
Our eligibility requirements help you determine if you may apply to be a Knight-Hennessy Scholar.

The Knight-Hennessy Scholars program is a multidisciplinary and multicultural community. There are no restrictions based on age, college or university, field of study, or career aspiration. We encourage citizens and residents of all countries to apply.  We do not require applicants to seek endorsements from colleges, universities, or other institutions.

There are two baseline eligibility requirements.

  1. First, in addition to applying to Knight-Hennessy Scholars, you must apply to, be accepted by, and enroll in a full-time Stanford graduate degree program. Each incoming Knight-Hennessy Scholar must be a newly enrolling student in a Stanford graduate program including, but not limited to, DMA, JD, MA, MBA, MD, MFA, MPP, MS, or PhD programs. There are no quotas by discipline or program. Note that we will give priority consideration to those who will spend at least two years studying at Stanford.
  2. Second, you must have earned, in January 2015 or later, a U.S. bachelor’s degree or its equivalent from a college or university of recognized standing.
To apply to join the cohort in: You  must have earned a bachelor’s degree by:
2022 January 2015 or later
2023 January 2016 or later


For U.S. military (active or veteran) applicants, we extend the eligibility window by two years in acknowledgement of longer service commitments; you must have earned your degree in January 2013 or later to enroll in 2022. Current college students are eligible if you will earn your first degree by September 2022.  Within the eligibility window, we do not give preference based on recency of the degree.

Please note that a small number of Stanford graduate degree programs are not eligible for Knight-Hennessy Scholars.  Please see theApplying to Stanford Graduate Program page for examples.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q: What if I graduated from an institution outside the U.S.?  What are the eligibility requirements for me?

A: To be eligible for graduate study at Stanford University, you must meet the requirements of the graduate program(s) that you wish to pursue and hold the equivalent of a U.S. bachelor’s degree from a college or university of recognized standing. See Stanford’s guidelines for minimum level of study for international applicants. (The Office of Graduate Admissions, not the Knight-Hennessy Scholars program, sets these policies.)

Q: If I graduated in 2014 or before, may I still become a Knight-Hennessy Scholar?

A: If you graduated with your first/bachelor’s degree more than six years before applying (in 2014 or earlier, for the autumn 2022 intake), then you are not eligible for consideration as a Knight-Hennessy Scholar. This applies even if you have earned an additional degree in 2015 or later. You may still apply to the Stanford graduate program of your choice, and there are many other options for funding your graduate education at Stanford.

Q: I am an undocumented student. Am I eligible to apply?

A: Undocumented students are eligible to apply for the Knight-Hennessy Scholars program, but must meet eligibility for the graduate program, including any work requirements. For more information, please visit undocumented.stanford.edu.

Q: I have a graduate degree already. Am I eligible? 

A: If you have earned a graduate degree, you remain eligible to enroll as a Knight-Hennessy Scholar in 2022 as long as you earned your first/bachelor’s degree in 2015 or later.

Q: I am an enrolled Stanford graduate student. May I apply for the Knight-Hennessy Scholars program?

A: If you enrolled in a graduate degree program at Stanford in 2021 or earlier, you are ineligible for consideration as a Knight-Hennessy Scholar for your current degree program.

Q: I am a Stanford graduate student applying to a different program at the university. Am I eligible to apply this year?

A: You are welcome to apply to the Knight-Hennessy Scholars program if you defer enrollment to 2022, or if you apply for a new graduate degree program at Stanford that starts in 2022.

Q: May I defer my Knight-Hennessy Scholars offer?

A: No. Deferral of enrollment to a graduate program is the purview of that department. Most Stanford programs do not offer deferrals though some – such as the professional schools of business, law, and medicine – allow deferrals. Regardless of the graduate program’s policy, the Knight-Hennessy Scholars program does not defer scholar offers. If you are selected as a Knight-Hennessy Scholar and are unable to enroll, you must reapply for admission for the year you intend to enroll. We consider exceptions to this policy only under exceptionally rare and unforeseen circumstances that are beyond your control (e.g., delayed separation from the military, health issues).

Q: I was accepted this year to Stanford but want to defer my enrollment in the Stanford graduate program until next year. May I apply to Knight-Hennessy Scholars for the following year?

A: If you defer enrollment to a Stanford graduate program, you may apply to start as a Knight-Hennessy Scholar for the year that you enroll in that graduate program. For example, if you have been admitted to the Stanford MBA Program and deferred enrollment to September 2024, then you may apply to the Knight-Hennessy Scholars program in 2023 to enroll as a Scholar in 2024 — thus aligning your initial enrollment in the MBA Program and as a Knight-Hennessy Scholar. If you have already received admission to one of Stanford’s graduate programs and are deferred enrollment to 2022 or later, you may apply to be a Knight-Hennessy Scholar. Plan to apply for the year that you would enroll in your graduate program.


Our criteria clarify what we seek in your application, help you assess your alignment with our values, and prepare you to demonstrate the criteria in your application.

There is neither a typical nor a prototypical Knight-Hennessy Scholar. Each cohort is diverse by design; no two candidates are equally strong across all criteria, and you may demonstrate different strengths in different ways. As we evaluate and select Knight-Hennessy Scholars, we look for evidence of three criteria:

1. Independence of Thought

We seek visionary thinkers who are curious, open-minded, analytical, eager for cross-cultural perspective, and genuinely excited to boldly and creatively address  our world’s important challenges.

  • Demonstrates mental sharpness and intellectual ability
  • Seeks out knowledge and new experiences
  • Full of original ideas
  • Makes sense of ambiguity
  • Can hold a contrarian or dissenting point of view

2. Purposeful Leadership

We seek courageous leaders who are ethical, decisive, resilient, driven to achieve meaningful results, and motivated to inspire others to effect positive change at scale.

  • Ambitious in service of a better world
  • Driven to improve self and others
  • Able to include and elevate others
  • Self-aware and adaptable
  • Persistent and resilient

3. Civic Mindset

We seek collaborative community members  who are humble, empathetic, trustworthy, oriented to act in service of others, and deeply passionate about contributing to the greater good.

  • Personally humble and kind
  • Supportive and accountable
  • Embraces difference
  • Concerned for and helpful to others

We find evidence of these selection criteria throughout your application and, if you are selected as a finalist, at Immersion Weekend. We look forward to getting to know you, including what you have done, who you are now, and what you aspire to do in the future.

Dates and Deadlines

Our dates and deadlines help you plan ahead as you reflect on and prepare your application materials.

KHS Application Timeline Infographic of dates and deadlines listed in text


Application 1: Knight-Hennessy Scholars Program

Please note important dates and deadlines for the Knight-Hennessy Scholars program application process. While we will continue to monitor the developments around COVID-19, as of now there is no process or deadline change in the application for the 2022 cohort. You may find more about Stanford’s statement on COVID-19 and graduate admissions here.

Application opens August 1, 2021
Application closes October 6, 1:00 pm Pacific Time
Finalist notification January 26, 2022
Immersion Weekend February 25-26, 2022
Decision notification March 15, 2022
Materials Due by Deadline by Invitation Only
  • Background Information
  • Transcripts
  • Resume
  • Recommendation letters
  • Short answers and Essay
  • Video (by invitation on rolling basis)
  • Immersion Weekend (by invitation only)


A note about test scores: The Knight-Hennessy Scholars program follows the practices of your graduate degree program: if your graduate degree program does not require standardized tests, then you do not need to submit any with your Knight-Hennessy Scholars program application.

If your graduate degree program requires test scores, you must report them to the Knight-Hennessy Scholars program by your graduate degree program’s application deadline or the Knight-Hennessy Scholars program’s application deadline, whichever is later.

Application 2: Stanford Graduate Program(s)

In addition to applying to Knight-Hennessy Scholars, you must apply to, be accepted by, and enroll in a full-time Stanford graduate degree program. Unless you have already deferred admission to a Stanford graduate program, you must apply to your respective Stanford graduate program(s) by the deadlines below:

Graduate Degree Program Application Opened Application Deadline
MS in Physician Assistant Studies, School of Medicine April 2021 TBD
MBA Program, Graduate School of Business June 2021 Round 1 Deadline: September 2021
MD Program, School of Medicine June 2021 AMCAS Deadline:
September/October 2021*
MS in Management Science & Engineering, School of Engineering September 2021 TBD
MA and PhD in Education,
Graduate School of Education
September 2021 TBD
JD and advanced degrees,
Stanford Law School
August 2021 TBD*
Any other Stanford graduate degree program September 2021 Program’s standard deadline or
December 1, 2021, whichever is earlier
*MD and JD/LLM/SPILS applicants: The deadline shown in this table corresponds to the date by when Stanford must receive your completed application materials. As it may take a couple of weeks for applications to be processed through AMCAS or LSAC, we strongly encourage you to submit your application well in advance of the posted deadline.

The Stanford graduate program application may require a fee to apply. Please visit the graduate program website for details. There is no fee to apply to Knight-Hennessy Scholars.



Applying to Knight-Hennessy Scholars

The Knight-Hennessy Scholars application process allows you to make your case for selection by demonstrating independence of thought, purposeful leadership, and a civic mindset.

We designed the Knight-Hennessy Scholars admission process with two goals: to first help you better know yourself — what you have done, who you are now, and what you aspire to do in the future — and to then help us know you better.  We greatly enjoy reading your application materials, and we hope you will find inspiration, clarity, and reflection as you prepare them.

Why Apply?


Application Steps

You must apply separately to the Knight-Hennessy Scholars program and to your Stanford graduate degree program. The Knight-Hennessy Scholars application will require you to indicate the Stanford graduate degree program(s) to which you will apply.

  • Step 1: Start your online application for Knight-Hennessy Scholars and prepare application requirements. (Tip: Ask your recommenders early.)
  • Step 2: Submit the online application for Knight-Hennessy Scholars by the deadline. (Note: You will not be able to edit once you submit your application, with the exception of test scores and recommenders)
  • Step 3: If necessary, update test scores for Knight-Hennessy Scholars through your application status page.
  • Separately: Prepare and submit all parts of your Stanford graduate degree program application by its deadline. Visit the program website to confirm its application deadline, program requirements, and any fees. Please review deadlines carefully as they vary by degree program, and some programs specify a separate application deadline specifically for Knight-Hennessy Scholars applicants

Application Instructions

Again, you must apply separately to the Knight-Hennessy Scholars program and to your Stanford graduate degree program.

Knight-Hennessy Scholars Program

  • You must submit all Knight-Hennessy Scholars application materials in English via our online application. We do not accept materials sent via email or postal mail.
  • We highly recommend that you apply using a current version of Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.
  • For reference only, here is a PDF sample of the application for the autumn 2021 intake.

Application Tips

Scholars give tips on the application.


Background Information

The background information section in the online application allows you to provide contextual details that help us evaluate the rest of your application materials.

Complete and submit the online application for admission (including personal and academic information, etc.). We ask for contact information; basic biographic and demographic details; explanations of your activities, experiences, and interests; and other information to provide context about you.

While you may be tempted to skip past or simplify sections that contain information also found on your resume, we encourage you to fully respond to all background information prompts. We appreciate getting to know more details about your activities, experiences, and interests that are not typically found on resumes.

There is no application fee for the Knight-Hennessy Scholars program, but you must pay the application fee required of your graduate program when you submit that application.


The transcript allows you to provide a record of academic performance that helps us assess your preparation for rigorous graduate-level study at Stanford.

Please scan and upload transcripts of your academic performance at the undergraduate level (and graduate level, if applicable) for each institution you attended for one academic year or longer. You may submit an unofficial transcript, or you may use this self-reported transcript form. Your transcript must, if applicable, include the degree conferred and the conferral date. We do not require transcripts from study-abroad experiences if those credits are included on your transcript.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q: As a result of COVID-19, my home institution graded an entire semester P/F. How will this impact the evaluation of my transcript?

A:  We recognize that many institutions (including Stanford University) adopted a pass/fail or credit/no credit grading policy in response to COVID-19. We will not penalize you for an institutional change that was out of your control. We will continue to review your application contextually.

Q: What if my transcript is not in English?

A: Transcripts and degree documents that are in a language other than English must be accompanied with an official English translation.

Q: Is there a minimum GPA or test score requirement to be a Knight-Hennessy Scholar?

A: Although we expect Knight-Hennessy Scholars to have performed well, there is no minimum requirement for your grades or scores. Please consult the graduate degree program website for their admission requirements including any relevant minimums for grades or scores.

Standardized Test Scores

The test scores allow you to provide a record of standardized exam performance that helps us assess your preparation for rigorous graduate-level study at Stanford.

The Knight-Hennessy Scholars program follows the practices of your graduate degree program: if your graduate degree program does not require standardized tests, then you do not need to submit any with your Knight-Hennessy Scholars program application.

If your graduate degree program requires test scores, you must submit them to the Knight-Hennessy Scholars program by your graduate degree program’s application deadline or the Knight-Hennessy Scholars program’s application deadline, whichever is later.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q. Will you be updating your testing policy because of COVID-19?

A: We will adhere to your graduate degree program’s decisions about any testing policy changes for admission.

Q: I will not have test scores until AFTER the Knight-Hennessy Scholars deadline. What do I do?

A: If you will not have test scores until after the Knight-Hennessy Scholars deadline, you may leave the test scores section of the application blank when you submit your application. You may provide the scores when they are available via your application status page, which you can access only after submitting your application. If you recently sat for an exam that provides unofficial scores immediately upon completion, you may report those to us.

Q: May I update my test score after I have submitted my application?

A: Yes, you may do this by submitting the Test Score Update form on your status page after you submit your application.

Q:  I am applying to two programs. Do I have to submit required test scores for each of those programs to Knight-Hennessy Scholars?

A: Yes, please submit all test scores required by the graduate degree programs to which you are applying.

English Proficiency

You must be highly proficient in English — listening, reading, speaking, and writing — to study at Stanford. If you earned or expect to earn a degree from a university where English is the official and sole language of instruction, then you do not need to submit results of an English proficiency exam. Otherwise, you do. Your citizenship, residence, and/or work experience do not exempt you from this requirement.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q. Do I need to submit my English proficiency test results to Knight-Hennessy Scholars?

A: If the Stanford graduate degree program to which you are applying requires you to submit English proficiency test results, then you must submit them to Knight-Hennessy Scholars as well.

Q: What tests do I have to submit for English proficiency?

A: All Stanford graduate degree programs accept the TOEFL. The MBA Program is the only Stanford graduate program that also accepts the IELTS and PTE. Some departments only accept scores obtained within the last 18 months, while others accept scores for 24 months. You may read more about this policy on the Graduate Admissions website (TOEFL) or MBA Admissions Office website (TOEFL, IELTS, or PTE).

Q: Is there a minimum score requirement for English proficiency tests for Knight-Hennessy Scholars?

A: Although there is no minimum test score required for Knight-Hennessy Scholars, you must meet the minimum requirements, if any, set forth by the graduate degree program to which you are applying. The minimum TOEFL score for most graduate degree programs at Stanford is 100iBT or 600PBT. Please check the department websites for information about required English tests.

One-Page Resume

The resume allows you to introduce the “headlines” of your experiences to date and provide context that helps us evaluate the rest of your application materials.

Prepare a one-page resume that includes highlights of your experiences, interests,  and academic record in reverse-chronological order. If you have professional and/or extracurricular experiences, please include them. Please select a font size that ensures your document is legible.

If you are selected as a finalist and invited to interview at Immersion Weekend, we will share this document with your interviewers.

Stick to one page. Remember that you have an entire application that will provide details to complement the resume.

Recommendation Letters

The recommendation letters allow you to nominate two strong advocates who will complement your application contributions and confirm your qualifications, your potential, and your demonstration of our three criteria.

Ask for recommendation letters from two individuals who have the necessary knowledge of your qualifications, the desire to enthusiastically support your candidacy, and the time to author a strong endorsement. These recommenders must be able to provide specific examples, anecdotes, and evidence.

Register the recommenders through your online application as early in the application process as possible. The application system will send each recommender a personalized link to submit the recommendation online.

Recommendations are due by the application deadline. If you have completed the rest of the application and only the letters are missing, go ahead and submit your application. The system will permit you to submit your application even if your recommendations are not yet submitted. You need to submit your completed online application by the deadline, even if your recommendation letters have not been submitted.

We ask your recommenders to rate character and leadership traits and to respond to the following prompts:

  1. Please explain how you know and interact with the applicant.
  2. We seek visionary thinkers who demonstrate independence of thought. Describe how the applicant demonstrates intellectual curiosity and creativity to address challenges.
  3. We seek courageous leaders who demonstrate purposeful leadership. Describe how the applicant takes initiative to achieve meaningful results and effect positive change.
  4. We seek collaborative community members with a civic mindset. Describe how the applicant acts in service of others to elevate the greater good.
  5. Is there anything else — positive or negative — that we should know about the applicant?

Choosing Your Recommenders

Remember that your two separate applications — the Knight-Hennessy Scholars application and the Stanford graduate program application — have distinct evaluation criteria, application requirements, selection processes and timelines, and admissions committees. The recommenders you choose for your Stanford graduate program application may or may not be your best advocates for your Knight-Hennessy Scholars application. Carefully consider whether you want to select the same recommenders or different recommenders for your two applications. If you select the same recommenders, please encourage your recommenders to tailor their letters for each application.

Here are a few additional considerations as you choose recommenders:

  • We care about the content of the letter, not about the title or status of the person who wrote it. We are far more interested in your accomplishments than those of your recommender.
  • The strongest letters we receive come from individuals who have interacted with you closely, extensively, and recently (typically in the last two or three years).
  • The strongest letters we receive come from those who have observed and can comment, with specific examples, on your progress towards a goal. Character references without supporting evidence, even when highly positive, do not meaningfully improve your candidacy.
  • Your recommendations may be from academic, community, or professional contexts.
  • You may not write, draft, edit, translate, or submit the letter of reference. We will require you to affirm in your application that you have not done so.
  • It is inappropriate to ask a family member to provide a recommendation letter.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q: May I ask my family or friend to write a recommendation letter?

A: It is inappropriate to ask a family member to provide a recommendation. A friend is different from a peer. A peer is someone with whom you have worked towards a common goal. You may ask a peer for a recommendation.

Q: I have both personal and work email addresses for my recommender.  Which one should I use for the application?

A: Please use a work email address when available.

Q: May I ask the same person to provide recommendations for both Knight-Hennessy Scholars and my graduate degree program? 

A:  Yes, you may. However, when choosing recommenders, please remember that your two applications have distinct evaluation criteria, application requirements, selection processes and timelines, and admissions committees. If you choose the same recommenders, please encourage your recommenders to tailor their letters for each application.

Q: Do you review the recommendation letters from my graduate degree program?

A: Your Knight-Hennessy Scholars recommendations are typically the only recommendation letters that we will review before we provide input to your graduate program. We may occasionally request to access and review your recommendation letters for your graduate degree program if we believe they will aid us in our evaluation efforts. However, we encourage you to apply with the knowledge that we do not customarily review your recommendation letters for your graduate degree program.

Q: I am ready to submit my application but I am missing my recommendation letter(s). What do I do?

A: Do not delay submitting your application because you are waiting for a recommendation letter. You may submit your application before your recommendation letters are received.  Even if your recommendation letters are unexpectedly delayed, you must complete and submit your portion of the application by the deadline to be considered for admission.

Short Answer Responses and Essay

The short-answer questions invite you to share in your own words what you have done, who you are, and what you aspire to do in the future.

Remember that you have listed activities and accomplishments in your resume and background information, so take this opportunity to show your more personal side. We ask you to answer three questions:

  1. After graduating from Stanford, what are your immediate and long-term intentions?  How will your Knight-Hennessy Scholars experience prepare you to realize your intentions? (250 word limit)
  2. Please tell us when you: a) made someone proud of you, b) were most challenged, and c) did not meet expectations. (150 word limit combined)
  3. Please tell us eight improbable facts (things that are unlikely but true) about you. (150 word limit combined)

The essay prompt invites you to reflect deeply on your life’s journey and the people, events, and circumstances that have impacted it.

There is no right answer, topic, or format — only you can tell your own story — and yet we hope you will focus much less on what you have done and much more on who you are. The strongest essays balance introspection with recognition of external influences, and are so personal that no one else could have possibly written it. The essay topic:

  1. Connect the dots. How have the influences in your life shaped you? (600 word limit)

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q: What are improbable facts?

A: Improbable facts are aspects about you – experiences, beliefs, traits, skills, etc. – that seem unlikely but are true. This does not mean a list of achievements. Use this as a way to show a different side of you. And have some fun!

Video Statement (by invitation)

The video statement gives you an opportunity to “introduce yourself” and bring to life the person behind the application.

This part of the process is by invitation only.  On a rolling basis in January, we will invite up to 500 applicants to submit a required video.  The invitation will include submission instructions and a specific deadline. The video will typically be due 6-10 days after the invitation is received. An invitation to submit a video is an indication that Knight-Hennessy Scholars and/or the Stanford graduate degree program is interested in your candidacy and would like further review.

The video stands apart from the other application materials as a platform to express yourself beyond the written word. The video statement is broad by design; we offer an open-ended prompt to give you agency over what you present and how you present it. We hope you will approach this video not as a performance but as another authentic representation of the applicant behind the application.

The video topic: Teach something to your cohort of fellow Knight-Hennessy Scholars.

  • There is no attention — zero emphasis! — on the production value of your video.
  • We are not evaluating your choice of topic. You may choose any topic that you find meaningful and/or enjoyable to teach.
  • You must record the video using the online application. We cannot review videos on other sites, and you may not upload external videos to the online application.
  • Your video may be no longer than two minutes. If you only need 30 seconds, that’s fine.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q: Does my video have to be about something academic?

A: No, the prompt is intentionally broad so that you may select from a wide range of topics.

Q: May I submit a video before I receive an invitation to do so?

A: We will review video submissions only from applicants whom we invited to submit a video. We share the video topic publicly so you are already familiar with the topic in case of an invitation to submit a video.

Immersion Weekend (by invitation)

Immersion Weekend is an opportunity for you to learn more about graduate programs, the Knight-Hennessy Scholars program, Stanford University, other scholars, and yourself. It is also a chance for us to learn more about you. By meeting you in an interactive setting, you can convey attributes that may not come across in the online application.

This part of the process is by invitation only.  After we and your graduate degree program review your respective applications, the Knight-Hennessy Scholars program will select up to 150 candidates to visit Stanford University, at our expense, for Immersion Weekend.

We will host Immersion Weekend for the 2022 Cohort on February 25-26, 2022. You must attend this event if you wish to be selected as a Knight-Hennessy Scholar.

The Knight-Hennessy Scholars program will cover your reasonable travel expenses, including lodging at Stanford, airfare, and meals on-campus.

During your visit, you will participate in individual and group activities, several of which will be evaluative. Our goal is to comprehensively preview your life as a graduate student at Stanford. Immersion Weekend is a highlight of the year for both the Knight-Hennessy Scholars community and our finalists. If you are selected as a finalist, we are confident that you too will consider it a highlight of your application experience.

Events have typically included  the following:

  • Faculty presentations
  • Group activities
  • Interview(s)
  • Social events
  • Visit with your graduate program (if requested by the Stanford degree program)

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q: What if I am not able to travel due to restrictions from COVID-19?

A: We will continue to monitor the travel restrictions and any policy set by Stanford regarding international students. If you are unable to travel for Immersion Weekend due to COVID-19, we will arrange a virtual interview.

Q: What if I have a conflict during the Immersion Weekend dates?

A: Barring unforeseen circumstances and/or immediate family obligations, you must attend Immersion Weekend to be considered for selection to the Knight-Hennessy Scholars program.

Q: I need a visa to visit the US. Can you send me a letter of invitation for the visa?

A: If you are selected as a finalist, we will work with you to coordinate a visa invitation letter as necessary. We cannot provide letters of invitation before finalists are selected.

Q: I need to interview for my graduate program. May I interview for Knight-Hennessy Scholars then too?

A: No, the Knight-Hennessy Scholars program interviews take place exclusively during Immersion Weekend.

Applying to Stanford Graduate Program

The graduate degree program application is your opportunity to make your case for admission to Stanford. You must apply separately to the Knight-Hennessy Scholars program and to your Stanford graduate degree program.

Each incoming Knight-Hennessy Scholar must be a newly enrolling student in a Stanford graduate program including, but not limited to, DMA, JD, MA, MBA, MD, MFA, MPP, MS, or PhD programs. Review the full list of Stanford’s graduate programs to ensure Stanford offers the program that you wish to pursue.

The following are examples of programs not eligible for the Knight-Hennessy Scholars program:

  • Applicants to the Honors Cooperative Program
  • Applicants to the Master of Liberal Arts
  • Applicants to the Doctor of Science of Law (JSD)
  • Current Stanford students applying for coterminal graduate study
  • Current Stanford PhD students adding an MA or MS degree in their current discipline

Once you have selected a graduate degree program, visit the program’s website to confirm its application deadline, program requirements, and any fees. Please review deadlines carefully as they vary by degree program, and some programs specify a separate application deadline specifically for Knight-Hennessy applicants.

See the table here for graduate degree program application deadlines.

If you have any questions about the graduate degree program application, please contact the Stanford graduate program.  If you have any questions about  Knight-Hennessy Scholars, please reach out to us.

Application Review

Again, you must apply separately to the Knight-Hennessy Scholars program and to your Stanford graduate degree program.

Your two separate applications — the Knight-Hennessy Scholars application and the Stanford graduate program application — have distinct evaluation criteria, application requirements, selection processes and timelines, and admissions committees. As such, we encourage you to adopt a distinct approach to preparing each of the two applications. Plan to tailor your graduate degree program application to meet its specific requirements.

The Knight-Hennessy Scholars admission team reviews your Knight-Hennessy Scholars application. The graduate program reviews your application to that program. Except in cases where you have deferred prior admission to a Stanford graduate program, these two reviews take place concurrently but separately.

After these concurrent but separate reviews, the Knight-Hennessy Scholars admission team and your graduate program share preliminary assessments with one another. We do so to ensure that we select scholars who are competitive for admission to the graduate program.

During this process, we may occasionally contact the graduate program to access and review  some of your graduate program application materials if we believe they will aid us in our evaluation efforts. However, we encourage you to compose your two separate applications with the knowledge that they are not customarily shared between the two teams. While we generally encourage a distinct approach to each application, your content may overlap if it satisfies requirements for both applications.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q: I earned a degree at an institution outside of the U.S. Am I eligible for graduate study at Stanford?

A: To be eligible for graduate study, you must have earned a U.S. bachelor’s degree or its equivalent from a college or university of recognized standing. See Stanford’s guidelines for minimum level of study. For questions on this policy, contact the Office of Graduate Admissionsnot the Knight-Hennessy Scholars program.

Q: May I apply to Stanford for a graduate program even if I did not study that field as an undergraduate?

A: In most cases, you are eligible to apply to a graduate program even if you did not study that precise field as an undergraduate; please refer to the graduate degree program’s website for specific information about its requirements.

Q: Do I apply only to Knight-Hennessy Scholars to be considered for the Stanford graduate program I am interested in?

A: No. You must complete both your Knight-Hennessy Scholars application AND the entire application process for your graduate degree program, including any standardized test that your graduate degree program requires (GMAT, GRE, LSAT, MCAT, etc.) and, if applicable, an English proficiency test (TOEFL; or, for MBA program only, IELTS or PTE). The Stanford graduate degree program application may require a fee. Please visit the graduate program for specific information about its requirements.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)


Q: What if I graduated from an institution outside the U.S.?  What are the eligibility requirements for me?

A: To be eligible for graduate study at Stanford University, you must meet the requirements of the graduate program(s) that you wish to pursue and hold the equivalent of a U.S. bachelor’s degree from a college or university of recognized standing. See Stanford’s guidelines for minimum level of study for international applicants. (The Office of Graduate Admissions, not the Knight-Hennessy Scholars program, sets these policies.)

Q: If I graduated in 2014 or before, may I still become a Knight-Hennessy Scholar?

A: If you graduated with your first/bachelor’s degree more than six years before applying (in 2014 or earlier, for the autumn 2022 intake), then you are not eligible for consideration as a Knight-Hennessy Scholar. This applies even if you have earned an additional degree in 2015 or later. You may still apply to the Stanford graduate program of your choice, and there are many other options for funding your graduate education at Stanford.

Q: I am an undocumented student. Am I eligible to apply?

A: Undocumented students are eligible to apply for the Knight-Hennessy Scholars program, but must meet eligibility for the graduate program, including any work requirements. For more information, please visit undocumented.stanford.edu.

Q: I have a graduate degree already. Am I eligible? 

A: If you have earned a graduate degree, you remain eligible to enroll as a Knight-Hennessy Scholar in 2022 as long as you earned your first/bachelor’s degree in 2015 or later.

Q: I am an enrolled Stanford graduate student. May I apply for the Knight-Hennessy Scholars program?

A: If you enrolled in a graduate degree program at Stanford in 2021 or earlier, you are ineligible for consideration as a Knight-Hennessy Scholar for your current degree program.

Q: I am a Stanford graduate student applying to a different program at the university. Am I eligible to apply this year?

A: You are welcome to apply to the Knight-Hennessy Scholars program if you defer enrollment to 2022, or if you apply for a new graduate degree program at Stanford that starts in 2022.

Q: May I defer my Knight-Hennessy Scholars offer?

A: No. Deferral of enrollment to a graduate program is the purview of that department. Most Stanford programs do not offer deferrals though some – such as the professional schools of business, law, and medicine – allow deferrals. Regardless of the graduate program’s policy, the Knight-Hennessy Scholars program does not defer scholar offers. If you are selected as a Knight-Hennessy Scholar and are unable to enroll, you must reapply for admission for the year you intend to enroll. We consider exceptions to this policy only under exceptionally rare and unforeseen circumstances that are beyond your control (e.g., delayed separation from the military, health issues).

Q: I was accepted this year to Stanford but want to defer my enrollment in the Stanford graduate program until next year. May I apply to Knight-Hennessy Scholars for the following year?

A: If you defer enrollment to a Stanford graduate program, you may apply to start as a Knight-Hennessy Scholar for the year that you enroll in that graduate program. For example, if you have been admitted to the Stanford MBA Program and deferred enrollment to September 2024, then you may apply to the Knight-Hennessy Scholars program in 2023 to enroll as a Scholar in 2024 — thus aligning your initial enrollment in the MBA Program and as a Knight-Hennessy Scholar. If you have already received admission to one of Stanford’s graduate programs and are deferred enrollment to 2022 or later, you may apply to be a Knight-Hennessy Scholar. Plan to apply for the year that you would enroll in your graduate program.


Q: As a result of COVID-19, my home institution graded an entire semester P/F. How will this impact the evaluation of my transcript?

A:  We recognize that many institutions (including Stanford University) adopted a pass/fail or credit/no credit grading policy in response to COVID-19. We will not penalize you for an institutional change that was out of your control. We will continue to review your application contextually.

Q: What if my transcript is not in English?

A: Transcripts and degree documents that are in a language other than English must be accompanied with an official English translation.

Q: Is there a minimum GPA or test score requirement to be a Knight-Hennessy Scholar?

A: Although we expect Knight-Hennessy Scholars to have performed well, there is no minimum requirement for your grades or scores. Please consult the graduate degree program website for their admission requirements including any relevant minimums for grades or scores.

Standardized Test Scores

Q. Will you be updating your testing policy because of COVID-19?

A: We will adhere to your graduate degree program’s decisions about any testing policy changes for admission.

Q: I will not have test scores until AFTER the Knight-Hennessy Scholars deadline. What do I do?

A: If you will not have test scores until after the Knight-Hennessy Scholars deadline, you may leave the test scores section of the application blank when you submit your application. You may provide the scores when they are available via your application status page, which you can access only after submitting your application. If you recently sat for an exam that provides unofficial scores immediately upon completion, you may report those to us.

Q: May I update my test score after I have submitted my application?

A: Yes, you may do this by submitting the Test Score Update form on your status page after you submit your application.

Q:  I am applying to two programs. Do I have to submit required test scores for each of those programs to Knight-Hennessy Scholars?

A: Yes, please submit all test scores required by the graduate degree programs to which you are applying.

English Proficiency

Q. Do I need to submit my English proficiency test results to Knight-Hennessy Scholars?

A: If the Stanford graduate degree program to which you are applying requires you to submit English proficiency test results, then you must submit them to Knight-Hennessy Scholars as well.

Q: What tests do I have to submit for English proficiency?

A: All Stanford graduate degree programs accept the TOEFL. The MBA Program is the only Stanford graduate program that also accepts the IELTS and PTE. Some departments only accept scores obtained within the last 18 months, while others accept scores for 24 months. You may read more about this policy on the Graduate Admissions website (TOEFL) or MBA Admissions Office website (TOEFL, IELTS, or PTE).

Q: Is there a minimum score requirement for English proficiency tests for Knight-Hennessy Scholars?

A: Although there is no minimum test score required for Knight-Hennessy Scholars, you must meet the minimum requirements, if any, set forth by the graduate degree program to which you are applying. The minimum TOEFL score for most graduate degree programs at Stanford is 100iBT or 600PBT. Please check the department websites for information about required English tests.

Recommendation Letters

Q: May I ask my family or friend to write a recommendation letter?

A: It is inappropriate to ask a family member to provide a recommendation. A friend is different from a peer. A peer is someone with whom you have worked towards a common goal. You may ask a peer for a recommendation.

Q: I have both personal and work email addresses for my recommender.  Which one should I use for the application?

A: Please use a work email address when available.

Q: May I ask the same person to provide recommendations for both Knight-Hennessy Scholars and my graduate degree program?

A: Yes, you may. However, when choosing recommenders, please remember that your two applications have distinct evaluation criteria, application requirements, selection processes and timelines, and admissions committees. If you choose the same recommenders, please encourage your recommenders to tailor their letters for each application.

Q: Do you review the recommendation letters from my graduate degree program?

A: Your Knight-Hennessy Scholars recommendations are typically the only recommendation letters that we will review before we provide input to your graduate program. We may occasionally request to access and review your recommendation letters for your graduate degree program if we believe they will aid us in our evaluation efforts. However, we encourage you to apply with the knowledge that we do not customarily review your recommendation letters for your graduate degree program.

Q: I am ready to submit my application but I am missing my recommendation letter(s). What do I do?

A: Do not delay submitting your application because you are waiting for a recommendation letter. You may submit your application before your recommendation letters are received.  Even if your recommendation letters are unexpectedly delayed, you must complete and submit your portion of the application by the deadline to be considered for admission.

Short Answers and Essay

Q: What are improbable facts?

A: Improbable facts are aspects about you — experiences, beliefs, traits, skills, etc. — that seem unlikely but are true. This does not mean a list of achievements. Use this as a way to show a different side of you. And have some fun!

Video Statement

Q: Does my video have to be about something academic?

A: No, the prompt is intentionally broad so that you may teach about a range of topics.

Q: May I submit a video before I receive an invitation to do so?

A: We will review video submissions only from applicants whom we invited to submit a video. We share the video topic publicly so you are already familiar with the topic in case of an invitation to submit a video.

Immersion Weekend

Q: What if I am not able to travel due to restrictions from COVID-19?

A: We will continue to monitor the travel restrictions and any policy set by Stanford regarding international students. If you are unable to travel for Immersion Weekend due to COVID-19, we will arrange a virtual interview.

Q: What if I have a conflict during the Immersion Weekend dates?

A: Barring unforeseen circumstances and/or immediate family obligations, you must attend Immersion Weekend to be considered for selection to the Knight-Hennessy Scholars program.

Q: I need a visa to visit the US. Can you send me a letter of invitation for the visa?

A: If you are selected as a finalist, we will work with you to coordinate a visa invitation letter as necessary. We cannot provide letters of invitation before finalists are selected.

Q: I need to interview for my graduate program. May I interview for Knight-Hennessy Scholars then too?

A: No, the Knight-Hennessy Scholars program interviews take place exclusively during Immersion Weekend.

Application to Stanford Graduate Program

Q: I earned a degree at an institution outside of the U.S. Am I eligible for graduate study at Stanford?

A: To be eligible for graduate study, you must have earned a U.S. bachelor’s degree or its equivalent from a college or university of recognized standing. See Stanford’s guidelines for minimum level of study. For questions on this policy, contact the Office of Graduate Admissionsnot the Knight-Hennessy Scholars program.

Q: May I apply to Stanford for a graduate program even if I did not study that field as an undergraduate?

A: In most cases, you are eligible to apply to a graduate program even if you did not study that precise field as an undergraduate; please refer to the graduate degree program’s website for specific information about its requirements.

Q: Do I apply only to Knight-Hennessy Scholars to be considered for the Stanford graduate program I am interested in?

A: No. You must complete both your Knight-Hennessy Scholars application AND the entire application process for your graduate degree program, including any standardized test that your graduate degree program requires (GMAT, GRE, LSAT, MCAT, etc.) and, if applicable, an English proficiency test (TOEFL; or, for MBA program only, IELTS or PTE). The Stanford graduate degree program application may require a fee. Please visit the graduate program for specific information about its requirements.