians in Moldova was to take place in January 2016 due to the challenges of R.U, / V.P, / I.D, / A.N, / and I.S. But was a student who studied law at the Romanian American University and was a master student in SNSPA conflict analysis and resolution (I also had a faculty of international relations graduated in Moldova) who realized the plan of the Russians and warned the Romanian army to make a general mobilization to defend the territorial integrity of Moldova! I beg the whores from SRI, SIE and SIS or undercover activists not to brag that it was their analysis, or that we saved Moldova from the Russians! It is my analysis and only mine and point! I know you like to brag about other people’s analysis and say that these analyzes are yours and be promoted!
V.P gives money to I.D to finance protests and discredit A.N., and R.U has / had enough money since he was a businessman in Russia and I.S came to Chisinau in order to create tensions between Russians and Romanians!
The main message of the Russians for propaganda would have been that the Romanian nationalists humiliate / want to destroy the ethnic Russians in Moldova and the liberating Russian army is coming to liberate the ethnic Russians from the Romanian fascists.
In an interview with journalist D.G,/ I.S said that the pimp V.P from Chisinau is his creation, and that he was taking his friends to pimp places even though he knew that the pimp provided them with women, whom he filmed with hidden cameras and all sorts of pornographic images to blackmail them later.
d.G did not ask I.S: if you knew that the pimp is doing porn with hidden cameras, then why were you taking your friends to his pimp’s places! so that they too may be blackmailed by the pimp!
you should know that pimp V.P has porn videos with hidden cameras with people from Romania, especially prime ministers, directors of intelligence services, politicians, diplomats, Romanian ambassadors accredited abroad!!!
It’s harder to figure out the actions of A.N., because don’t realize: he is really stupid or he serves someone’s actions! Even after he voted in favor of Russia at the Council of Europe and to the detriment of Ukraine, you still can’t realize: he is stupid or he is even with the Russians !!! But He is definitely a fool!
I wrote in a previous post that Maia Sandu should not write an application for EU membership in the context when the Russians are at war with Ukraine for not giving reasons to the Russians to attack Moldova and Maia Sandu did exactly that! She wrote a request for Moldova to join the EU! The reaction of the Transnistrians was predictable for anyone! And after Maia Sandu signed the application for EU integration, the next day Transnistrians declared that they want independence!
Yesterday, the Moldovan authorities banned the black and orange ribbon and fascist symbols used by the Russian army in Ukraine! If we were under the NATO umbrella, these activities would have been necessary but we have no military protection and the Moldovan authorities are not doing anything real to get rid of the Russians’ energy independence and she does nothing to defend the country!
The Moldovan authorities are only coming up with actions that would give the Russians a pretext to attack Moldova!
Dodon has already stated that he will wear the orange ribbon with black on the 9th of May! (the day of victory that the Russians celebrate) One thing is clear that this action of Moldovan diversionists will be used by Russian propagandists! Those in the EU probably welcomed this decision by Moldovans without going into detail, because no danger awaits them from the Russians anyway! That the Russians will attack the Moldovans before or after May 9 remains to be seen! How will the Moldovan authorities act when pro-Russian will wear the orange and black ribbon?
Will they arrest these pro-Russians? Will the escalation of an ethnic conflict into a war begin? It is the ideal pretext for Russians to defend ethnic Russians or Russian-speakers in Moldova
Dodon should not be arrested for wearing an orange and black lens, but he must be arrested for corruption, for the video evidence that all Moldovan citizens saw that Dodon receives money in the bag from the pimp Plahotniuc, or for the Bahamas file (through which he received money from offshore from the Russians) and not for activities that took place 10-15 years ago! Maia is doing her best to raise her former boss’s rating while she was working at the Ministry of Economy while the communists were in power!
Update April 9, 2022
The Republic of Moldova is not in a position to show its muscles in front of the Russians!
If you want to show your muscles, you have to do general mobilization, get financial and military help from the West, try to get rid of the energy independence of the Russians and not pay the Russians to repair thermal power plants when Ukrainians fight for the independence and integrity of the state, you arrest pro-Russians in Moldova for corruption, tax evasion, illicit enrichment and not for wearing the orange-black lens!
You destroy pro-Russian Moldovans who work directly with Russians and do not give them the opportunity for other Russians who are not involved in politics to unite with leaders whose expiration date has expired!
You are constantly talking about corruption in Russia, what happened / is happening to the Navalny, how the Russians are arrested for protesting! What are the privileges of the Moldovan passport and the most important thing that Moldovans must get rid of: is the incompetence of the Moldovan authorities and corruption!
Creating an External Intelligence Service, we are probably the only state that has a single intelligence service that has absolute power and deals with internal and external affairs! Popescu’s resignation from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration and the adoption of the lustration law from the Soviet period and the communist period from 2001-2009! (Without the possibility to hold public office and be denied the right to vote!)
For pimping, blackmailing judges, prosecutors and police officers with compromising materials (compromised) by intelligence services or mafia groups must be imprisoned for the rest of their lives and to allow judges, prosecutors, police officers or other civil servants for a period of time. up to 6 months to declare that they are blackmailed and to be amnestied!
That after the period of 6 months, any crime that will be committed, the enforcement of the legislation in force! People who have suffered as a result of abuses committed by civil servants should be compensated!
It should also be organized for an institution that protects the interests of business people, for any financial crime in the first stage there should be mediation between CNA / PCCOCS etc. and Moldovan business people with the possibility to pay only a fine! Public officials who commit financial crime or corruption should be the maximum punishment for them, seizure of the property they own! Increasing the salaries of judges, police, military, prosecutors! When you investigate corruption cases and have a miserable salary, the temptation to take a bribe is very high! But if you have a decent salary and you took a bribe, all their property should be confiscated!
Update April 10, 2022
Almost every year, communists and socialists celebrate Labor Day on May 1 and on May 9, the day of the Soviet Union’s victory over Nazism / fascism!
The Soviet Union and later the Russian Federation say nothing about helping Americans like Lend-Lease but the post is about banning the orange-black lens and the fascist symbols used by the Russians in Ukraine! It is no coincidence that those from the Action and Solidarity Party took such actions on the eve of the holidays commemorated by socialists and communists in Moldova!
To create tensions, protests that escalate into an ethnic conflict and to give the Russians the pretext to save the Russians from Moldovan / Romanian fascists !!
Even if these fascists are Russian diversionists, and Maia Sandu’s boss when she worked at the Ministry of Economy it was Dodon and Zinaida Greceanii! I wrote about these things and I will repeat! Igor Dodon together with other socialists and communists and the Russian community in Moldova will go / organize a march to the Eternity memorial complex! They have been doing this for years and the path that communists / socialists / will take and the Russian community in Moldova is known to all Moldovans! Those who banned the orange ribbon with black
they knew exactly how the pro-Russians in Moldova would react to give Putin a pretext to invade Moldova! The SIS is a subsidiary of the FSB and all this operation / diversion is organized by their people from PAS and from the Bloc of Socialists and Communists! I ask that Ukrainian refugees from Moldova and Romanian unionists not give in to the challenge organized by FSB / GRU / SVR! Everyone’s reaction to these events is calculated!
I ruined their Russian plans to invade Moldova, and I will send the plans of the Russians to invade Moldova in English to over 600 embassies and 600 diplomats from the European Union! now the Russians have the following solutions: either invade Moldova and the whole network of Russian spies from Moldova, Romania and Poland will be arrested! or give up their plan to invade Moldova and look for alternative ways to invade Moldova !!!
Update April 16, 2022
I was blocked on Facebook for 48 hours and received another restriction and only now I have the opportunity to post on Facebook! I am registered on several social networks but unfortunately, Facebook is the most useful channel for information to be read to more people!
What is happening in Ukraine is very important but Moldova is still in danger of being invaded and that is why I ask you to read this full article again.
I was right again when I wrote that diversionists are preparing to give Putin a pretext to attack Moldova!
The communist bloc with the socialists began to inform Moldovans through smaller protests, on social networks about the fact that the black and orange ribbon was banned!
The reaction of the Communist and Socialist Bloc was predictable, and even if they knew what the reaction of the Russians in Moldova would be, the PAS had adopted the law banning this ribbon black with orange.
The dice have been rolled and nothing depends on us anymore! They want Moldova to go to war, and not to give Moldovans a chance to defend themselves! This invasion could still be canceled, but it was not too late, but after April 14, it confirms my hypothesis that the Russians have no better plan to provoke Moldova into war with the help of the Party of Action and Solidarity and the Bloc of Communists and Socialists. I would say in a capitulation of Moldova! Because Moldova will not put up any armed resistance and it is desired that Moldova be donated to Russia by the diversionists of Moldova! They know exactly what they are doing, I guess they have an agenda that they received from the Russians!
A country of traitors and cowards with all their force institutions: the Intelligence and Security Service, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Defense! The first traitor to the country is Maia Sandu, the second on the list is the Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration, Popescu!
But there is more to blame for the disaster in Moldova it will also have external partners who have supported these bastards !!!!
Update April 17, 2022
For 11 years I left Moldova and in all these years I met many people who had the citizenship of other states and many times I met with the problem that people who declared themselves experts on the ex-Soviet space at least they didn’t know Russian.
I often encountered the problem when I told people who called themselves experts that I also spoke Russian after telling them that I from Moldova. If the individual I am talking to does not realize that I speak Russian because Moldova was a “member country of the Soviet Union” I immediately rank him as an idiot because if you had been an expert on the ex-Soviet space you would have known that most states (except the Baltic) speak Russian!
The fact that you speak Russian, you are already suspicious of Westerners, especially Canadians and Americans! From their point of view, I should watch the news on CNN or BBC for what is happening in Russia and the logical question that arises and they do not know how to answer Americans and Canadians when you ask them: where do CNN or BBC journalists get news from Russia?
If you don’t know the mentality and only know Russian, it’s still a serious problem! Being an expert on the ex-Soviet space and watching Russian TV stations is a necessary thing and people who say the opposite are idiots who should be sent for a walk even if they are American, Canadian or from another democratic country!
I often wondered why the Romanians did not defend us, the Romanians between the Prut and the Dniester from the Soviet Union in June 1940 !?
I found the answer in the Carol I university library when I was a student and master student in Bucharest and from the discussions with the Romanian military and the Romanian politicians!
I wrote about this in the English article, which you can find below! But most of all, I was looking for the answer to the question of how the Georgians with 3 million men tried to resist in front of 140 million people on August 8, 2008 and which was considered the second largest army in the world and the Romanians did not even shoot a bullets to defend the Bessarabians!
How the Finns tried to resist in 1939 and the Romanians didn’t even try! You look at the Ukrainians fighting heroically in front of the Russians, even if from the beginning many in Europe / USA thought that the Ukrainians would not resist and the Russians believed that in a few days they would conquer all of Ukraine!
When you look at the Romanian political class now, I see a lot of similarities with the political class of 1940 and you realize that if Romania had not been a NATO member it would have had the same fate as in 1940.
It is enough to look at the reaction of Romanians in the diaspora to a possible mobilization and see the difference between a Ukrainian and a Romanian! And my message to Romanians that we Moldovans speak bad Romanian is first and foremost due to your cowardice in 1940!
Before coming up with remarks about the Moldovan accent, spelling, etc.… you should be glad that we Moldovans still speak Romanian!
Because through the horror (deportations, organized hunger, permanent persecution) that the Bessarabians from 1940-1941 and from 1944-1991 went through, it is a miracle that we still speak Romanian! Cowards will always find a justification, but I agree with the Romanian military: that they had to defend the Moldovans in 1940! The fact that we speak Russian is due to this cowardice of 1940 and the political class in Romania (1989) and Moldova (1991)!
I don’t think anyone has any illusions that Mariupol is lost! All the messages that the Russians are not yet attacking in the eastern part of Ukraine because of the weather seem absurd to me! The video images that are posted on social media indicate that the Russians are still bringing military equipment from the Belarus area that was destined for the conquest of Kiev!
There is another part of Mariupol where the Ukrainian soldiers resist but they will have no choice but to surrender or die heroically! Ukrainians demand exchange of prisoners: pro-Russian Ukrainian politician Viktor Medvedchuk who is being held under arrest by Ukrainian soldiers in Mariupol!
Now I sit and think: if I were the Russians, what would I do? (I usually do this every time I do an analysis of the Russians) if Ukrainian soldiers who fought / fight in Mariupol will be released, they will fight the Russians again, and these soldiers are the elite of the Ukrainian army while Viktor Medvedchuk is a politician corrupt and a political corpse and no longer of any interest to Kremlin leaders
However, this corrupt politician was a public figure and the Ukrainian authorities will have to behave appropriately towards this politician and the Russians understand that very well! That the Russians are no longer interested in him, and one day this corrupt politician would have remorse, we might wake up with a suspicious death or years in prison! The complete conquest of Mariupol will lift the fighting spirits of the Russians and all the personnel on this front will be redirected to other battle fronts!
New technologies change combat tactics! The Ukrainians know the country very well and know where to wait for the Russians!
Passing through the field with Russian tanks proves that they are easy prey for the Ukrainians! Now the one who has the opportunity to shoot from greater distances will win and the Russians use aviation, artillery and then advance! From what I notice, the Russians use drones to “investigate” the area and if they observe Ukrainians with military equipment then they use heavy artillery and for more remote areas they use ballistic missiles!
They learned their mistake from the first days / weeks in which they walked in a column of tens of km without even having any protection! With drones investigating the area and artillery firing up to 40 km – 50 km, Javelin and NLAW are becoming useless! Because of the drones and Javelin / NLAW the Russians will fight from a distance!
Update April 18, 2022
The Russians accuse the PAS from being fascists / Nazis, that they have Romanian citizenship and criticize the actions of the PAS to ban the orange and black ribbon!
The actions of the Russians were predictable for me, but who is to blame for all these actions and who is trying to draw Moldova into a war so that Moldova disappears from the map of the world !!!
The people of PAS knew exactly what the actions of the Russians would be and what would happen next, which is why I call those in the presidency / parliament / government of the Moldovan Russian diversionists or Kozak’s bitches because they fulfill the agenda of the Russians!
I ask everyone to read the article and then comment! Open your damn eyes once and try to understand what’s going on! They are trying to create an ethnic conflict and for that, the Russians have their people in both parties, in the PAS and in the Bloc of Communists and Socialists!
Maia Sandu gave them the ideal pretext for the Russians to invade this country!
she is a Russian bitch and with all their network of Russians!
Read what I wrote earlier and what this guy says about Russian television!
Please read the full article! This deputy Odnostalco Vladimir from the Socialist Communist Bloc held several interviews today!
Update April 19, 2022
Instead of weapons, Maia Sandu gave the Moldovan army a battle flag! That’s it, Moldovans are safe, they can sleep peacefully! Moldovans will go out to fight the Russians with the battle flag!
There is war in the neighboring country, and you as a country have no protection and you’re still giving the Russians a pretext to attack you because you forbade them the orange ribbon with black!
The current leadership of Moldova has done nothing to ensure the protection of this state!
I have nothing to do with this organization, but often the PAS people in their publications quoted the sources from Rise! From 2001 to 2009, the Communist Party was in power in Moldova!
The president, the prime minister and the speaker of parliament were members of the Communist Party!
Maia Sandu worked in the Ministry of Economy from August 17, 2005 until June 30, 2006!
Guess where Igor Dodon and Zinaida Greceanii worked during the same period and in the same ministry and who was Maia Sandu’s boss? And why are you surprised that after Maia Sandu put her loyal man at the General Prosecutor’s Office, Igor Dodon and Zina Greceanii are still not arrested?!?!
Excerpt from the interview with the Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine, Irina Vereșciuk the show “Hour of expertise”, JurnalTV, edition from 18.04.2022 And the Ukrainians understood that Maia Sandu was giving the Ukrainians the knife in the back!
Knives on the back from Maia Sandu also received Filat, Nastase (Dignity and Truth Platform Party) and now we will receive all the citizens of the Republic of Moldova knives on the back from Maia Sandu!
Today, President Maia Sandu promulgated the law banning the wearing of the “Saint George” Ribbon!
Maia Sandu knows perfectly well the risks to the Republic of Moldova and yet she promulgated this law!
If the Russians gave her “prikaz” to fulfill their agenda, Maia Sandu fulfills!
As the Russians say there: приказ командира не обсуждается, а выполняется !!!!
Maia Sandu, even though she is considered liberal due to the fact that she was infiltrated by the communists, still remained a communist with the thought, but she learned to speak like the politicians of the west.
If you were educated, raised, funded, infiltrated and promoted by the communists, you can’t think liberal!
Update April 20, 2022
Dorin Recean was involved in a scandal that he had a fake master’s degree and if you enter the presidency’s website the structure of the president’s apparatus you notice that this individual has the position of Adviser to the President of the Republic of Moldova in the field of defense and national security.
Everyone’s CV appears only Dorin Recean’s CV does not appear!
The security of the Republic of Moldova depends on such idiots who have no education and skills in security and defense! I wrote earlier in an article (read below) that Ștefan Ţîbuleac (appointed without competition as head of the Supreme Security Council Service), that contest was rigged by the presidential administration! The contest was organized and this Ţîbuleac did not even participate in the contest and emerged victorious! Maia Sandu’s cousins were both hired: one in parliament and one in government!
All the security of Moldova depends on some idiots who do not have the necessary education and skills! I also studied the CV of the Minister of Defense of Moldova and he has a very good CV, he is a good soldier but without political support!
I assume that the Minister of Defense has no one to talk to in the presidency, parliament or with the Prime Minister of Moldova! (Prime Minister Gavrilita in peacetime speaks nonsense and all citizens of the Republic of Moldova)
Update April 23, 2022
Maia Sandu gave the pretext to the Russians to invade Moldova!
The Russian Ministry of Defense outlined the tasks of the second stage of the so-called special operation in Ukraine.
One of the tasks is to establish full control over the Donbas and Southern Ukraine, which will allow the creation of a land corridor to Crimea and another exit to Transnistria, said Major General Rustam Minekaev !!
The Russian official says that Moscow has set as a priority the creation of a corridor to the Transnistrian region.
he added: “Control over southern Ukraine is another way out of Transnistria, where there are also actions to repress the Russian-speaking population. It seems that we are now at war with the whole world, as it was in the Great War for the Defense of the Fatherland. The whole world was against us. And now the same thing, they never liked Russia”
I think that now no one doubts that we have agents of influence of the Russian Federation in the Presidency, Parliament and Government of the Republic of Moldova !! These influential agents of the Russian Federation are still trying to fool the citizens of the Republic of Moldova !!!
On April 10, 2022, I sent over 1,200 emails to ambassadors, foreign officials, members of the European Parliament that Moldova will be the next country to be attacked by the Russians!
A normal reaction would have been if the officials who supported this leadership of Moldova were fired for corruption / espionage / incompetence because things were obvious !!! The truth is known but the cover-up of corruption continues !!!
All Poles (all without exception – politicians, people from the Polish government, intelligence, activists, etc.) who have collaborated with Romanians / Moldovans (all without exception – politicians, people from the Romanian / Moldovan government, intelligence, activists, etc.) in my file will ( in the summer and autumn of 2017 and which continues to collaborate until now) be arrested for espionage in favor of Russia and for corruption!
Update / April 24, 2022
When I wrote the article on February 14, “Why Moldova needs a general mobilization” It is no coincidence that I demanded that the Moldovan government be replaced by Moldovan soldiers who participated in NATO missions in IRAQ / Afghanistan.
Only these soldiers would have been able to defend the integrity of the Republic of Moldova !!! The current government is full of fools, corrupt people and traitors, just as it is in the Moldovan presidency and parliament, but the solution had to be taken: the resignation of Maia Sandu’s government and advisers and their replacement by the military!
Parliament and the president are elected by the people, but their actions, especially those of Maia Sandu, had to be curtailed because there were sufficient reasonable suspicions that she was Russia’s agent of influence.
But holding early elections would have been detrimental! the intelligence and security service (I write in lower case because they are stupid, cowardly, corrupt and I consider them the FSB branch in the Republic of Moldova) are only good at cigarette smuggling, smuggling with the separatist regime in Transnistria!
The FSB branch in Moldova is good at destroying all Moldovans who want Moldova to be a member of the EU and promotes its Russian agency in all structures that have any connection with the EU, USA, Japan South Korea and if there is a Moldovan who wants to integrate Moldova in EU and is not controlled by the Russian agency, they immediately throw all their forces to destroy this Moldovan citizen!
Whether they do it through undercover activists (they call themselves civil society) or through government representatives !!! The SIS was obliged to intervene to counter any danger that threatens the security of Moldova but they did nothing!
The Moldovan army was obliged to ask for help (military / financial equipment) to defend the integrity of Moldova but they did not! I posted posts on a group of the national army that the Republic of Moldova would be attacked by the Russians and everyone was shouting that no one would attack us and I was removed from the group! Now everyone is talking about what I started writing on February 14th!
Even after the statements of the Russian general that they want to make their way to Transnistria, the Moldovan authorities do nothing! Country of cowards with all their force structures! The prosecution, the SIS are doing nothing to defend this country from the Russians!
Because SIS is the FSB branch in Moldova! The director of the SIS is a visionless idiot, stupid and willing to serve any regime, whether it’s Dodon or Maia Sandu!
Only “stukach” in this institution who are very good at “podstava”! During Plahotniuc’s time, this institution brought people just like Plahotniuc: pimps, rapists, all kinds of bastards who use the institution’s badge just to achieve their goals !!!
Update / April 25, 2022
Tonight, the headquarters of the so-called security ministry in Tiraspol was hit by several grenades fired from the launcher. I have already written about Transnistria and what the Russians will do and I really do not want to repeat myself!
Update / April 26, 2022
❗️ The Supreme Security Council will meet starting with 13.00, at the Presidency. After the meeting, at 15.00, President Maia Sandu will hold a press briefing.
look at CSS Composition !! Only the Minister of Defense has knowledge in the field, the rest are amateurs, miserable in the field of security and defense !!
How absurd the Moldovan government is: civil war inside Transnistria or conflict between interest groups!
Idiots per kg or wholesale shit on these CSS bastards. Only Ukrainian soldiers can save us from the Russians because these bastards want to give the Russians Moldova and then to flee to the EU and make statements there that how much they are against the Russians and that they have violated Moldova’s neutrality !!!!
Update April 29, 2022
I don’t think the Russians want to change this Moldovan government !!! They need such incompetents to lead Moldova !!! What this government does in peacetime could not be done by the Russians in time of war !!! What they have done so far has been perfect for the Russians !!!
To those who read my article, I repeat: The Russians do not want to change the government in protest!
Pro-Russians want to create tensions so as to give for the Russians a pretext to invade Moldova !!!!
Maia Sandu together with PAS created the opportunity for the Socialists / Communists to be arrested / beaten by the Moldovan law enforcement forces in order to give them a pretext for Russia to invade Moldova !!
All these actions (explosions) that took place in Transnistria is the preparation of the ground for war! I wrote earlier that as long as the Russians do not have a corridor to Transnistria, the separatist regime in Tiraspol will be very good but since the Russians will have a corridor to Transnistria, they will demand to unite with the Russian Federation or independence!
This is exactly what the Russians want what Maia Sandu says: that those who will wear the slow orange with black should be sanctioned / arrested / fined by the Moldovan authorities !!!
Maia Sandu is playing the Russian card! The Russians don’t need this stupid government to bring down!
Update April 30, 2022
I also wrote in this article that I did many analyzes that were later confirmed such as the Russians taking Crimea or declaring independence for the separatist republics.
The main culprit in this invasion of Ukraine is Russia and then Ukrainian politicians are responsible. Gordon and Arestovici’s statements about Transnistria seem like reckless statements to me!
You have to be damn stupid to declare that we can occupy Transnistria in a few moments or to declare that the Romanians or NATO have plans to attack Transnistria! Gordon and Arestovici should make their mouths shut and stop coming with such statements !!
Attacking Transnistria would mean that Ukraine would become invading and Ukrainians would repeat the mistakes of the Russians who thought they could occupy Ukraine in a few days and so Ukrainians say they could occupy Transnistria in a few moments !!
One is when you defend your country but it’s completely different when you attack even a separatist region! As Ukrainians defend themselves on their territory, so will the separatist region (Transnistria) defend itself.
Are Ukrainians ready to destroy buildings such as schools, kindergartens, hospitals, or entire towns and villages in the separatist region of Transnistria? Are Ukrainians ready to kill civilians? Even if they have Russian citizenship?
Dear Ukrainians! If you can occupy Transnistria in a few moments, then why not liberate Mariupol? Because your soldiers needed your help and try to find ways to liberate Russian-occupied areas and not deal with reckless statements / analyzes!
Update May 1, 2022
The first question is who should commit such forgeries? What was the purpose of these forgeries?
Because from the start it was clear that they would have no effect !!! And if such recruitment of young people is really needed, how will society react? There is no plan to defend Moldova and that is clear! That there will be no mobilization or that it will be too late, I also wrote about it!
I do not believe that the Americans will intervene on the territory of the Republic of Moldova to fight the Russians in the same way that the Americans did not intervene in Georgia or Ukraine!
Romanians will not enter Moldova alone against the Russians! Romanians will get involved if they are supported by allies! There are many Poles who even from the counterintelligence service that provides services for Russians and if they will be involved only in symbolic actions and without harmful effects for Russia !!!
My impression is that those who create such forgeries are also fighting them! When you have no work or your job is to create tension, diversion or distract from real problems or mislead!
The Moldovan army is not ready to face any attack from outside or even from Transnistria! Tiraspol controls Chisinau and that is clear to everyone! The Metallurgical Plant in Râbnița continues to finance the separatist regime and to corrupt the forces and the leadership of Moldova !!!
Update May 5, 2022
Many citizens of the Republic of Moldova are leaving the country because of the tensions in Transnistria and the fear that a war will start in Moldova! Lack of trust in the Moldovan authorities, lack of trust in the Moldovan army causes Moldovans to leave Moldova en masse !!!
I was one of the first in Moldova to write on February 14 that we need a general mobilization! I remind you that the war between Russia and Ukraine started on February 24th!
F##k you #Poland, F##k you #Romania
“Over 25,000 people of the Republic of Moldova (pro-Russians) participated in the Victory March and the” Immortal Regiment “and this only in Chisinau! Such actions took place in Balti and in the south of Moldova!
The Kremlin uses propaganda and declares that we Bessarabians are fascists and that the Russians here must be saved by these fascists from the government / parliament / presidency of Moldova!
Now pro-Russian Russians wearing black and orange ribbons today will receive police fines and they will complain again on pro-Russian television that they are being persecuted in Moldova!
Update May 11, 2022
Even if I am one of the best analysts in the ex-Soviet space, I will become a diaspora again and I will work in a field that is not my profession! I ask that the security and NGO bitches (from Moldova and Romania) not to follow me abroad again because I will work in a field that will have nothing to do with your activity!
Security and NGO whores in Moldova should not look for an excuse to follow me again and say again: that I want to save someone, that I want to investigate someone, that I am infiltrated, that I am fighting the mafia, the Russians, that I want to provoke someone or find all sorts of excuses to destroy my life because that’s why you are paid by the Russians !!!
If you want to fight the Russians, go to Ukraine and fight the Russians there because you have donations / grants / salaries from Americans / EU and it’s time to prove them in deeds not only in words or go to countries where you already have protection and look for all kinds of enemies!
The Russians have ordered you to destroy me, and I understand that it is fitting for you to be my mortal enemy in order to receive “grants” from the West! Russians are brilliant in Moldova: Moldovans do Kremlin politics with EU / US money!
I will become a diaspora again and I will inform all embassies again, European diplomats that I have not worked and I do not work for any institution in Moldova or Romania and I am not a member of any organization.
In 2009 the communists opened a criminal case against me because I participated in the anti-communist revolution and later because of this case I asked for protection in 5 NATO member states and they all refused me!
Moreover, the Poles and Romanians took bribes from the FSB (if you had told me that 11 years ago I would not have believed either) and they (Poles with the Romanians) continue to cooperate with the FSB and Canadians because of the file that Communists opened up to me, the Canadians imprisoned me for 10 days and kept me under judicial control for 3 years !!!
I will translate this text into English and publish the site, and inform you again: that no one has the right to speak on my behalf! Nobody has my consent to record or film me! Nobody has my signature or sign on my behalf! Those who speak on my behalf or say they have my consent to film or record, please consider them Russian spies!
The question is: If Moldova is attacked and I will be abroad, will I return or not !? My answer is a very sure one: I will not return because I do not want to answer for the mistakes of corrupt and stupid politicians in Moldova
Let the Moldovans go to war against the Russians, who took “grants” from the Americans and Europeans!
I once fought for values that Americans and Europeans themselves do not believe in! After the arrest of the Poles, the Romanians, the Moldovans who took bribes from the Russians, only then will trust be restored!
Hey, security and NGO bitches! Stay home and steal from the budget of the Republic of Moldova because you have all the power in Moldova !! Make fake contests and run for office: relatives, cousins, mistresses!
Keep bribing from companies that will win your project competitions and they will also make donations to your party !!!
All Moldovans know how schemes work and then you should not call us to fight to defend your luxury homes because we know that you will leave immediately with your luxury cars!
If I were 18-22 years old now I would probably be in Ukraine now and fight the Russians but the experience gained in recent years leads me to the conclusion that those who receive grants from Americans and Europeans have to fight with the Russians in Ukraine !!!
Keep smuggling cigarettes in Romania, smuggling with those from Transnistria! You have to earn money from all sides! You have the protection of force structures! Those in the EU / US close their eyes to what you do!
The Russians are still helping you!
Everyone was wondering if the Russians could not get to Transnistria because the Ukrainians have s300 / Stinger which protects them from any Russian entry into Transnistrian territory!
Thanks to Maia Sandu, Popescu and other bastards for losing the statehood and independence of Moldova!
the Russians are not so stupid as to send 5 people in groups to travel around Chisinau!
Update May 17, 2022
I wrote about Mariupol in this article and I was right again! Moldovans providing services to Russians in Moldova will try to put me in jail so that I will not leave Moldova and be taken over by the Russians and destroyed! Moldovans will do everything possible to destroy me and for that, pro-Russians from Romania will help them! Because they want me to be destroyed so that I don’t destroy the Russians’ plans and that’s why the Romanians (who work for the Russians) don’t give me my Romanian birth certificate!
so that I don’t analyze Russia and ruin the Russians’ plans And for that, Romanians / Moldovans will continue to receive money from the Russians ( from intermediaries such as Indians (from Asia), Germans (gasprom affiliates).
I was blocked from YouTube channels that earned me $ 300 a month or Facebook pages (one of 95,000 likes and one of 15,000 likes) which brought me a profit of between 350 and 400 euros per month!
Do you know who blocked these pages for me? Exact! Romanians and Moldovans with the help of Americans who provide services for Russians!
Update February 22, 2022

update, January 8, 2022
How not to turn from a useful idiot into a Russian prostitute!
A Ukrainian judge seeking political asylum in Moldova has been abducted by three individuals.
Ceaus’s lawyer confirmed that his client had been abducted:
“Today, April 3, 2021, my client, the Ukrainian judge, Ceaus Nicolae, was kidnapped from the center of Chisinau, whose application for political asylum is being examined by the courts of the Republic of Moldova. He was abducted by an armed group of people and taken in an unknown direction,,
The intelligence services of Moldova and Ukraine were involved in this abduction with the consent of the President of the Republic of Moldova and the President of Ukraine (Maia Sandu and Volodymyr Zelenski) , and cars with diplomatic numbers of the Ukrainian embassy in Chisinau were used to cross the border without control!
Initially, the judge said that he was abducted and there is a video of him being abducted from Chisinau, but then he changed his statements! There are many ways to persuade a person to change their statements!
No one from Moldova has been arrested, will probably be investigated after the current president / government loses power. I think that corruption is a common thing for Moldova and Ukraine.
There are very few honest judges and prosecutors in Moldova, at least I have not heard of any honest and fair prosecutor in Moldova, maybe they exist but I have not heard that there are such people in Moldova.
Every time the leadership changed in the Republic of Moldova, every time the new power tried to “ride” the General Prosecutor’s Office and the intelligence services and the fight against corruption was nothing more than the imprisonment of adversaries / enemies.
Prosecutors and judges are very rich because of the bribes they have received and most of them are very easy to “handle” and make decisions that the power or the intelligence services want.
Because most of them have a file involved in corruption cases but they are not prosecuted, because the system needs them to make the decisions that the people in the system need!
Most of them cannot justify their wealth, and some of them write their fortunes to their parents or relatives and National Integrity Agency Could Arrest Most Moldovan Prosecutors, Politicians, Judges.
To understand what is happening in Moldova please read the whole article, I do not want to return to some topics and I will try to help you not to become a Russian bitch!
Let’s start with all my official networks:
social networks:
e-mail – ( @plopandreicom)
Also I was / or am registered on social networks / Russian platforms and those who have not read my master’s thesis please do not even comment!
The master’s thesis is written by me and only by me, the master’s thesis was completed in 2015 but I only defended it in 2016 because of some idiots!!
Plop Andrei/ Lucrarea de master/ – Rolul mass-media în reflectarea conflictelor geopolitice. Studiu de caz: Mass-media în Federaţia Rusă/
And for those who work in the intelligence services: If you did not understand the meaning of the master’s thesis, please print it in 100 copies and ask a friend to hit you in the head, especially for the intelligence services in Romania and Poland but I understand that the idiots who took bribes from the Russians will never want to understand it!!!
Nobody is allowed to speak or to sign on my name. when I write nobody means nobody, without exception!
- if someone tells you that we are relatives, that we are friends or that we know each other and that he has the right to register me, to speak on my behalf, to sign, that I said so, that this is the plan,
Please remember that person is a Russian spy, it doesn’t matter if he is a relative or a friend or if he will show you pictures together or if he will tell you that it is about another person and not about him and also his nationality does not matter, You should know that he is a Russian spy! because no one has my consent to register, film or sign on my behalf!
Also, I am not a member of any organization (in all its forms) secret, ultra-secret or occult, and I have never worked for any intelligence service or the government of Moldova or Romania.
Anyone who says that I worked or that I work for an intelligence service or that I worked for the government of Romania or Moldova or that I am a member of a party, know that he is a Russian spy because I am not a party member and never for any institution from Romania or Moldova.
The last time I was a party member was in 2010 and I have not been anymore a member of any party or organization.
If someone insists that I work for intelligence but does not have the right to disclose information so that he is not arrested, please arrest him immediately for espionage in favor of Russia.
put me face to face with him and one of us will have to be arrested, and I assure you that the individual will be arrested for espionage in favor of Russia and not for disclosing information because there are cheap tricks of Russian spies not to be arrested. They usually do so so that they are not investigated for espionage in favor of Russia or for corruption and every time it ends they say: that was our plan!
I am ready to pass the polygraph test!
How not to become a useful idiot or a Russian prostitute!
I will take as an example a conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan!
I am neutral in this conflict and I do not take any part and I am really indifferent to what is happening in the Caucasus, it is not my job!
I have studied this conflict and I know it very well, but I really don’t care what happens in the Caucasus because my country has enough problems and I have enough problems.
My enemies will meet the Azeris and invent all sorts of nonsense about me (that I support the Armenians, that I help them fight against the Azeris) and the Azeris will become my enemies and then they ( Romanians / Moldovans working for Russians) will meet with the Armenians and say that I am trying to be an Azeri spy and that I am an infiltrator or that I am their agent, there are so many possibilities that I will become an enemy for the Armenians as well.
I become the enemy of the Azeris and the Armenians and I will be fucked by the Azeris and the Armenians! It depends on the situation, the country where I am if I were in Ukraine, they would try in every way to prove that I am the man of the Russians.
They will try to destroy me with the hands of others! to make me as many enemies as possible!
They will say that: I said so, that I came for this, that I want to destroy them! Things I didn’t say are things they invented! They will do the same with business people, with new people that I will meet!
Any new person I meet become my enemy!
They will try to bribe you, give you money, act in their best interests and from the moment you start collaborating with them, take bribes or even give them money, you will become their bitch for the rest of your life!
If anyone has said or written anything about or that I would have said so please check all my social networks and website and if you will not find that information on the site or on social networks You should know that it is a deed invented by Russian spies from Moldova, Romania or Poland.
if you hear that I have said anything about you, please ask where he wrote about it on his social media or on the site, when he said it and in what context he said it!
if you can’t find that information on my social networks or website, you should know that the Russian agency is trying to fuck us both!
I want to warn everyone that I am apolitical now and that all I am doing now is posting information / opportunities for students!
if someone attacks me at home or on the street, regardless of nationality (whether American, German, Romanian or Polish or of another nation) or for some reason I will immediately consider that he was paid by the Russians to kill me and I will do my best to defend myself!
If I am at home and have the opportunity to call the police, I will do so if I am attacked unexpectedly I will defend myself with all my might and I will act in accordance with the legislation in force to appear! I will use what I have at hand, a knife, an ax, a hammer to defend myself, only one of us will survive!
If someone attacks me on the street I will consider him a Russian spy and again the same situation (if I have the opportunity to call the police I will call but if I am taken by surprise I will put a pen, pencil in your throat or in your eyes and I will use all the skills to defend myself!
If someone tries to provoke me or shout at me, it will be the first signal that you have been paid by the Russians and I will try to leave, but if you continue to shout or follow me, I will consider that you have been paid by the Russians to fight to be imprisoned or killed!
if the Moldovan intelligence services or the Intelligence and Security Services (or the Moldovan FSB branch) will attack me on the street or at home after 11 pm I will consider that you want to kidnap me.
On all my clothes you will find the link to my site ( and also on the site you will find all my social networks, on the site you will find on the main page in the right sidebar the article: Plop Andrei: I was arrested in #Canada for the anti-communist revolution,, and also on all my social networks you will find this article in pinned messages.
I will wear these clothes with the link to my site and this article will remain on the site and on social media until all Poles (all without exception – politicians, people from the Polish government, intelligence, activists, etc.) who have collaborated with Romanians / Moldovans (all without exception – politicians, people from the Romanian / Moldovan government, intelligence, activists, etc.) in my file will ( in the summer and autumn of 2017 and which continues to collaborate until now) be arrested for espionage in favor of Russia and for corruption! I will not stop until the Poles, Romanians and Moldovans are investigated at the International Court of Justice! when I say all without exception it means that all! That means all Poles who collaborated with Moldovans / Romanians (all without exception)!
Even if it will be in a week or a month or in a year or ten years!
I know you still want to lock me up in jail, or destroy me by all possible methods, and you will continue to humiliate me by all means (they are already known).
I will never give up!
update December 31, 2021
After the arrest of Alexei Navalny I created the site, after the arrest of Roman Protasevich I created the site, I also bought two telegram groups with most of them being from the Russian Federation, and I also bought a group on a Russian social network with over 240,000 Russians, and I have 2 more groups on the same Russian social network, one of 24,000 Russians and the other only over 3,000 Russians! Mikheil Saakashvili was also arrested in 2021!
2021 was a miserable year for democracy! In the EU and the US, the national interest takes precedence over fundamental human rights, because if EU and US officials wanted these democracy fighters, they would be free! With my limited resources, I did something, but what did the officials who have the power?
With best regards Plop Andrei!!!
Update. August 23, 2021
As I plan to enroll in a doctoral program next year, I am forced to write this article to destroy Moldovans and Romanians who were recruited by the Russians in order to destroy me.
as I mentioned earlier that I left Moldova in 2010 and for 11 years I was not in the Republic of Moldova, If in 2010 I was to stay in Moldova, I would either be imprisoned or I would work for the Russians now! The Russians have made an enormous effort to bring me to Moldova and now they will do everything possible for me to stay in Moldova! During all this time I left Moldova, the Russians recruited friends, colleagues from the University, including very close relatives!
How do you know they were recruited by the Russians? It is very simple! Because of the questions they ask! About some I realized that he works for Russians earlier, others later! When I was in the 3rd year of university, the Russian ambassador came to ULIM to speak in front of the students and we being students in the specialty of International Relations, we were obliged to go to the ambassadors’ presentations!
When we waited for the ambassador to come with his presentation, I was in the middle of the hall and representatives of the Russian embassy were already in the hall!
To my right side was Dumitru, from Criuleni and he tells me: look, there are 2 employees at the Russian embassy who are photographing and filming you!
My answer for Dumitru was: They are 3, there is another one on the left side!
The next day I responded to the course given by Professor Rodica on the topic I had received a week ago about the struggles between Nazis and Communists, and I was arguing with the teacher about the battle of Kursk and how many tanks participated in this battle! I was very prepared for this topic but I was right! Mrs. Rodica is one of the best teachers I have ever had, all the students loved her! ULIM is the first university and I only have pleasant memories and I have a respect for all the professors who taught me!
After I answered all the questions! Dumitru says, Andrei tells everyone that yesterday you were filmed and photographed by 3 employees of the Russian embassy! To which I replied: yes it is true!
Another colleague, named Veaceslav, told me when I was still standing in front of the hall,
it is a mistake and you’re probably paranoid! To which I replied! I’m not the one who started the discussion about filming and photography and there are other witnesses who saw this! Maybe they are paranoid too!
After April 7, when I was hiding from the communists and the security of Moldova, security came to the University to look for me in the hall! After April 7, when I was hiding from the communists and the security of Moldova, when the communists were still in power, they came to the University to arrest me!
Security entered the hall and shouted where is Plop Andrei? This Viaceslav replied that he is not in this group and he is in another room! Everyone knew that this Viaceslav was a security bitch, which in popular language we call them STUKACH (From the common slang word stukachestvo, stukach was widely used in the Soviet period to describe “squealing,” or informing on people to the government authorities. The word is evidently derived from stuk, Russian for the sound of a hammer blow. The government, and especially the security police, in all communist-ruled or authoritarian countries, depended on informers in order to keep tabs on the loyalty of the populace.) As most teachers were historians by profession and in Moldova most people know the attitude of historians towards Romania! These STUKACHs had the mission of informing security about students and teachers! even though the government has changed, these security bitches have continued to work for the leadership since then! Even so, I had a criminal case opened by the communists then, I didn’t want to have another criminal case because of a security bitch! I hate communist security bitches!
I found out about the fact that I was wanted by the security from the secretary of the faculty (Nelly) and from the dean of the faculty (Ludmila)! I found out about Viaceslav from friends in the group!
My bachelor’s thesis is about the policy of repression in the USSR during collectivization! I know and understand Russian politics very well , and if it acts very quickly in 2014 due to my analysis, Crimea would have been part of Ukraine and not Russia! ( read the whole article to understand what I’m talking about!)
Now I am in Moldova and most likely they will try to lock me up in prison, in psychiatry or accidental death in order not to allow me to leave Moldova again, I have never worked for any institution in Moldova or Romania, and I repeat for Polish and Canadian idiots, I have not worked for any institution in Moldova or Romania and I have never worked for any security institution!
I have not been to the Republic of Moldova for 11 years and the only thing that could arrest me in Moldova is the file that was opened to me by the communists for the events of April 7, 2009! If they open a criminal case for April 7, 2009, and I am imprisoned, that means I will become a political prisoner! and I have been to several countries, and my situation is known to the whole of Europe! Which the Russians will avoid doing, but will try to open an economic criminal case! As I have not been in Moldova for 11 years and now I avoid working for any institution in Moldova they will try to ask for help from their agency in countries where I have been! For example, the Russians turn to the Georgian oligarch, who had shares in gazprom to open a criminal case against me and for that there must be an agreement between Moldova and Georgia!
Several scenarios are possible but the studies I have done and my life experience, I will do my best to avoid the pitfalls that Moldovans and Romanians will organize, which provides services for the Russians!
How it came to this situation? the Russians simply buy them with money! Moldovans, Romanians, Poles, Canadians!
The Republic of Moldova has three problems:
1) The Putin system
2) American stupidity
3) corruption and incompetence of the Romanian authorities!
If after 20 years of American military presence in Afghanistan they have demonstrated zero analytical ability, why do you think they are more professional in Eastern Europe!
if you want to understand the incompetence of the intelligence services you must read the book “Legacy of Ashes: The History of the CIA: Weiner, Tim”!
how stupid they were and were fooled! Even if they have high-performance technology, they are always stupid in analysis! In Moldova the Russians have become more sophisticated and many Russian projects are funded by the Americans! Just as in Afghanistan the Americans collaborated and invested in pragmatic people and at the first opportunity these individuals left the country the same situation in Moldova, the Americans collaborate / have collaborated with pedophiles, pimps, rapists!
It seemed to me that the Poles are the only ones who understand Russia, but they also have their idiots and corrupt people. since the disintegration of the USSR, Poland’s current counterintelligence service is one of the most stupid and corrupt!
I don’t even hire them as car parkers!
In 2017 when I left Georgia for the UK, I slept one day at the airport, then the next day I went to the other airport in London and left for Aarhus in Denmark, in Denmark I slept one night in the bus station then I left by bus to Copenhagen, In Copenhagen I slept again one night in the train station! From Copenhagen I left by car Bla Bla Car to Hamburg! And from Hamburg to Slubice I went by train (because there is a ticket promotion for one day it is very cheap)! I saw at least 20 Moldovans/ Romanians who followed me from London to Slubice!
I had two bags with me! in one there were documents, and in the other there were clothes! A Moldovan and a Romanian who were by car found me in the forest near the town of Slubice / Poland. I was very tired, I hadn’t slept 4 nights and I had to leave my bags to escape! I had to run through the forest at night to get rid of them!
If they caught me in the woods then, I was going to be buried there by Moldovans and Romanians! I ran all night to get rid of them until I reached a village!
I jumped a few wire fences, then I hid in a house with two floors which was under construction!
I found an ax and I thought that if they enter the house I will appear with the ax! As they approached the village, I heard dogs barking! I was ready to fight the Russian bitches (Moldovans / Romanians) and I slept with the ax next to me all night!
On the first day when I arrived in Warsaw, I went to the Polish counterintelligence service to ask for protection, the service is called Internal Security Agency (Agencja Bezpieczeństwa Wewnętrznego).
I start talking about my situation but he asks me about intuition! I think I didn’t sleep for almost a week, I slept in the train stations, I ran through the forest and when I arrived this Polish idiot asked me about intuition!
If you give power to a idiot, he is a monkey with Kalashnikov!
If the Internal Security Agency (Agencja Bezpieczeństwa Wewnętrznego) started the investigation, they would have caught the entire Russian intelligence branch in Moldova / Romania.
If I were to face these Moldovans / Romanians after two hours of questioning, Moldovan / Romanians would be arrested for espionage in favor of Russia!
But they did not do this!
I had to apply for political asylum!
If you apply for political asylum in a country, they do not have the right to give information from the country of origin where you are! Any collaboration between the country where you applied for asylum and with your country of origin is strictly forbidden! If the country in which you applied for asylum collaborates with the country where you come from, it is called espionage! The Internal Security Agency (Agencja Bezpieczeństwa Wewnętrznego) together with the institution dealing with refugee protection started collaborating with Moldovans and Romanians who wanted to kill me! these two institutions took bribes from Moldovans and Romanians!
If they asked the questions below, Moldovans and Romanians should be arrested but they did not!
moreover, Moldovans, Poles and Romanians conducted Nazi experiments on refugees in the refugee camp!
For the crimes committed by the Poles, life imprisonment awaits them! and the Poles understand this very well!
All Poles who collaborated with Moldovans / Romanians are now Russian bitches and they will do whatever Moldovans / Romanians say! All Poles (all, without exception) who collaborated with Moldovans / Romanians in 2017 must be dismissed and investigated for corruption and espionage because they pose a danger to NATO!
These Poles will do whatever the Moldovans or Romanians say otherwise the prison awaits them!
These Poles are already Russian bitches and the Russians are interested in keeping them in office! To be further promoted!
The only problem of the Russians is me, and for that they will do everything possible to imprison me, psychiatry or accidental death! They will do everything possible to prove that I am a Russian, Turkish, Romanian, American spy! Just to save these Polish, Romanian, Moldovan bitches!
When I was an asylum seeker, the Poles were forced to interrogate me but they did not!
I asked the Poles to send the whole list of Moldovans and Romanians with whom they collaborated to the FBI!
I received a negative decision from the Poles!
What are the consequences of this collaboration and the negative decision I received?
-I will never come to Poland again!
– I know that I will never be able to rely on you in the fight against the Russians because you are corrupt, idiots and you are already Russian bitches!
-I will not give handshakes with Poles and I will not sit at the same table with Poles until all Polish criminals are imprisoned!
– When I have enough evidence, I will go to the International Court of Justice!
-the Moldovans / Romanians you collaborated with will also consider you stupid!
I will never surrender to the Russians!
Considering that I want to do my PhD in an Asian country, I write these things to avoid any scenario! The Russians, through the Romanians / Moldovans, bribe the foreigners and then blackmail them!
If I go to a foreign country and if you will be contacted by representatives of civil society or representatives working in institutions in Romania/Moldova and will tell you:
- we are Andrei’s friends, I am Andrei’s sister, we are Andrei’s relatives and we are here to help him, to fight against the Russians, to help you … – please arrest them because they they are Russian spies!
- if they try to convince you that Andrei was not referring to us but to other people – please arrest them for espionage in favor of Russia because I mean everyone, without exception! I repeat once again, I mean everyone without exception! If they try to tell you that we have arrested a suspicious person or we are here to arrest people who are following Andrei, please arrest them immediately! Please arrest everyone! Because they usually sacrifice an idiot who works for the Russians, and for that they will be promoted and the Russians want that, to put their people in leadership positions in order to obtain as much information as possible, in order to be able to carry out actions that are in favor of Russia!
- we work for the intelligence service and Andrei works for us – please arrest them immediately for espionage in favor of Russia because I am not a spy / I have not worked for any country, I do not work and I will not work! And I am ready to pass the polygraph test in front of all NATO countries!
- if they tell you that this was planned, this is the scenario to make it more credible – please arrest them for espionage in favor of Russia, because there is no plan
- if they tell you that they have the right to register me, that they have signed a contract with me, that they have the right to sign on my behalf – please arrest them immediately for espionage in favor of Russia, because no one has the right to register me and no one he has no right to sign on my behalf! If someone presents my signature, that signature is false!
- no matter what position he has, his status or the money he has, you should never forget Kim Philby! If you don’t know history, I encourage you to study it!
- if any of these situations happen you can always call me, put me face to face with these individuals and I will help you imprison these Russian bitches for the rest of their life!
- a link to my site will be written on my clothes or bag, and this article will always be on the first page of the site! you have no right to say I did not know!
- free cheese exists only in traps, if you take money from Romanians / Moldovans you will be blackmailed for the rest of your life! you will become a Russian bitch and you will fulfill orders until the end of your life!
- you have to think: if you are going to another country and you are being followed by friends, relatives / why are they doing this? especially if they have a job! In my case, some of them worked as waiters in Italy/in Moldova and the logical question: why does a person who barely earns money for his existence allow himself to follow other people in another country?- and here appear relevant questions from the article below
- and I think the most important thing is usually when the Russians don’t like it or when they’re caught lying they usually have an answer: that’s it was planned! that was the scenario! we wanted that! we have a scenario and we follow our plan but we can’t talk about it !- they have no plan but they are looking at what will end the actions of the person they are looking for and at last they clapped their hands and rejoiced and what do you think they say: that was the scenario!
- if they say I’m a spy and they’re on a mission because we are ….( here are so many scenarios – if I move to a street where Is muslim family they’ll say I’m investigating that family for terrorism, or they might say I’m a terrorist, too, but usually they’ll investigate the street where I live and try to find some Russian, Iranian, Iraqi, or Afghan, Pakistani if they find Latinos they’ll try to prove something with drug trafficking, they did not have the purpose to investigate terrorists their purpose was to control every step of mine so that I would not go to the Americans! Because the Russians believe that only those Moldovans / Romanians who are already Russian spies can go to the Americans! if any Moldovan or Romanian tries to go directly to the Americans, without the Russians controlling him! The Russians will activate their entire network of spies from Moldova or Romania to discretize this person! They will make challenges so that Americans can believe it too! all these challenges will be so professional that Americans will believe!
the questions are from the article below but read the whole article!
why did you follow him? who paid you to follow him? what job did you have before you started following him? how much money did you receive and how much money do you have in your account now? who recruited you? why did you follow him and not ..? why do you avoid meeting him?
what are the goals of the Russians in Moldova?
August 15, 2021
read the whole article!
on my telegram channel @plopandreicom you will find this text in pdf format! Please save the pdf text on your phone!
Before writing what are the goals of the Russians in Moldova, I will write a few words about me!
My name is Andrei Plop and I am from Moldova .I was born on September 28, 1988 in Chisinau. I graduated from the Faculty of International Relations (ULIM) , I studied at the Romanian – American University, the Faculty of Law. Also, I graduated from the Faculty of International Relations a master student of the SNSPA. I was nominated to take part in the parliament elections in 2009( RM). In 2013 I obtained Romanian citizenship, because my grandparents were born when Moldova was part of the Romanian kingdom! Also 50% I am ethnically Ukrainian and I speak Romanian, Russian, Polish, English, French! All of my mother’s older sisters speak Ukrainian but my mother does not speak Ukrainian! Probably because she was 8 years old when her father died and because of this I don’t speak Ukrainian either! From 1918 to 1940 Moldova was part of Romania, but according to the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, Moldova was ceded to the Soviet Union without a fight from romanians in June 1940!
In January 1940, King Carol II of Romania visited Chisinau, and most people told the king: do not leave us alone in front of the Russians.
because the Soviet Union attacked Finland on November 30, 1939, the Finns fought for their land, although they were unprepared for war! the Romanians did not make any defense plan and when the Russians gave an ultimatum to the Romanians to cede Moldova in June 1940, they gave up in 48 hours! Without a fight! King Carol II of Romania was more concerned with his mistresses than defending Romania’s territorial integrity!
When I was a student in Romania, I asked Romanians out of curiosity what their opinion was about ceding of Moldova for the Russians in June 1940?
The Romanian politicians answered me that it was a strategic act, while the military and the police told me that it was an act of cowardice and that they had to fight for the integrity of Romania!
I agree with the opinion of the Romanian military and police!
Romanians have potential, but they were led by communist bitches like Iliescu or Basescu or by idiots like Klaus Iohannis.
the national defense pact signed by Klaus Iohannis in January 2015 is an essay that I prepared for the master’s program!
Obviously the idea was developed but I accidentally found out when the teacher (he was also the PSD spokesperson) said in front of the whole course that I am the author of this pact! They did not offer me any job, I was not paid and not even those from the presidential administration said thank you! Nothing! I assume that one of the factors was that in April until July 2014 I was an intern in the Polish parliament in the commission for national defense! I will not write the whole essay here but one of the ideas I wrote in that essay was that Romanians always rely on allies and when attacked, it is left alone in front of the enemy and that the budget for national defense is too little for the new circumstances!
On December 22, 2015, when I sent emails to the President of Romania and the Minister of National Defense of Romania that there was a danger of repeating the Crimean scenario in the Republic of Moldova, I received a response from the presidential administration containing 2 sentences, and each word was written almost by mistake! The e-mail I sent and the answer I received can be found on my telegram channel! The part where it is deleted in the e-mail, says that I am the author of the pact and a little information about me! You can read about Crimea below!
Russia is interested in Transnistria becoming Kaliningrad but the Russians understand that if Transnistria will be part of the official Russian territory then Moldova can integrate very quickly into NATO and the European Union! Which they will never allow to happen!
That is why they want to create another ethnic conflict in the south of Moldova with Gagauzia!
The older population in Transnistria still supports Putin, but the new generation in Transnistria supports Navalny.
Chances of Navalny becoming president could be in two cases:
Putin will resign to run for president and put a trusted person in his place or he will die of old age! In both cases there will be protests!
Who will come in his place will also matter a lot!
The Republic of Moldova has no chance to integrate into NATO or the European Union. There are only a few reasons: the Transnistrian conflict, the foreign minister studied in Moscow, if that individual had been an uncomfortable person to the Russians, he would never have graduated from a Russian university!
The most important thing for Moldova is not to become a theater of war between Russians and Americans
Which was Vietnam for the Americans or Afghanistan for the Russians!
One thing is clear: Moldovans will suffer in this theater of war!
The Russians will occupy new territories and the Americans will use this opportunity to impose sanctions on the Russians and use this invasion for propaganda purposes! Maybe Moldovans will receive second-hand equipment from the Americans!
The strategies and ambitions of the Russians are much bigger! But I think for now it’s enough what I wrote!
Due to the fact that thanks to me a Russian invasion of Moldova was stopped which was to take place in the winter of 2016, the Russians will not stop until they destroy me!
To put me in jail or to kill me, or to lock me up in psychiatry! but until then they will continue to discredit me, humiliate me and for that they have financial and human resources!
Next time I will write about Polish bitches (men and women) who took bribes from Russians in 2017 through Moldovan and Romanian intermediaries and which the Poles are protecting until now. Over 500 accredited embassies in Poland, Canada, Moldova, Switzerland have been informed about this!
And a few things that are important: I am an Orthodox Christian, I am not gay and I do not support LGBT values but I respect the constitution, European Convention on Human Rights and the criminal code! I like Scandinavian and Caucasian girls, Georgian girls with green eyes from Kutaisi made a very good impression on me! I like Moldovan folk dances and Latin dances and I also like Lezginka! I also practiced taekwondo for 4 years!
Update – July 25, 2021
This article was published on June 24, 2021 This article is written for people who have knowledge in International Relations or Law. This analysis that I will publish in this post are from public information! Let’s start first with a press statement made by a General Anton Gămurari from the Republic of Moldova, ( you can find the whole article here in Romanian!) : “In the ’88, ’89, I largely served the city center, where the Inturist Hotel and the Chişinău Hotel were, restaurants and other institutions. The Inturist Hotel ( today it is called the National Hotel) was served by two services – the Ministry of the Interior and the KGB. From there, from that center, grew some people who became very rich in the republic, including Plahotniuc. ” From 1945 to 1991, Moldova was part of the Soviet Union, and all hotels in Moldova were state-owned! Let’s not forget that during this period it was the cold war. The Cold War was a period of geopolitical tension between the United States and the Soviet Union and their respective allies, the Western Bloc and the Eastern Bloc, which began following World War II. Historians do not fully agree on its starting and ending points, but the period is generally considered to span the 1947 Truman Doctrine (12 March 1947) to the 1991 Dissolution of the Soviet Union (26 December 1991). From 1945 to 1991 it was very difficult to leave Moldova or visit Moldova, to leave the country or to visit you had to have authorization after you were checked by the KGB. Because there were very few tourists, there were few hotels, and which they were, they were controlled by the KGB! In 1991 the Soviet Union collapsed and some might write : that the Soviet Union was collapsing and that pimping was possible in 1988, 1989 or 1990! in other socialist republics in the Soviet Union it would have been possible but not in the Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic! Because during this period in the Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic the Minister of Internal Affairs was Vladimir Voronin! (In 1985 Voronin was appointed head of section in the Council of Ministers of the MSSR. From 1985 till 1989 he worked as First Secretary of the Bender Town Committee of CPM. In 1989-1990 was in office of Minister of Home Affairs of the MSSR.In 1993 Voronin was the co-president of the Organizational Committee for the creation of the Communist Party of the Republic of Moldova. In 1994 he was elected First Secretary of CC of the CPRM. In the same year he ran for the President of the Republic of Moldova. Mr. Voronin was in office of President of the Republic of Moldova during April 4, 2001-September 11, 2009. ) The most important institutions in the Republic of Moldova ( as the General Prosecutor’s Office, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Government of the Republic of Moldova, the Presidency of the Republic of Moldova) are located on Stefan cel Mare Boulevard, and the distance between the National Hotel and the Ministry of Internal Affairs is one kilometer, I don’t think there is anyone to say that the Minister of Internal Affairs did not know what was happening at the National Hotel (Inturist Hotel), especially pimping actions! I assume that Plahotniuc also knows Voronin from the same period! I have previously written what Plahotniuc was doing at this hotel at that time! When a tourist came to Moldova and the National Hotel, Plahotniuc, was accommodated through Moldovan girls who also worked for the KGB, they provoked tourists, these tourists were filmed with hidden cameras as they had sex and then blackmailed! The same tactic was used by Vladimir Putin against the Attorney General, who is investigating the Yeltsin family! In April 1999, then FSB Chief Vladimir Putin and Interior Minister Sergei Stepashin held a televised press conference in which they discussed a video that had aired nationwide on 17 March on the state-controlled RTR channel which showed a naked man very similar to Skuratov, in bed with two young women. This video was released after he had been investigating numerous corrupt officials including Alexander Mamut and both Pavel Borodin and Vladimir Putin and had begun looking into charges of corruption by President Boris Yeltsin and his associates: the video was said to serve as kompromat. the tourist returned to his country and was then contacted by an employee of the embassy of the Soviet Union, who was usually from the GRU or KGB! It acts according to the position of the tourist! Both FSB and GRU were interested in promoting tourists in their careers and in being useful in obtaining information! On December 25, 1991, the Soviet flag flew over the Kremlin in Moscow for the last time. Representatives from Soviet republics (Ukraine, Georgia, Belarus, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan) had already announced that they would no longer be part of the Soviet Union. The KGB branch in Moldova has lost contact with Moscow! And many soldiers, people who worked for KGB ended up without jobs! those who had access to information sold them to those in the West, those who had access to weapons sold them at a very cheap price, including to terrorists! And those who provoke tourists with Moldovan girls ended up pimping! With the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 Moldova became an independent republic. In 1993 Voronin refounded the Moldavian Communist Party as the Party of Communists of the Republic of Moldova (PCRM), becoming its president a year later. Victor Popescu, a former officer from Fulger (formerly OMON), revealed that in 1993 he caught Vladimir Plahotniuc while “selling prostitutes” on the 13th floor of a building in Chisinau. It happened in 1993, when I found Vlad Plahotniuc on the thirteenth floor, where he was selling prostitutes. Yes, I found out where he took them. He was the head of these crimes. We had only three boys in the police at the time. I was soon released from service at Fulger! With Putin coming to power in Russia, the contact between Moscow and the KGB branches has been restored, only now they are called FSB and not KGB and the local branch of FSB in Moldova is called the Information and Security Service! In 2001 the PCRM won parliamentary elections with slightly more than 50 percent of the vote, ending a decade of rule by a reformist government. Also through the kompromat, Vladimir Plahotniuc became the director of Petrom Moldova in 2001, During the communist government of 2001-2009, protected by Voronin, Plahotniuc seized business and quarreled with all who stood in his way, when the foundations of the Plahotniuc empire were laid. During Voronin’s second term as president, almost the entire business (private enterprises, financial flows, administrative positions) changed its leaders, benefiting from this massive change of ownership and influence, becoming none other than Plahotniuc, a single person who focused on all state structures and significant business in Moldova. “If we talk about Romanian politicians, it is worth mentioning here a lot of PSD members: Adrian Năstase and Ion Iliescu, when they were in power, they strongly promoted Plahotniuc as a basic man in the power system in the Republic of Moldova. Then came Ponta, Corlățean, Meleșcanu and other smaller ones who held him in their arms and endorsed Plahotniuc, including in the West, as a guarantor of the stability of the Republic of Moldova. And let’s not forget Norica Nicolai, the most ardent agent of the oligarch in the European institutions, especially in the European Parliament. Parliamentary elections were held in Moldova on 5 April 2009. Following the announcement of preliminary election results on 6 April 2009, which showed the Party of Communists of the Republic of Moldova (PCRM) victorious, winning approximately 50% of the votes, the opposition rejected the results, accusing the authorities of falsification in the course of counting the votes and demanded new elections.[12] Opposition have organized protest demonstrations in the center of Chişinău on April 6th and 7th. The demonstration spun out of control and escalated into a riot on April 7th, with protesters attacking the parliament building and the presidential palace. ( You can read more information below) Also, Plahotniuc helped the Russian mafia launder $ 23 billion. He coordinated the disappearance of one billion dollars, 18 percent of Moldova’s GDP. He is a man who put a country on logs. He is also guilty of depopulating the country, of corrupting institutions, of money laundering. It represents a mafia structure that captured a state. I wrote above that tourists who were filmed with a hidden camera having sex are blackmailed, Russian secret services are interested in being promoted in their careers, and for that the Russians have created brilliant plans for their tourists to be promoted! I think I should write that among the Romanian tourists who provide services for Russians working in state institutions in Romania were / are presidential advisers, journalists, deputies, businessmen, people working in SRI and SIE, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ambassadors of Romania accredited to European Union countries! Any student from the Republic of Moldova knows that Plahotniuc worked for Voronin and Plahotniuc also helped Dodon become president but the Romanians are the ones who promoted Plahotniuc in Washington. Russian politics has become very sophisticated, are smarter and because of this the Republic of Moldova is not a member of the EU and NATO, although the USA has high-performance technology and enormous financial resources. Plahotniuc was presented by the Romanians in Washington as being against the Russians, and in Moldova everyone knew who Plahotniuc was!If a person was against Plahotniuc, he tried to corrupt him with money, if in most cases Moldovans accepted the money, who refused the money went to provocations, criminal cases ordered by prosecutors, police! and those who went abroad, Plahotniuc with the help of the Romanians tried to prove that the person was a Russian spy and that he was trying to discredit him. all the information collected from the Romanians was sent to the Russians by Plahotniuc. and the Russians sent their agents to contact the person who was against Plahotniuc so that they could see the counterintelligence services and that was the end of the Russians’ job! Because the person who was a problem for Plahotniuc was still destroyed by these counterintelligence services! Americans believe that if Plahotniuc helped them put a person in a leadership position, for example the director of intelligence and security in Moldova, they begin to believe that he (the director) is their man but the reality is that the man of the Russians will be promoted and supported by the Americans but who will do the Russian policy. If a person who is not controlled by the Russians tries to get in touch with the Americans directly, the Russians mobilize all human resources for that person to be destroyed, and for that they usually turn to the Romanians! Romania is a NATO member, they are considered reliable partners, they buy weapons from Americans worth billions! and Americans will never quarrel with Romanians over a person! Even if the Americans understood that the person is right, they will watch as the Romanians destroy him! If the Americans had analysts on the ex-Soviet space, Crimea would have been part of Ukraine today, and Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine were now members of the EU and NATO! but this will not happen in the future!! Considering that now is summer and most of the deputies from Poland and Canada are on vacation! I will address the Polish and Canadian parliaments to set up committees to investigate the director of the Agencja Bezpieczeństwa Wewnętrznego (internal security agency) from Poland and director of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service for corruption. I just want to let you know that in the summer of 2017, on the first day I arrived in Warsaw, I was in the Polish Parliament, and after the meeting I went directly to the Agencja Bezpieczeństwa Wewnętrznego (Internal Security Agency). At Agencja Bezpieczeństwa Wewnętrznego (internal security agency) I talked to a Polish man, when I asked to be a defender of Moldovans and Romanians whom I suspected of spying for Russia, he began to ask me about intuition! moreover, they started collaborating with these Moldovans / Romanians who wanted to kill me! and they, the Poles with the Moldovans and the Romanians to challenge against a person who was a member of solidarity and who had an enormous role in Poland’s accession to NATO. I will ask the parliamentary commissions to investigate acts of corruption and the Romanians and Moldovans with whom they collaborated to be accused of espionage in favor of Russia! I mean all Romanians / Moldovans involved in my case!
all, without exception!
All Agencja Bezpieczeństwa Wewnętrznego and the Canadian Security Intelligence Service had to ask some questions to Moldovans and Romanians: why did you follow him? who paid you to follow him? what job did you have before you started following him? how much money did you receive and how much money do you have in your account now? who recruited you? why did you follow him and not ..? why do you avoid meeting him? Poles and Canadians could solve the problem in 48 hours but they didn’t want to! I also want to say that I have never worked for an institution in Moldova or Romania! And I am ready to pass a polygraph test in front of all NATO member states that I was not and I am not an agent / spy! Also that I am in perfect health and that I am not going to commit suicide! Plop Andrei: I was arrested in #Canada for the anti-communist revolution! I am being deported because of #corruption and incompetence in the Canadian government!

thank you to the ambassadors and friends from abroad!
18 April 2021
If you believe that there is no corruption in the Canadian government, all you have to do is google search: corruption in the Canadian government and there will be a lot of corruption scandals! The current government of Canada is known as the most corrupt government in the history of Canada! Today is my last day in Canada, I do not return voluntarily but because my appeal was dismissed and I have no choice but to leave Canada. Do Canadians know what will happen to me when I return to Moldova? Of course they know! Because in December 2017 I was arrested at Montreal-Pierre Elliott Trudeau International Airport for 10 days because of the criminal case that the communists opened against me in 2009. From January 2018 until now I am under judicial control in Canada because of the criminal case that was opened to me by the communists. I haven’t been to Moldova for 11 years! I resisted as long as I could! But because of the corruption and incompetence of Canadians, I have to return to Moldova! The criminal complaint I filed to the prosecution Canada after a year of silence from Canadian institutions was sent to about 60 embassies accredited in Canada and also to embassies accredited in Moldova. The only hope for me is for the ambassadors to intervene! April 16, 2021 – Plop Andrei

this article was published – September 15, 2019
When I arrived in Iceland, I requested political asylum at the airport, the Icelandic police were very kind to me and I was taken to an asylum center. Icelanders told me directly: Andrei in your case are only two solutions! Or you leave voluntarily or we can listen to you but you will get a negative answer because you are a citizen of the European Union and we will have to deport you to Romania.
On my jacket I wrote my first and last name and the link to my blog and Icelanders also read what my story is! I have a special respect for the Icelandic police for the simple reason that they gave me money for the ticket (as a gift) to leave the country! I arrived in Iceland from Poland where I also received a negative answer! I left Poland in Iceland for the simple reason that Iceland is not a member of the European Union and my last stay in Poland was a disappointment for me!
For the simple reason that they were just watching how Moldovans and Romanians me!
The Poles understood that they were lied by Romanians and Moldovans when I arrived from Iceland to Canada and applied for asylum in Canada.
The way in which the Poles were lied by the Moldovans and the Romanians the same way Canadians was f..cked by the Moldovans and the Romanians.
Before writing the way the Canadian and Polish Intelligence were f..cked by the FSB branch in Romania and Moldova, I will give a little introduction about the history of Moldova and Romania.
In December 1989 in Romania has been a revolution. On one side was Ceausescu’s regime and on the other was Ion Iliescu.
Ion Iliescu joined the Communist Party in 1953 and became a member of its Central Committee in 1965 and studied in Moscow State University ( Soviet Union) and stayed in the group in the same table with Gorbachev. Ion Iliescu had a leading role in the Romanian Revolution, becoming the country’s president in December 1989. In May 1990. Some wanted democracy and went out to destroy the Ceausist regime but the revolution was led by a communist. Ion Iliescu became Romania’s first freely elected head of state. One communist (Ceausescu) was changed to another communist (Iliescu).
During the Romanian revolution of December Moldova was in the Soviet Union and was called the Soviet Socialist Republic of Moldova.
During the the Romanian Revolution Iurie Leancă was working in the Soviet embassy in Bucharest and another individual by the name of Dumitru Diacov was the head of the office of the official Soviet intelligence agency TASS in Bucharest.( Information Telegraph Agency of Russia in Bucharest.) Those who have minimal knowledge of how the Soviet Union’s embassies worked during the Cold War know what these functions mean.
The Republic of Moldova gained its independence on August 27, 1991 and in March 1992 there was a war in Transnitria between Moldova and Russian Federation. Transnistria remains until today a territory controlled by the Russian Federation. In Moldova and in Romania people who had a membership card of the communist party they changed their name into socialists.
In Moldova, citizens who were against the Russian Federation died in very strange accidents and the rest who escaped were marginalized or isolated. While some were fighting for the Romanian language or against the Russians in the war on Nistru others dealt with privatization, buying companies that belonged to the state factories at very low prices. Former communists became capitalists!
Once the borders of the Republic of Moldova and Romania were opened, members of some organizations also came to Moldova / Romania and those with whom they were discussing in Moldova were also former communists. Because they (former communists) controlled politics and business in Moldova. I wrote only two names above, but such individuals are full of Moldova.
For example Vladimir Plahotniuc – when Moldova was in the Soviet Union, he was active in the KGB and his mission was to provoke foreigners through hotels with Moldovan girls. Those individuals were filmed with hidden cameras and then blackmailed.When Moldova became independent in 1991 Plahotniuc became a pimp.
Petru Lucinschi – In 1992, he was appointed as Ambassador of Moldova in Russia. On 4 February 1993, he was elected as Speaker of the Moldovan Parliament, being re-elected on 29 March 1994 for a new term. He held the position until 1997. Lucinschi was elected Moldova’s second president in November 1996. From 1971, Lucinschi was a member of the Executive Committee (Politburo) of the Central Committee of the Communist Party in Moldavian SSR.
Dumitru Diacov – Dumitru Diacov was a Moldovan MP (1994–2001, 2005-May 2009, July 2009 – 2010) and the president of the Moldovan Parliament (April 23, 1998 – March 20, 2001). He was president of the Democratic Party of Moldova (1997-June 2009) and later has been the honorary president.
Guess who became the de facto president of the party? Vladimir Plahotniuc was the chairman of the Democratic Party of Moldova.
Iurie Leancă – He was Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration from 2009 to 2013. He graduated from Moscow State Institute of International Relations. He was appointed Prime Minister on 2013. How stupid you have to be to think that one who worked at the embassy of the Soviet Union to integrate Moldova into the European Union.
Activists from Moldova were also selected by former Communists who changed their political orientation and are now called Democrats, Socialists or businessmen.A person who has been a GRU member, KGB he will be loyal or blackmailed by the end of his life.
Communist Vladimir Voronin was the leader of the Republic of Moldova from 2001 to 2009. In April 2009 there was an anti-communist revolution in Moldova. Voronin and Plahotniuc were very scared on April 7, 2009. All the communist leaders were scared of the youth uprising! On April 7, 2009, Igor Dodon (member of the communist party) from 31 March 2008 to 14 September 2009 was First Deputy Prime Minister and Zinaida Greceanîi (member of the communist party) was the Prime Minister of Moldova from 31 March 2008 to 14 September 2009.
For more information about me open this link
In October 2015 I signed up for a work and travel program (It is a program for students to move to the United States and work during the summer holidays) . I was in the last year at the Faculty of Law at the Romanian-American University in Bucharest.
Romanians understood perfectly well that I want to go to the United States for other purposes than working during the summer. My goal was to talk directly with the Americans and without Romanian intermediaries. The Romanians did everything tas I do not get even to the US embassy for the interview. When I understand that I won’t even get to the embassy for the interview. I started calling the ones from the US embassy in Bucharest. I also sent them faxes and on May 7, 2016, on a Saturday, I went to the US embassy in Bucharest and submitted a letter.
I wrote that Igor Dodon will most likely win the next elections and we need your help to help us in the next elections. I didn’t get any response.
On 13th November the runoff of the direct presidential election was held in Moldova Igor Dodon, the leader of the pro-Russian Party of Socialists of the Republic of Moldova (PSRM) was announced the winner, with 52.11% of the vote. In October 2016, during the presidential election campaign, Igor Dodon affirmed that Crimea, the subject of a territorial dispute between Russia and Ukraine, “is a territory of the Russian Federation”.
Igor Dodon was helped by Vladimir Plahotniuc and the Russians to become president!
Russians win in Moldova because Americans are very stupid to understand what’s going on in Moldova!
Russians Americans like children in kindergarten and the Russians will win every time because Americans, Canadians are either corrupt or stupid. I came to Canada in December 2017. I came to Canada to talk to the Americans and the Canadians directly and without Romanian or Moldovan intermediaries but they, the Americans and the Canadians started talking to Moldovans and Romanians who want to destroy me. I usually use diplomatic language, but the Russians fucked them like idiots on the American continent. I bought the ticket to Canada for the simple reason that it was the cheapest ticket. And when I had to leave Iceland to Canada I didn’t even have the money to buy a bus ticket to get to the airport. I started walking 30 kilometers in December from the asylum center to the airport,
I only went 15 because it was stopped by the cops and they took me to the airport. When I arrived in Canada, I had only $ 40 in my pocket and the $ 40 is written in brown paper. Brown paper is a temporary document for asylum seekers.
The Canadian activists were contacted by the Romanian activists and depending on the situation the Romanian / Moldovan activists told them that I am an extremist, that I am antigay, that I work for the Vatican, that I am racist, that I am gay, that I work in security services, that they came help me.
The Romanian intelligence services also contacted their Canadian colleagues! I previously said that most of the activists in Romania or Moldova are recruited by intelligence services and to help the Romanian / Moldovan activists according to the situation they told them that I am an extremist who uses force to overthrow governments, that I am Russian spy, Turkish spy , Polish spy in some situations said I am American spy or I work for the Canadian police!
Let’s talk about activists from Romania! Most organizations in Romania are funded by the Soros philanthropist! Soros was born in Hungary, and Transylvania was once Hungary and now it is part of Romania. Soros organizations in Romania criticize the most vehement acts of corruption committed by the Socialist Party in Romania! It is enough that Soros is an ethnic Hungarian for socialists in Romania (former communists) to blame him, he wants Transylvania to become part of Hungary. There are a lot of Romanian activists who came to Canada to me.
I look at some and understand that they don’t even know why they came or that it was lied to by the people who called them. I cannot know all the Soros activists, but I think that some of them have good intentions and simply do not know the realities of Moldova or Romania. I am not a member of any organization and I have not called anyone in Canada. No one has the right to record me or film.I don’t have a phone number and I don’t talk to anyone over the phone, Viber or WhatsApp. Nobody is allowed to speak or to sign on my name. From January 2018 to September 2019 I received welfare, social assistance. People who do not work receive social assistance. People who receive social assistance cannot do economic activities. Any economic activity is prohibited, it is illegal. Did Canadians know about this? Of course they knew! Because I came to Canada with $ 40 And because they also give me social assistance. If anyone says he has the permission to register me, call a Canadian cop or a Canadian prosecutor and and put me in front of this guy, and ask me: Andrei, you know this guy? He is allowed to register you? Because a person will have to be arrested! I have no right to work and the person registering me will have to be arrested! There are two official languages in Canada: English and French. In Quebec, French is spoken and if you want to find a job you must speak french! I started studying French at the Yves-Ecrivain! and when I signed up for this center I didn’t even have the money to pay the tuition fee ($ 55) and in brown paper also writes the amount I had when I arrived in Canada ($ 40). It is enough to look at me and see that I look like a homeless Canadian activists were paid by Romanian / Moldovan activists To register me as if it were a game. The management of the center Yves-Ecrivain said that your activity is illegal. But Canadian intelligence has begun to blackmail them like independist. Romanians and Moldovans who provide services for Russians who came to Canada to me they f..cked Canadian activists and the Canadian intelligence service like children.
The Government of Canada, CSIS, the Canadian police know that the activity of Moldovan / Romanian activists is illegal but they do nothing!
All the Moldovans were Romanian who came to Canada and declared they are my friends, or family members, they must be suspected of espionage in favor of Russia and the individuals in the Romanian secret services who also came to Canada should also be suspected of espionage in favor of Russia. They you, Canadians for the simple reason that I am the only Moldovan who could predict that the Russians will take Crimea, I am the only Moldovan who was able to predict in May 2016 that pro-Russian Igor Dodon will win the elections and that Igor Dodon fears that a revolution in Moldova will not happen again, as in April 2009.You have to ask yourself the question: why are so many Moldovans who want to me! Why are they afraid of me!
And for the Soros activists, for the migrants from Latin America, the African community, Chinese, Arabs, Iranians, Filipinos, Indians, etc. I wrote the first name and the link to my blog PLOPANDREW.BLOGSPOT.COM on the shirt, jacket because you must to open the site and read information about me!
Many Canadians have been remunerated by Romanians / Moldovans and now they want to deport me from Canada for the simple reason that they have taken illegal actions!
If you are going to deport me to Moldova or Romania, I will simply be tortured and killed!!
And the Russians will win again!!
There is not any game! There are only Romanians and Moldovans working for FSB,GRU,SVR!
a) J’ai parlé, j’ai écrit que personne n’avait le droit / la permission de parler / signer en mon nom, et tous les Roumains ou les Moldaves qui sont venus au Canada et se sont présentés comme mes amis et essayent d’obtenir des informations sur chacun mon pas, ces individus doivent être arrêtés b) c’est très simple de découvrir la vérité: appeler un policier canadien et me mettre en face de cette personne qui se déclare comme un ami ou un membre de la famille et dit avoir la permission de me filmer / enregistrer et demander: Andrei, vous savez cette personne? Andrei vous confirmez qu’il a le droit de signer en ton nom? c) Je reçois de l’aide sociale au Canada et cela signifie que je ne travaille pas et que toute activité économique est interdite / illégale. Par conséquent, le policier devra arrêter une personne! Moi ou l’autre qui déclare mon ami ou membre de la famille! d) La dernière fois que j’étais en République de Moldova le 28 septembre 2010, je ne suis plus retourné en Moldavie et je n’ai aucun moyen de connaître tous les Moldaves ni tous les Roumains! e) Je ne suis membre d’aucune organisation, je ne fais pas de bénévolat et je ne suis payé par personne et qui est venu au Canada et déclare qui est mon ami ou un membre de la famille (de RO ou MD) et dit qu’il a le droit de parler ou de signer en mon nom devrait être suspecté d’espionnage en faveur de la Russie f) Je comprends parfaitement que si je reçois le statut de réfugié, beaucoup de personnes se retrouveront sans emploi et certaines personnes devront être arrêtées! La question qui se pose est la suivante: les Canadiens veulent-ils connaître la vérité ou préfèrent-ils être payés et menti par les Roumains et les Moldaves qui fournissent des services aux Russes?
All posts on the old blog / were imported to Nobody has the right to say I didn’t know!

this article was published – November 18, 2019
I received a negative decision today and this after a pro-Russian government was installed in Moldova Ok, I understand the Canadian activists, they are selected by political correctness and they was lied to as kindergarten children and they were paid to lie. All immigration service, police, Canadian government receive money from Romanians and doing illegal activities. What do you think you can lie to the Russians! The Russians fucked Canadians like kindergarten children! And now I have only two options: to appeal the negative decision or to leave Canada! For two years Canadians collaborated with Romanians! The intelligence services from Romania collaborated with the Canadian services intelligence. I have already explained in front of the commission at the hearings how the Russians work in Romania, but they (the Canadians) are so stupid that they did not understand anything! I’ll try to explain it again! And how the Russians did in my case! I have never been wrong in my analysis and for me it is enough to watch Russian TVs to do short, medium and long term analysis with all the plans of Russia I studied at 3 universities and I attended many trainings, interships, conferences! There are many analyzes, but let’s start with the most important analyzes! In February 2014 I made the following analysis that the Russians will try to take Crimea and that they will try to do the same thing in Ukraine as in Transnistria! I was in a room where there were about 40 people, including presidential adviser for Strategic Affairs, Security and Foreign Policy of the Presidential Administration and no one believed that the Russians would take over Crimea and no intelligence service in Romania did the analysis. There are some people on earth who have done the respective analysis! In December 2015, I warned the Romanian authorities about a possible scenario that could take place in Moldova as well as the Crimean model, but was a person who has broken the Russians plan and that was me and I’m proud of that! And if the Romanians at the state level warned the Ukrainians about possible scenarios in February 2014, today Crimea was part of Ukraine! But they didn’t!
The fact that there is a person who can ruin the plans of the Russians, and in order to destroy that person you have to call people from the FSB branch in Moldova, which is called the Information and Security Service of Moldova. Next step, the FSB branch from Moldova sends challenges to Romania and the Romanian Intelligence Service knows that a Russian / Belarusian / will come and will walk beside me. Last time I was in Moldova on September 28, 2010 and since then I have not returned to Moldova. from 2012 to 2016 I studied law in Romania and also my master’s degree in conflict analysis and resolution And let’s say that one morning when I go to university, a Russian sits next to my chair, and I don’t even know that individual and in the same place there is also a Romanian security officer photographing me sitting next to a Russian. ! In some cases a joint team is created, between the intelligence service in Moldova and the intelligence service in Romania. Both teams are in Bucharest, and the Moldovan Intelligence Service provided all the information received from the Romanians to Russia. From the information received from the Romanians / Moldovans the Russians send again provocateurs (people I do not know) and when I become a spy of all services The people who work on my file and because of the challenges and misinformation they send to the Moldovans / Romanians (who also work for the Russians) are promoted in their careers! From activists to people who work for secret services, my nightmare begins to make my life so I hate the Romanians and send me in the arms of the Russians I will have no other solution than to go to the Russians, and the people working in the counter-intelligence services in Romania and Moldova will report that I went to Russia because I was a Russian spy and the people from the counter-intelligence information will be promoted as they found a spy! Then I was in the Czech Republic or Poland, the intelligence services in Romania as well as undercover activists try to bring me to Romania! But when I get to Romania they do everything they can to give me Russians! When I try to go to the United States, they do their best, to not even reach the US embassy in Bucharest and the closer I am to the US, they become more nervous. The challenges that Romania has made, the same challenges they have done here in Canada. They risked the career of some activists to save the covered activists the Romanian intelligence services that collaborated with the Canadian services sent the information to the FSB branch in Moldova. The information was taken over by the Russians, who also sent provocative ones, people I didn’t know and who were surprised by the Romanian / Canadian / Moldovan intelligence activists or services. The Canadian intelligence services are so crippled and corrupt that they were fucked like kindergarten children. Canadian police and intelligence services know all the people who were corrupt! Because they also broke the law and took bribes. Intelligence services so stupid I have never seen in my life! I have no claims for activists because they are by their nature idiots and corrupt! As is a football league with a ranking, so there is a ranking of the secret services! All the intelligence services in the world have understood that Canadian services have been rubbed off as some children, but only they are trying to make it seem like everything is under control.! The Arab, African, Chinese, Latin community have understood that they(canadiens) have been rubbed off by the Russians, only Canadians are trying to keep some apparent ones under control! Everyone in the Canadian intelligence service had to be fired and to create a new team to investigate But they want to send me to the Russians! Many people were promoted and now to admit that you were wrong is the biggest problem. My message was very clear! Any person from Romania or Moldova, whether he is an activist or part of the intelligence services, must be arrested or at least suspected! And my message to Canadians is this: I will not go back to Moldova or to Romania! I will go to Ukraine and I will fight in the war with Ukrainians against the Russians! You are a people of lascivious and stupid people, and I will never respect you because you collaborated with Moldovans / Romanians who tortured my mother! through my veins Ukrainian blood flows and I am proud of this!! I will never respect you because you took money from Moldovans / Romanians who tortured my mother! You are a nation of cowards and without dignity Fuck you canadiens!
I want to congratulate the Russians! You fucked Canadians on their territory!
update/ September 29, 2020 My Moldovan passport expired in September 2016, my Romanian passport expired in July 2018 and Canadians now have only two solutions: give me documents or send me to the Russians
this article was published – November 18, 2019
In 2009 the communist party opened a criminal case against me for participating in the anti-communist revolution of April 7, 2009 in the Republic of Moldova.On April 5, 2009 I was candidate for deputy of the Moldovan Parliament.In December 2017, the Canadian police imprisoned me for 10 days because of the criminal case that the communists opened against me in 2009.From January 2018 until now I am under judicial control in Canada because of the criminal case that was opened to me by the communists.I have never seen such corruption and incompetence as in the Canadian Police, CBSA, CSIS and the Government of CanadaFebruary 2, 2021Plop AndreiHow to prove that Canadians received bribes? It’s very simple: for 2018, 2019 and 2020 I submitted documents to the Canada Revenue Agency that I received welfare.Every Canadian citizen or immigrant who is in Canada is required to file an income tax return.Now all you have to do is check the income tax return of the Canadians who collaborated with Romanians / Moldovans ( and these Moldovans / Romanians ( and you must also check the income tax return of these Moldovans / Romanians as well as the documents they submitted for the residence permit.) and considering that I have asked for protection from the Canadian state, this means that any collaboration with Romanians / Moldovans is forbidden.This means that Canadians who have collaborated with Romanians/ / Moldovans should be imprisoned for the rest of their lives.Question: What will Canadians do to escape from prison?Anyone working for the police, CBSA, CSIS or the prosecutor’s office can check if a person receives welfare.Enter the identification number or social security number of the respective person and it appears in database: address, telephone number and also if he receives welfare.the criminal complaint I filed to the prosecution Canada after a year of silence from Canadian institutions was sent to about 60 embassies accredited in Canada and also to embassies accredited in Moldova.What bothered me the most was that even after filing the criminal complaint and publishing the sequences on the blog, Canadians continued to receive bribes from Moldovans / Romanians.I found at least 8 articles in the Criminal Code of Canada.I’m waiting for the hearing date now.
February 6, 2021 – Update
The Canadians who collaborated and took bribes from Moldovans / Romanians are most afraid of my hearing (I will speak in front of the commission).And when I talk about Romanians / Moldovans, I mean all Romanians and Moldovans who came to Canada, and who collaborated on my case with Canadian institutions or Canadian activists and especially for Canadians, when I say everyone means everyone (regardless of whether they declare friend, sister or relative or being a member of an organization, I mean everyone, without exception).Because I am not a member of any organization and I have never worked for any institution in Romania or Moldova. I repeat once again for Canadians: I have never worked for any institution in Romania or Moldova and I am not a member of any organization.If there is a person who says that I would have worked for an institution or that I am a member of an organization, put me face to face with that person and everything will be solved in 60 minutes.But I know very well that Romanians / Moldovans are afraid because the prison is waiting for them and Canadians are not interested in doing this either because they will also be imprisoned for bribes.February 14, 2021After the hearing, the prosecutor will have to open criminal cases but if he does not do so, I will send the documents to opponents in the Canadian parliament to open commissions to investigate corruption in the CBSA, CSIS and the Government of Canada. I guess journalists will also be interested in corruption cases in these institutions.Canadians who have taken a bribe will do everything to get my hearing canceled or ,,something happened to me” until the hearing.First steps they will take: blocking my financial resources, blocking my bank accounts in Canada, blocking my social networks. ( It’s not the first time / they’ve done this before). In any case, if my social networks are blocked: you will be able to find me on the telegram account.
February 15, 2021
Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny has lost an appeal against his jailing for violating the terms of a suspended sentence.Navalny was detained last month after returning to Russia from Germany, where he was being treated for a near-fatal nerve agent attack. He has blamed Russian President Vladimir Putin for the attack and says the charges against him are fabricated. And there is no country in the world that could put pressure on Russia to release him from prison. The Russians understood that if Navalny was arrested, then Putin’s system could destroy everyone. And those who still pose a danger to Putin will simply be destroyed. Let’s imagine for the moment that Navalny would come to the USA and the border, police, when they will check Navalny’s passport, would try also to interrogate Navalny even if behind him are other Russians waiting to check travel documents and also to demand the names involved in the protests against Putin in order to arrest them.Let’s be honest that it is absurd and that Americans will never do that.But how will Canadians do it?I can tell you how Canadians did to me ( I am not Navalny and Moldova is not Russia) They arrested me for the anti-communist revolution, to interrogate me while checking my passport, even if other tourists were behind me!I have been under judicial control for 3 years because I participated in the anti-communist revolution. I told Canadians: do not collaborate with any Moldovan or Romanian in my case (whether he says he is a friend, relative, activist or works for some institutions in Romania or Moldova) But they, Canadians are so corrupt and idiots that collaborate with everyone.All of them (whether they say they are friends, relatives, or that they work for institutions in Romania or Moldova) came with only one simple purpose: that I should not receive documents and for me to reach the Russians.Canadians, I know you took bribes from Romanians and Moldovans and that you are blackmailed and I know that you will avoid me being heard before the commission.Because of the blackmail, you will give me a negative decision.You know that I will be imprisoned in Moldova for the anti-communist revolution but because of the blackmail you will give me a negative decision. I will not be silent in prison in Moldova either! I will invite journalists to prison and I will talk about Canadian corruption.And for those at CSIS, my message is this: I will do my best that those from the CSIS be investigated by a parliamentary commission for corruption. If there were a few prosecutors from Singapore, in the Canadian government of Ottawa, CBSA and CSIS, only dogs and horses would remain free.You, Canadians are cunning and strong only in the face of immigrants but when it comes to acting against the Russians… And some are still wondering why Moldova, Georgia, Ukraine, Belarus do not integrate into the EU.
Because of idiots and corrupt!
February 21, 2021
From 2001 to 2009 the Republic of Moldova was led by the Communist Party. The president of the country, the prime minister and the president of the parliament were communists!In the Moldovan government, ministers were also elected from the Communist Party. The deputy ministers were also elected from the members of the communist party!Maia Sandu from August 18, 2005 to June 30, 2006 worked in the Ministry of Economy and with Igor Dodon and Zinaida Greceanîi, Maia Sandu has known each other since the period when they were active in the same ministry, when they all worked for the communist party, and Igor Dodon was the head of Maia Sandu. It is good to look at least in the CV of the president to understand the relationship between today’s president of Moldova, Maia Sandu with Igor Dodon and Zinaida Greceanîi. Many of you might say that she worked for Moldova and not for the Communist Party! The same could be said of those who worked for the Nazi and communist regimes!The question is: can a person who worked for the communist regime integrate Moldova into the European Union?
February 20, 2021

Romanian Court Rules Basescu Was Securitate Informer
A Romanian court has upheld the conclusion of the country’s official body for the study of the communist secret police – that former president Traian Basescu spied on colleagues and others for the Securitate.
Former Romanian president Traian Basescu worked as an informer for the country’s notorious communist-era secret police, the Securitate, the Bucharest Court of Appeal ruled on Thursday.
The court confirmed the conclusion of an investigation conducted earlier by the National Council for the Study of Securitate Archives, CNSAS, which Basescu has disputed. He said he would appeal.
“I take as the verdict of the court as it is. I will appeal the verdict in a higher instance,” the centre-right politician told the private news agency Mediafax after the court ruling was revealed.
In June this year, the CNSAS started court proceedings to ascertain whether Basescu, president between 2004 and 2014, had collaborated with the political police during the communist regime of 1948 to 1989.
According to the Romanian Intelligence Service documents researched by the CNSAS, the Securitate recruited Basescu in 1972 when he was a naval student.
His file was destroyed in 1979 without being put on micro-film, after Basescu joined the ruling Communist Party of Romania, PCR.
But the CNSAS found what appeared to be handwritten notes by Basescu himself. It maintains that he informed on his university colleagues and various foreigners he crossed paths with during his naval activities. According to this version of event, now upheld by the court, Basescu worked under the code name “Petrov”.
In February 2014 I was in a room, where there were about 40 other people. Where there were about 40 other people, including Romania’s presidential adviser for Strategic Affairs and International Security.My presence was not mandatory! That evening I said: that the Russians will take Crimea from the Ukrainians and will try to do something similar as in Moldova with Transnistria ( separatist region supported by the Russian Federation) I was about to be kicked out of the room, and Romania’s presidential adviser told me it was impossible and in March 2014, Russia annexed Crimea and from 2014 until now two separatist regions Donetsk and Luhansk (supported by the Russian Federation) fight with Ukraine. If the Russians knew that the Ukrainians would go to war with the Russians to defend Crimea, Crimea would have been part of Ukraine today, but they knew that Ukrainians would not fight. On December 22, 2015, two emails were sent by me ( Plop Andrei/ to: 1) the president of Romania (in the autumn of 2014 another president was elected) 2) Ministry of National Defense (Romania)
to allow / authorize an intervention to defend the territorial integrity of the Republic of Moldova, because the army of the Republic of Moldova is too weak to face the 14th army with modern and better prepared military equipment. As a result of the protests on the Maidan, Ukraine lost Crimea, in case the Republic of Moldova could lose Transnistria (de jure and de facto) southern Moldova and northern Moldova.
due to this analysis, the Republic of Moldova escaped a war with the Russians. Canadians received from me the analysis of how the conflict should take place in Moldova, and the role of each political actor in Moldova. ( And the analysis that Canadians have received is sufficient but not complete / because Canadians are too stupid and too corrupt to understand. As I wrote, In 2009 the communist party opened a criminal case against me for participating in the anti-communist revolution of April 7, 2009 in the Republic of Moldova. On April 5, 2009 I was candidate for deputy of the Moldovan Parliament. In December 2017, the Canadian police imprisoned me for 10 days because of the criminal case that the communists opened against me in 2009. From January 2018 until now I am under judicial control in Canada because of the criminal case that was opened to me by the communists. Canadians do not understand when I tell them / write to them not to collaborate with any Moldovan / Romanian in my case, Canadians do not understand when I write to them not to collaborate with any person from Romania / Moldova (whether it is a sister, friend, relative or working at institutes in Moldova or Romania) who came to Canada to analyze my file. Well, Canadians do not understand when I say all Romanians / Moldovans, without exception. Canadians in the Canadian government have a chicken brain and are too corrupt to understand! Canadians don’t understand when I write to them: that all (Romanians / Moldovans, without exception) were paid / recruited by the Russians to come to Canada and that I will not receive documents and to get to Russians. I still explain to Canadians: that in Canada only I have to stay ( just me) and find a Romanian interpreter who has been on the territory of Canada since 2016. The rest of the Romanians / Moldovans must be arrested! ( all without exception/ whether she says she is a sister, relative, friend, activist or works for institutions in Romania or Moldova) Someone could write that the Russians were not going to invade Moldova in the winter of 2016. The same was said to me in February 2014 that the Russians will not invade Ukraine.
I received the second negative decision today! Congratulations to the FSB, you won! you f#cked Canadians right on their territory!As I mentioned, the Canadians did their best not to be heard in front of the commission because they took bribes from the Russians through Romanian / Moldovan intermediaries! They gave me the second negative decision without speaking in front of the commission!Passports are both expired! And all I have to do is leave Canada!I’m going back to Moldova!February 24, 2021
When you receive second negative decision and all the passports are expired, this means that you have to leave the country. One passport expired in 2016 and the other in 2018! When you do not have a valid document, you have to go to the embassy whose citizens you hold. All people in all countries around the world who work in immigration know this! And the picture in the emergency travel document is an older one! I have no reason to smile now! I said the same thing in 2019 in front of the commission when I was heard. As in case I receive a negative, I will have to go to the embassy to issue an emergency travel document. with emergency travel document you cannot travel to another country, with this document you can only return to your home country. Do Canadians know what will happen to me when I return to Moldova? Of course they know! Because in December 2017, the Canadian police imprisoned me for 10 days because of the criminal case that the communists opened against me in 2009. From January 2018 until now I am under judicial control in Canada because of the criminal case that was opened to me by the communists. But why are they sending me to jail! Because they took bribes Moldovans / Romanians who work for FSB! Canadians do not understand when I write to them not to collaborate with any person from Romania / Moldova (whether it is a sister, friend, relative or working at institutes in Moldova or Romania) who came to Canada to analyze my file. Well, Canadians do not understand when I say all Romanians / Moldovans, without exception. And the most important thing is that I said them and wrote them! Canadians don’t understand when I write to them: that all (Romanians / Moldovans, without exception) were paid / recruited by the Russians to come to Canada and that I will not receive documents and to get to Russians. I haven’t been to Moldova for 11 years! I resisted as long as I could! But because of the corruption and incompetence of Canadians, I have to return to Moldova! March 30, 2021
As I wrote earlier, in December 2017 I was arrested at Montreal-Pierre Elliott Trudeau International Airport for 10 days because of the criminal case that the communists opened against me in 2009.And the person who interrogated me and because of whom I was imprisoned for 10 days and was under judicial control from January 2018 until now is Eric Cournoyer. When I arrived in Canada from Iceland, I had not slept for 3 days, I was very tired and Eric Cournoyer had started to question me in front of all the tourists.Open this link to read about the interrogation and the example with Navalny.After I received the first negative decision I received from the CBSA itinerary requirements.I appealed that decision, but it was dissmised Without being heard.As the passports expired and the appeal was dismissed, I am forced to leave Canada, otherwise my stay in Canada will be illegal, and the steps that would have followed: I would have been arrested, imprisoned and I would have been imprisoned in Canada for 3 months until I was deported by the CBSA.How do I know this procedure? Because of those 10 days I was imprisoned in Canada in December 2017!All immigrants who were imprisoned went through this procedure!The CBSA office in charge of my deportation is located at 1010 Saint-Antoine Street West, 2nd floor, Montreal, QC, H3C 1B2.In this case, there are only two solutions: Either go to the embassy to receive an ermegency travel document to return to your country of origin or to be imprisoned for 3 months in Canada and then deported with handcuffs. What would you do in this situation? Guess who is the person who was selected by the CBSA to handle my deportation? The same person who put me in jail for 10 days: Eric Cournoyer! I want to remind you that in December 2017 that person worked at Montreal-Pierre Elliott Trudeau International Airport and now works at 1010 Saint-Antoine Street West, 2nd floor, Montreal. The distance between the airport and the CBSA office on Saint-Antoine Street is 17 km. Do you think it’s a coincidence? No, he was selected to f*ck me (legally with documents)!What awaits me in Moldova I have already written! Open this link to read the whole article!I will never forget those 10 days I was imprisoned! I also understood that Moldova will never be a member of NATO or a member of the European Union! Why? Because of the corruption and incompetence of those in the West! If they don’t believe in their own values, why should I fight for those values!
April 9, 2021