Plop Andrei: Why Americans help the Russians to destroy me! |
Now it is very clear that the Americans have been bribed by the Russians and work for the FSB! That’s why they are afraid that I will pass the polygraph test but they hope that the FSB network will lock me up in prison!
Update, April 6, 2023
I was right when I wrote that the FSB branch in Moldova together with their colleagues in Moscow will do all the provocations to prove that I am the Russians’ man!
I signed a work contract abroad, in France, with a company from Ukraine, and most likely from next week I will go to France for unskilled work!
the FSB branch in Moldova and Romania are in a panic and because of that they are creating challenges for me!
if I go to France, this means that the FSB branch in Moldova, Romania, Germany, Poland and the American will be suspected of espionage in favor of the Russians!
because now the situation is different from Georgia, Poland and Canada! Now everyone knows the truth and not even the FSB branches, including the Americans (who work for the Russians will no longer be able to explain why they are following me)

any person who will follow me in France, (all without exception, when I say all, that means all and without exception regardless of whether he/ she is an activist, who works in the intelligence area, or who says he is a relative or a friend) this it means he/ she is russian spy! even if he has American, Polish, German, Romanian or Moldovan nationality!
if there will be some who will say that it is not about us! I repeat once more: all without exception!
also I am ready at any moment to take the polygraph test: that I have never worked for any intelligence service and that no one has ever been allowed to sign on my behalf or record me!
if there are such people who declare that I worked for the intelligence service, it can be found out very quickly: put us face to face and it is enough to ask him 5 questions and I assure you that that person will be arrested for espionage in favor of the Russians!
I signed the contract for the job in France with the Ukrainian company on March 30, 2023!
if by next Friday I will not be employed by the company in France, I will publish the contract on all my social networks!
Update, March 14, 2023
The intelligence and security bastards are again organizing challenges with their undercover activists!
to the idiots in the intelligence and security service: do you want to fabricate a criminal record for me that I received money from the Russians?
because those who call me speak only in Russian!
you are the branch of the FSB from Moldova and you want to fabricate a criminal case against me that I would receive money from the Russians!!!!
F### You!!!!!
Update, December 16, 2022
those from the Orange company didn’t want to give me a list of the phone numbers of the defiant SIS scammers!
(they are usually undercover activists) and that’s why they didn’t want to give me their phone numbers!
Update, december 15, 2022
I have all the received calls on my phone and I could simply post a screenshot, but I think it will be much more reliable if I post on my social networks documents from Orange with the received calls!
Update, December 14, 2022
there is a company that provides financial services like get rich and this company calls me all the time! initially they called me with phone numbers from Great Britain, then with Moldovan numbers and the same company, today an individual called me with Moldovan numbers and as soon as I blocked him, he called me with a Russian phone number!
from the first day when they called me I said that I don’t need their services and to delete my phone number, then they kept insisting and I cursed them and sent them to all the private places! likewise today I cursed them and sent them to all the intimate places!
this one: it is the ,,postava” made by the FSB branch from Moldova (SIS) together with those Polish, Romanian and Moldovan individuals and allies! these individuals are in a panic and doing all kinds of posttava!
they are afraid of jail and because of that they are panicking!
Update, April 5, 2023
what will happen if I pass a polygraph test in front of all NATO ambassadors and military attaches:
after the polygraph test it will be found that I have never worked for any intelligence service, that I was not a member of Freemasonry and that nobody had the right/consent to sign or film me on my behalf!
what does that mean for Americans?
it means that an investigation will have to start and all the Americans who collaborated with the Moldovans and the Romanians in my case will be arrested for corruption and espionage in favour of Russia.
what does this mean for Moldovans and Romanians who followed me to Georgia, Poland and Canada?
It means imprisonment for the rest of their lives for espionage and corruption in favour of Russia and also imprisonment awaits the Poles (all of them without exception).
I think it’s clear to everyone why the Americans don’t want me to pass the polygraph!
even if they all realized that I never worked for any intelligence service, will the Moldovans and Romanians stop following me?
No! Romanians and Moldovans will not stop following me! on the contrary! all those who will follow me (they will each find a pretext to follow me) will make provocations together with the Russians to have me arrested!
to save the Russian spy network in Poland and America!
any Romanian or Moldovan (all of them without any exception, no matter if he is a relative or a friend, I have no friends in Moldova and Romania) who will follow me in the country where I will go to work: it means he is a Russian spy!
even if he says he is coming to help me! there is no person from romania or moldova coming to help me! there are only Moldovans and Romanians working for the FSB branch in Romania and Moldova!
Update, March 31, 2023
I will most likely go to another country to work next month! even if it’s not my profession!
I’m not engaged, I’m not married, I don’t have any children and any girl who says that we are married, that we are engaged, that we have a child, that I’m pregnant means that she works for the FSB branch in Moldova, Romania or Poland!
any Moldovan or Romanian or Pole who will follow me to the country I’m going to! ( all without exception – that means they work for the FSB branch in Romania, Poland or Moldova! I’m almost sure that they will try to get the Germans and Americans to intervene – and save their own careers because they too took bribes from the Russians! what pretext they will have doesn’t even matter!
their goal is only one: they were paid by the Russians and promoted by the Russians in their career to destroy me!
Update March 28, 2023
I still have access to one of the blogs created since 2011-2012. :))))
and obviously there will be more undercover activists who will say it was their idea and the security services will find more undercover activists who will confirm these things just to promote their careers!
why didn’t I get hundreds of thousands of Russian visitors to the site every day? it’s very simple! because I was blocked by the Romanians and Americans! what is the interest of Americans to block me! It’s very simple! Because the Russians help them to be promoted in their careers!
that’s why the americans and the romanians and the poles are afraid that I will pass the polygraph test and interrogate all the romanians and moldovans who collaborated with the poles in 2017 when I was an asylum seeker!
I need 48 hours to interrogate them and they will all be handcuffed and arrested for spying for Russia!
Update March 28, 2023
starting today I will not be on the social network VK anymore! the decision to sell was the right one!
just today I lost 40,000 follovers from this network!
Instead I bought two more accounts on American social networks!
My master thesis I started working on it in 2014, although the idea I presented to some people in autumn 2012! Although I had started working on this idea since 2011 and was working on the computers in the Carol National Library in Bucharest! ( I had then created several blogs that kept reaching tens of thousands of visitors daily! the people at the Library can confirm that they saw me every day! it’s enough to show them my picture!
in 2012 i created a website called raunews.com and it was also related to the master thesis! the site was on a Romanian hosting! and at one point it reached up to 3000 visitors per day! who do you think blocked the site! Romanians! Why?
The answer is in my book!
Update 26 March, 2023
The Russian spy network in Moldova and Romania must be happy!
It is not a novelty that I sell the group of VK, but those who have read my master’s work understand why I bought these VK pages with dozens of Russians!
An invasion of the Russians in Ukraine could be avoided!
Yes it could!
Why I sell this pages of VK! Ok! I bought them and I have the right to sell them!
The answer would be: Why did the Americans stole my money from book sale? Why did the Americans block my Facebook pages? Why did the Americans block my YouTube account that made me profit!?
The answer is very simple! And I already answered!
But in the last period I started to be blocked on the Russian social network and not to remain and without the group I decided that from the sale of this page of VK, I will buy other American social networks but most of them are Russian!
Why are the Russian spy network in Moldova and Romania happy?
Because they will declare that I received money from the Russians! (Although I bought this pages from my money)!
And they will write in their reports that I am a Russian spy again!
Dear Americans! I am ready to pass all the polygraphic tests you have and to prove: that I have never worked for a government, I have never worked for your intelligence, Romanian or Russian service! that no one has ever had my permission to register me!
And the themes you have to do: who blocked my Facebook pages, who blocked my youtube, who stole the money from the book I sold! Who are the Romanians and Moldovans who collaborated with the Poles in the period 2017 when I was an asylum and ebvident request all those involved in the Nazi crime in refugee camp in Debak!
Update , March 25, 2023
Plop Andrei: Why Americans help the Russians to destroy me! |
Now it is very clear that the Americans have been bribed by the Russians and work for the FSB! That’s why they are afraid that I will pass the polygraph test but they hope that the FSB network will lock me up in prison!
it’s no secret that I’m looking for work in France!
the Molotov pact with Ribbentrop (the Russian network of spies along with their German colleagues/ as well as the ethnic Germans in Romania will be difficult to them to explain why they follow me in France and after I published the books, I think the French don’t want to be so corrupt and stupid as Poles to take bribes from Romanians or Moldovans!
Americans corrupted by the FSB branch in Moldova will also have to explain why they are following me!
that’s why they will do everything possible to prevent me from finding work in France!
Will be Romanians who will follow me in France and who have very good relations with the French? I don’t even doubt it!
Update , March 24, 2023
In the fall of 2020 I found out how much money I have from selling the book, although I have seen the book sold and I have seen others sell it after buying and reading it! Now the Americans write me that the book has not sold at all! They simply stole my money from selling the book!
After I tried to get my account back, they would ask me questions and I would answer them and then they would ask me more questions and now I understand why I couldn’t get my account back!
Someone (Americans) stole my money from my book sales! They changed the address I gave and they wrote: Singapore even though I have never lived in Singapore and never even visited there and the last thing: didn’t sell any books!
They blocked my facebook pages and they don’t want to take me back, they blocked my Youtube accounts which was bringing me profit and now they stole my money from selling the book too!
the most miserable are the corrupt Americans and American thieves who occupy public or secret positions who come to eastern europe and can get rich from the money received from oligarchs and local pimps!
Update, March 23, 2023
to understand how much I was right when I wrote about the Americans taking bribes from the Russians, it’s as simple as this: the Americans don’t want to give me the money I earned from the first book I wrote!
They’re looking for all kinds of cheap excuses just not to give me the money!
even to this day they haven’t returned my pages with over 100000 folowers on facebook, just like they blocked my youtube accounts that brought me money!
why do americans do this! if they block me then I can only go to their enemies! and after I go to their enemies to the Russians, they, along with the whole network of Russians in Moldova and Romania will declare that I am a Russian spy or that I was a Russian spy!
is simply embarrassing and stupid!
if you think you’re going to get away with poles! you’re deluding yourselves!
how much of a jerk you have to be not to give away the money you earned from a written book!
dear americans! you are miserable! you have fallen to the same level as the russians! if you had done the same thing in america, you should have been locked up a long time ago! But in Eastern Europe you can afford anything!
I know exactly why you’re afraid of me passing a polygraph! that you’ll end up in jail! Just like the Poles, the Romanians and the Moldovans!
Update March 19, 2023
after publishing the book in 4 foreign languages, after sharing almost every day on my social networks that no one has the right to register me or speak on my behalf! that I wear clothes where the link to my website is indicated and on my website also says that any person, regardless of whether he is a relative or a friend or any person, who follows me in another country, this means that he/ she works for the FSB branch in Moldova!
if even after this there will be idiots who will take bribes from these Moldovans or Romanians!
then these idiots deserve the award for the most idiotic man on earth!
if you think that those who will continue to take bribes from Moldovans or Romanians will remain unpunished, you are wrong!
over 3000 diplomats/politicians were informed about the fact that Poles and Canadians took bribes from Romanians and Moldovans!
also the Poles who took bribes from the Russians through the Moldovans and Romanians will be arrested for espionage in favor of Russia!
the answer is very simple!
the Americans blocked two of my Facebook pages (one had 95,000 likes and the other 15,000 likes) that was bringing me a financial profit! the one that had 95,000 likes now has 78,000 likes and the Americans still don’t want to return this page to me! I officially blame the Americans who, at the behest of the Romanians, blocked my pages for espionage in favor of Russia!
also, the Americans don’t want to give me the money for the first book I published!
the answer is very simple: they wanted me to be isolated, destroyed and to go into the hands of the Russians and then to declare me a Russian spy and for them to be promoted in their career for discovering a Russian spy!
also, all Poles who collaborated with Moldovans and Romanians in 2017 when I was an asylum seeker in Poland, both Poles and Romanians and Moldovans must be arrested for espionage in favor of Russia
Update, March 22, 2023
as I wrote several times that I will inform the international community about Polish corruption!
Denmark ranks second after Singapore where corruption is at the lowest level!
For me, the judiciary in Romania is not an example in which former communist prosecutors Monica Macovei or Augustin Lazăr “reformed” the judiciary in Romania!
for KGB-ists from Moldova together with their undercover activists – if some countries didn’t know who you are, now everyone knows!
You are discovered! Only the immunity that some still have saves you!
here is the answer to an Email from the more than 2000 emails I sent! ambassadors, politicians, diplomats!
Update, March 17, 2023
will the Moldovans, Romanians and Poles continue to follow me whom I accuse of espionage in favor of Russia!?
of course!
because I am still at free and they have not yet fulfilled the mission of the Russians to destroy me and prove that I am a Russian spy so that they and the Americans who provide services for the Russians and with with the help of which they are also promoted in their career!
considering how they work! i would say they do the following! we have a PLAN! but they don’t know exactly where I’m going to work either, but they say they have a plan but they don’t want to divulge it! everything is very simple!
they will watch and eventually say that was the plan even though they knew nothing of what was going to happen next! they have no plan and no idea but they are looking for pretexts to follow me!
they will do exactly what I wrote about in my book too! please read carefully the last 15 pages about how they operate!
they will look for Arabs to make them terrorists, they will look for Russians to make them Russian spies and somehow make a connection with me and that’s it! their plan came true!
I repeat once more! anyone who follows me should be immediately arrested for espionage for Russia! they will also try to say that I am their spy, I am a cover, they use so much crap that they will do everything possible to destroy me financially and morally and to be imprisoned for spying for Russia!
yesterday, I basically settled with the people from Amazon to give me the money for the first book written by me, but the money has not been given to me yet!
the Americans (who are promoted in career by the Russians and with the help of the Moldovans, Romanians and Poles) are doing everything possible so that I have no financial gain and so that I go to work for the Russians! and the Russians will win double! their agency will be promoted because they found a Russian spy and I (one of the best analysts in the ex-Soviet space will work for the Russians!
all Romanians, Moldovans (all without exception) who collaborated with Poles (all without exception) in 2017 when I was an asylum seeker in Poland, must be arrested for espionage in favor of Russia!
Americans: why are you afraid that I will pass the polygraph test because I have never worked for any intelligence service? why are you afraid of me passing the polygraph test no one had or has the right to record me or film me or speak on my behalf!
My message is for all embassies that are members of the EU and NATO except: USA, Poland, Romania and Turkey!
I am ready to pass the polygraph test that I have never worked for any intelligence service and that no one has the right to record me!
I am making this announcement so that the next time (the Americans, Romanians, Moldovans, Poles who took bribes from the Russians) will look for Russian terrorists and spies, you know that I am ready to pass any kind of polygraph test and these individuals ( Americans, Moldovans, Romanians, Poles) to arrest them for corruption and espionage in favor of Russia!
Update, 18 martie 2023
Văd că unii așa și nu au înțeles consecințele despre arestarea lui Putin de către o curte internațională!
Să explic și acest lucru sau să mai pună în mișcare capul și alții!
Aici dreptul internațional se intersectează cu relațiile internaționale!
Doar că idee: acest mandat este posibil în 3 căi:
Să moară președintele;
Să expire mandatul președintelui;
Să fie organizată o lovitură de stat!
Arestarea președintelui a federației Ruse în altă țară ar duce la cel de-al treilea război mondial!
Update, February 12, 2023
My every step in the Republic of Moldova is followed by former KGB-communists and current undercover activists! Most of my friends were recruited by the Russians, as well as part of my family! I wrote about it in the book!
I have no chance of survival in Moldova and my goal for now is for the international community to find out about the Nazi experiments the Poles are doing on refugees and the corruption and spying for Russia on Romanians, Moldovans and Poles!
I will translate the book in 9 languages, so that everyone can learn about the crime and corruption in Moldova, Romania and Poland! that next time I go and live in Switzerland in the French region, any Moldovan or Romanian who follows me will be immediately imprisoned for spying for Russia! That the Swiss should not take bribes from Romanians, Moldovans including Americans who also took bribes from the Russians!
I have already written in this article that I will never marry a girl who holds the citizenship of a state that was a member of the Warsaw Treaty Organization!
For the moment, my book has been translated into English, Russian and Polish and I am also writing it in French and later I will write it in Romanian! the book will also be translated into Spanish, German, Italian and Portuguese!
the former kgb-ists/communists will do everything possible to destroy me!
i know about this and i will do everything possible so that the swiss know about the history and don’t take bribes from romanians/ moldovans!
and obviously the Americans who took bribes from the Russians don’t want me to pass a polygraph test (that I have never worked for any intelligence service and that no one has the right to register me or to sign on my behalf) but they (the Americans) hope that the KGB in Moldova will find ways to arrest me!
March 13, 2023
when I go to a country, anyone who follows me, or films or records me, must be arrested for spying for the Russians! any person, whether Romanian, Moldovan, friend or relative!
also I am not a member of any political organization or party! those who will try to buy the owners of the apartments where I will reserve a room must also be arrested for espionage in favor of Russia, regardless of the nationality that holds it (Romanian, American, German, Italian, etc.)
March 14, 2023
I’m 34 years old and I’m not married and I haven’t been and also I don’t have children!
I risked my life, because I wanted Moldova to be a member of the EU and NATO!
I risked my life when I went against the communists, and they communists opened a criminal case against me!
who wants to know, just read my book!
I wish the Americans to integrate Moldova into the EU and NATO together with their waiters, who are also rapists and pedophiles!
It’s time to get married, and those who have read my book probably realized that I want to marry a Swiss girl from the French region!
all I want is for the Swiss not to receive bribes from Romanians, Moldavians, Poles!
Even if I won’t work on my specialty, I want to start a new life!
if undercover activists from Moldova or Romania will continue to do the same messes that have caused me pain today!
I reserve the right to self-defense, including by killing the person who will endanger my life or my family!
those who dare to destroy my family, I will do the same to your family!
it’s time for my personal life and I will always act according to the law and the accumulated experience!
any Moldovan, Romanian, Russian or Pole who follows me I will immediately consider him a Russian spy! regardless of whether he will declare himself a friend, or that he will be a relative, or that he will be an undercover activist, or a member of some government!
I have no obligation to the Romanian or Moldovan state!
I will write about Russian politics if I do my doctorate and that I have to focus on my personal life! I will also sell the VK groups I have and buy Facebook pages instead!
Americans!!! fight with Russians from Moldova together with your network of communists, KGB -ists, waiters, rapists!
Update, March 14, 2023
The intelligence and security bastards are again organizing challenges with their undercover activists!
to the idiots in the intelligence and security service: do you want to fabricate a criminal record for me that I received money from the Russians?
because those who call me speak only in Russian!
you are the branch of the FSB from Moldova and you want to fabricate a criminal case against me that I would receive money from the Russians!!!!
F### You!!!!!
Update, December 16, 2022
those from the Orange company didn’t want to give me a list of the phone numbers of the defiant SIS scammers!
(they are usually undercover activists) and that’s why they didn’t want to give me their phone numbers!
Update, december 15, 2022
I have all the received calls on my phone and I could simply post a screenshot, but I think it will be much more reliable if I post on my social networks documents from Orange with the received calls!
Update, December 14, 2022
there is a company that provides financial services like get rich and this company calls me all the time! initially they called me with phone numbers from Great Britain, then with Moldovan numbers and the same company, today an individual called me with Moldovan numbers and as soon as I blocked him, he called me with a Russian phone number!
from the first day when they called me I said that I don’t need their services and to delete my phone number, then they kept insisting and I cursed them and sent them to all the private places! likewise today I cursed them and sent them to all the intimate places!
this one: it is the ,,postava” made by the FSB branch from Moldova (SIS) together with those Polish, Romanian and Moldovan individuals and allies! these individuals are in a panic and doing all kinds of posttava!
they are afraid of jail and because of that they are panicking!
Update, 13 martie 2023
Dacă colapsul financiar bancar din America care momentan dă semne enorme de îngrijorare ce ar putea însemna pentru Ucraina un colaps financiar al Statelor Unite?
Nu e un secret că pe lîngă eroismul soldaților ucraineni o parte din victoria lor se datorează și ajutoarele pe care le primesc ucraineni de la țările din vest și în special SUA!
Nu este nici un secret că cel mai mare susținător al soldaților ucraineni este poporul american!
Dacă în criză economică din SUA din 2008, Rusia au apelat la chinezi pentru a distruge total economic Statele Unite, și ei au refuzat! care este reacția chinezilor de acum luând în considerare că multe sau schimbat ( special pandemia) și sunt pe cale de a începe un război în Taiwan însă teama de sancțiuni și faptul că SUA este totuși țara unde China exportă/ exporta cel mai mult!
Alianța Ruso – chineză este una foarte solidă și îi unește dușmanul comun!
Pot distruge SUA economic prin intermediul BRICS sau vor urmări cu mare atenție?
Va fi dolarul puternic în continuare?
Luând în calcul specificul economiei americane, care pentru unii e criză iar pentru alții este o oportunitate!
Ucrainenii pot să mai reziste o perioadă doar din ajutoarele pe care le-au primit pină în prezent însă din momentul ce nu vă mai primi sprijin economic și militar de la SUA ar putea duce la schimbări masive și pe front!
Dacă ucraineni nu ar fi avut sprijinul american, rușii ar fi fost azi mai aproape de Odesa însă chiar și cu ajutorul SUA care întârzie câteodată ucraineni pierd resurse umane semnificative!
O criză în SUA înseamnă o criză globală! Dacă scade dolarul, vor avea de suferit și economia Europeană!
Pentru cei care nu au înțeles riscurile de securitate pentru Moldova și Ucraina din această postare le explic detaliat!
Dacă statele unite intră într-o criză economică, asta înseamnă că ei nu vor mai putea finanța armata ucraineană și fără finanțare din partea americană, Ucraina va pierde războiul împotriva rușilor!
Ce înseamnă pentru Republica Moldova dacă ucraineni nu vor reuși să reziste în fața agresiunii rusești? Cred că este foarte clar! Însă mai scriu și pentru acei dobitoci care nu înțeleg sau nu vor să înțeleagă!
Asta înseamnă că rușii vor face coridor pină la Transnistria prin sudul Ucrainei!
Asta înseamnă că Transnistria va fi ocupată și după Transnistria va urma și Republica Moldova!
Ca să fie clar! Dacă americanii nu vor putea ajuta financiar/ militar pe ucraineni, cel mai probabil că nici europenii nu vor face acest lucru!
Update, 12 martie 2023
Din imaginile care apar pe net precum că cineva ar pregăti coktail Molotov, păi cei care speriați lumea cu destabilizări faceți și voi mai profesionist: ,, butilka ” trebuie să fie din sticlă și nu din plastic!
Dacă arunci cu ,,butilka” de plastic cu benzină într-un obiect, păi acea butilka nu avea avea efectul și funcție de unghiul în care vei arunca se va primi ca să se întoarcă înapoi!
Butilka trebuie să fie din sticlă, că ea să se spargă!
Au luat exemplul de la ruși/ belaruși cu această provocare! Tot au organizat și ei un așa fel de truc!
Acel video îl gasesc imediat!
Filiala FSB din Moldova nici măcar nu și-au învățat greșelile de la colegii lor!!!
Sunteți penibili cu coktailurile voastre din plastic!
Tâmpiți și incompetenți încât nici provocări nu puteți să organizați!
Andrei Plop : Why Canadians are not Americans and why Poland is the most racist country in Africa!
it’s my book, it’s my life, it’s my history with all the mistakes!
Dlaczego Kanadyjczycy nie są Amerykanami i dlaczego Polska jest najbardziej rasistowskim krajem w Afryce!
Andrei Plop
Pourquoi les Canadiens ne sont pas des Américains et pourquoi la Pologne est le pays le plus raciste d’Afrique !: Oui, c’est vrai ! J’ai écrit le livre en français avec un accent québécois !
Pourquoi les Canadiens ne sont pas des Américains et pourquoi la Pologne est le pays le plus raciste d’Afrique !
Oui, c’est vrai ! J’ai écrit ce livre en français avec un accent québécois !
the book can also be downloaded in Russian, Polish and English from my patreon.com/andreiplop
книгу также можно скачать на русском, польском и английском языках с моего аккаунта на
książkę można pobrać również w języku rosyjskim, polskim i angielskim z mojego konta na
Dlaczego Kanadyjczycy nie są Amerykanami i dlaczego Polska jest najbardziej rasistowskim krajem w Afryce! https://www.lulu.com/shop/andrei-plop/dlaczego-kanadyjczycy-nie-są-amerykanami-i-dlaczego-polska-jest-najbardziej-rasistowskim-krajem-w-afryce/ebook/product-ypye2v.html?page=1&pageSize=4
Теперь вы можете купить мою книгу на русском языке! https://www.lulu.com/shop/andrei-plop/почему-канадцы-не-американцы-и-почему-польша-является-самой-расистской-страной-в-африке/ebook/product-np9nq6.html?page=1&pageSize=4