Scholarships and Bursaries

In 2021/22 Brunel will be offering over 400 scholarships and bursaries to Home, EU and International Students. Our scholarships and bursaries are based on a whole range of criteria – are you eligible? Read the terms and conditions to find out.

How to apply for a Scholarship or Bursary at Brunel?

Our bursaries do not require an application. In the summer we will assess your grades and other eligibility criteria, such as household income and automatically award a bursary if found eligible, please see individual terms and conditions for full details.

Some Scholarships require an application, you may be asked some questions about yourself, your qualifications or why you want to come to Brunel, the answers to these questions will help the scholarship Panel determine who should get the scholarship. Further details can be found in the terms and conditions of each scholarship or bursary.


  • To be considered for a Bursary you must consent to the sharing of household data submitted to the Student Loans Company (SLC). Without your consent Brunel cannot access your data and assess your eligibility for a Bursary and you won’t be awarded. Please contact the SLC if you are unsure.
  • Clearing applicants must ensure they inform the SLC at the earliest opportunity that they are attending Brunel. This will then ensure that the SLC can provide relevant evidence that the applicant meets any relevant conditions before bursaries are awarded in the summer. Failure to do this will result in the applicant not being considered for a bursary.
  • The Scholarship Panel will meet in early October and will consider late applicants and Clearing applicants. We cannot consider any applicant who applies or receives an offer to study at Brunel after the Scholarship Panel have met.
  • If you are eligible for more than one scholarship or bursary, you will be awarded the scholarship with the highest monetary value.
  • If you are applying for a scholarship or discount and have been asked to submit evidence, please do so in a timely manner. If your application is incomplete we will not be able to assess your application.

Meeting the eligibility criteria does not equate to entitlement to a scholarship or bursary. Please use the tool below to locate the most relevant scholarships for you, if you have any further queries please email

Banco de Mexico FIDERH Scholarship

Brunel University London and the Mexican Fund for Human Resources Development (FIDERH) have partnered to provide full time students on Postgraduate taught and Postgraduate research courses with a 15% discount on tuition fee’s. The Scholarship is for Mexican students in receipt of a loan or financial support from FIDERH, a trust managed by the Central Bank of Mexico. The applicant should apply for the programme at Brunel in the usual way and apply for a FIDERH loan. More information regarding the application process and deadlines can be found on the FIDERH website.
Postgraduate, Postgraduate Research 15% discount

British Council Scholarship for Women in STEM Terms and Conditions 2021/22

Brunel is proud to support the British Council Scholarship for Women in STEM. For 2021 we are offering eight fully funded scholarships for female students from the South Asia region (eligible countries only) as part of the British Council Scholarship for Women in STEM. We are looking for women with a background in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) who can demonstrate their need for financial support and who wish to inspire future generations of women to pursue careers in STEM. This scholarship is only available to full-time international students only and will only be paid once for each eligible level of study, subject to meeting progression requirements.
Postgraduate Varies

Brunel Family Discount Terms and Conditions 2021/22

Brunel University London is proud to offer a discount of 10% off the tuition fees for every year of the course for any new applicant registering onto a course in 2021/22, who has a: Direct family connection to a student enrolled at the University (‘Current Student’)  Direct family connection to a ‘Graduate/Alumni’ of the University  Registering at Brunel in the same entry year as their sibling. Direct family connection to a current member of staff at Brunel University London (‘Current Staff’) Please see the University discount table in the 2021/22 Student Financial Policy for further information on types of funding and discounts available.
Postgraduate, Undergraduate, Postgraduate Research 10% Discount

Brunel Graduate Discount

Postgraduate, Postgraduate Research 15% discount

Brunel Medical School International Scholarship Terms and Conditions 2022/23 (2022 ENTRY ONLY)

Brunel Medical School (BMS) is pleased to offer 5 prestigious scholarships for International students. The scholarship scheme is for overseas fee-paying applicants only and the awards will be based on merit.
Undergraduate £6,000

Brunel Sanctuary Scholarship Terms and Conditions 2021/22

The Brunel Sanctuary scholarship is an extremely important step towards enabling people who have fled persecution and are seeking asylum in the UK to be given the opportunity to attend higher education. The scholarship was introduced in 2018 and is open to refugees who have received an offer to study on a full time Undergraduate course starting in September 2021.
Undergraduate Please see the below.

Brunel University London Bursary Terms and Conditions 2021/22

The Brunel University London Bursary (BULB) is a cash award available to full-time Home fee paying students beginning Undergraduate courses at Brunel University London and the Brunel Pathway College (BPC) in September and aims to support students from low income households who are either mature or from an area of deprivation, as identified by the index of multiple deprivation (further details can be found below).
Undergraduate £1,000- £3,000

Care Leaver Bursary Terms and Conditions 2021/22

The Care Leaver Bursary is a cash award only available to all eligible students beginning a full-time Undergraduate course or a Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) at Brunel University London and the Brunel Pathway College (BPC) in September 2021.
Undergraduate £2,000 cash award

Chevening (External Scholarship) 2021/22


COLFUTURO Scholarship (Only eligible for Colombian applicants)

Two tuition fee discounts of 50% for two Masters or PhD students for a maximum of three years Plus 15% discount on tuition for all eligible COLFUTURO beneficiaries for a period of one year for Masters programmes and three years for PhD.For more information refer to the COLFUTURO website. Please click here.
Postgraduate, Postgraduate Research 15-50% discount.

College of Engineering, Design & Physical Sciences (CEDPS) Academic Excellence Scholarship Terms and Conditions 2021/22

Undergraduate £2000

Commonwealth Shared Scholarship (External Scholarship) 2021/22

Postgraduate Varies

Dean’s International Scholarship for Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy (Physical Therapy) and Life Sciences Terms and Conditions 2021/22

Postgraduate, Undergraduate £2,000

Doctoral research studentships

Research studentships may be available across the full range of our research activity. A studentships provides funding for your course fees (like a scholarship) and a stipend for you living expenses set by the Research Councils. Please note that award numbers and amounts vary each year and in each College. Check the Research Degree funding web page for details and eligibility information.
Postgraduate Research Varies

Ealing Trailfinders Rugby Scholarship Programme 2021/22

Undergraduate Varies

Early Payment Discount 2021/22

All students who are responsible for paying their own course fees in full, and who pay the full amount of fees due at or before their scheduled date of registration, may receive a early payment discount of 2% on the net course fee i.e after the application of any other discounts to which they may be entitled. Further details can be found in the Student Financial Policy.
Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Postgraduate Research 2% discount.

External Funding 2021/22

Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Postgraduate Research Varies

FINS SCHEME- Educational Loan for EU Students 2021/22

Undergraduate, Postgraduate Varies

International Excellence Scholarship 2021/22

Undergraduate, Postgraduate £6000

Life Long Learning Bursary Terms and Conditions 2021/22

Undergraduate Full fee waiver

MBA Scholarship (Full-time & Part-time) Terms and Conditions 2021/22

The Brunel Business School (BBS) are offering a number of prestigious scholarships for UK and overseas (including EU) applicants joining the Brunel MBA in September 2021 and January 2022 of the 2021/22 academic year. Brunel Pathway College (BPC) and Brunel Language Centre (BLC) students can apply for this scholarship after successful completion of their pre-masters course. Successful awardees may be expected to undertake specified duties as Brunel Ambassadors for the Brunel Business School (BBS). Activities might involve representing the MBA programme at internal and external marketing and recruitment events, providing guest talks and seminars to undergraduate/postgraduate students, providing reports on each event and writing a Brunel MBA Blog and/or other initiatives as appropriate. In addition, awardees will also be expected to assume mentoring responsibilities as required by BBS. Scholarship winners will be contacted by the MBA or Marketing team as and when participation is required.
Deadline: 5 August 2021 £7,000-£12,135

MSc Data Science & Analytics and MSc Artificial Intelligence Scholarship Terms and Conditions 2021/22

Deadline: 30 June 2021 Varies

Music Awards 2021/22

We offer a number of Music Awards each year. Awards enable you to continue your musical development whilst you are at University by covering all or part of the cost of individual professional vocal or instrumental tuition during your time at Brunel. Music award holders will receive up to ten hours of individual music tuition covered per year. For further information, visit the Music awards page.
Postgraduate, Undergraduate Varies

NSIRC Scholarship Terms and Conditions 2021/22

Deadline: 14 June 2021 Varies

PGCE Access Bursary Terms and Conditions 2021/22

Postgraduate £2,500

PhD Studentships 2021/22

Applications are invited for ONE full time PhD studentship for this project with Brunel Centre for Advanced Solidification Technology (BCAST), to be agreed at interview.
Postgraduate Research Varied

Postgraduate Academic Excellence Scholarship Terms and Conditions 2021/2

Postgraduate 15% discount

Postgraduate Care Leaver Bursary Terms and Conditions 2021/2

Deadline: 31 August 2021 £5000

Sports Scholarship Programme 2021/22

We have a history of supporting talented sportsmen and sportswomen that dates back to the 1960s. The Sports Scholarship Programme is more than just financial assistance; it is designed to the particular needs of athletes with outstanding sporting ability in higher education. For further details please visit our Sports scholarships page.
Undergraduate, Postgraduate Up to £3000

The Bernardine Evaristo Scholarship Terms and Conditions 2021/22

Deadline: 2 July 2021 100% tuition fee waiver.

Unpaid Placement Bursary Terms and Conditions (courses commencing 2021/22)

Undergraduate £3000

Urban Scholarship Terms and Conditions 2021/2

Deadline: 1 September 2021 £3,000