The MGG Academy is geared towards highly-qualified young professionals who work in a partner institution of the MGG network or in an institution that is interested in future cooperation. Prospective participants should

  • work in a governmental organisation, policy-oriented think tank, research institution, civil society or private sector organisation in an MGG partner country (Brazil, China, Europe, India, Indonesia, Mexico, South Africa),
  • work on issues relevant to global governance and/or sustainability such as international trade, international economics and finance, environmental challenges, international security or development cooperation,
  • speak English fluently,
  • be between 25 and 40 years old (older applicants who have taken longer periods of parental leave may be considered),
  • have at least three years of working experience (non-renumerated experience is also recognised),
  • be open to a broad variety of working methods,
  • be willing to reflect on collective and individual experiences and competencies,
  • be sensitive to other cultures.

Candidates for the MGG Academy have to be supported by their organisation.

Please find more information about the set-up and content of the MGG Academy 2022 here.

Applications for the MGG Academy 2022 are possible until 15 March 2022.

To apply for the MGG Academy 2022, kindly fill-in and sign this application form. You will need to upload it again when you submit your application.

Please submit the application form, your CV and certificates here.

For more information please open this link
Apply Here